-------------------------- X M C O L O R version 1.0 -------------------------- by Ti Kan Xmcolor is a color mixer utility for the X Window System using the OSF/Motif interface. It is useful when setting up the color resources of various X applications, where you can browse the color database of pre-defined color names, or mix a custom color using the red, green and blue sliders. The desired color name is shown and can be cut-and-paste'ed into an editor. This utility is not architecture or OS platform dependent, and should be portable to any UNIX-compatible system supporting OSF/Motif and the X window system. Comments, suggestions, and bug reports about xmcolor are very welcome! Write to "ti@amb.org". WHERE TO GET XMMIX ------------------ The source code release of xmcolor v1.0 is available via Internet anonymous FTP. Location: (Instructions) ftp.x.org:/contrib/applications/xmcolor/xmcolor-1.0.README (gzip'd tar archive) ftp.x.org:/contrib/applications/xmcolor/xmcolor-1.0.tar.gz The package require the "gunzip" (GNU unzip) utility to uncompress. The source code to gzip/gunzip can be found on various FTP sites (such as prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu).