IGNOREPATH=/tmp:/dev:/root:/var/log:/var/lock:/var/tmp:/var/pid:/var/spool:/var/run:/home:/mnt:/usr/src STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y MODSSL_VER=2.8.18 APACHE_VER=1.3.31 PROGNAME="mod_ssl $MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER" DESC="\ mod_ssl (Apache module for SSL) \n\ \n\ mod_ssl provides provides strong cryptography for the Apache web \n\ server via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer \n\ Security (TLS v1). It is based on OpenSSL and provides support for \n\ all major security needs through HTTP. \n\ \n\ mod_ssl is written by Ralf S. Engelschall" BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Mark Post " SOURCE=http://www.modssl.org PKGNAME=mod_ssl-${MODSSL_VER}_${APACHE_VER}-s390-$BUILD TAG=OPT compile() { # we need the Apache source tree extract so we can generate some of the # components of the mod_ssl package cd $TMP tar -zxvf $CWD/apache_$APACHE_VER.tar.gz # build mod_ssl cd $TMP tar -zxvf $CWD/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER.tar.gz cd mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/ chown -R root.root . ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \ --with-crt=/etc/apache/mod_ssl/server.crt \ --with-key=/etc/apache/mod_ssl/server.key \ --with-patch=/usr/bin/patch # Pat says Enjoy this kludge! :-) echo "SSL_CFLAGS= -DSSL_ENGINE -DSSL_USE_SDBM" >> pkg.sslmod/Makefile make # go back to the Apache tree and generate the additional package components cd $TMP/apache_$APACHE_VER cat $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg/sslcfg.patch | patch -p0 cat $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.ssldoc/ssldoc.patch | patch -p0 cat $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslsup/sslsup.patch | patch -p0 zcat $CWD/../apache/apache.dbm.diff.gz | patch -p1 ( cd $TMP/apache_$APACHE_VER/src/support cat apachectl | sed -e "s|PIDFILE=/usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid|PIDFILE=/var/run/httpd.pid|g" | sed -e "s|HTTPD='/usr/local/apache/src/httpd'|HTTPD=/usr/sbin/httpd|g" > apachectl.new mv apachectl.new apachectl ) } install() { # install mod_ssl cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/ make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER cp ANNOUNCE CREDITS INSTALL LICENSE NEWS README* \ /usr/doc/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER # install the other components for this package cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl.crt mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl.csr mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl.prm mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl.crl mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl.key ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg cp README.CRT Makefile.crt ca-bundle.crt snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt \ snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt snakeoil-rsa.crt snakeoil-dsa.crt \ server.crt /etc/apache/ssl.crt ) ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg cp README.CSR server.csr /etc/apache/ssl.csr ) ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg cp README.PRM snakeoil-ca-dsa.prm snakeoil-dsa.prm /etc/apache/ssl.prm ) ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg cp Makefile.crl README.CRL /etc/apache/ssl.crl ) ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.sslcfg cp README.KEY snakeoil-ca-rsa.key snakeoil-ca-dsa.key snakeoil-rsa.key \ snakeoil-dsa.key server.key /etc/apache/ssl.key ) mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/manual/mod/mod_ssl ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.ssldoc cp index.html ssl_* /var/www/htdocs/manual/mod/mod_ssl ) ( cd $TMP/mod_ssl-$MODSSL_VER-$APACHE_VER/pkg.ssldoc cp apache_pb.gif feather.jpg mod_ssl_sb.gif openssl_ics.gif \ /var/www/htdocs/manual/images ) mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/manual mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/manual/mod ( cd $TMP/apache_$APACHE_VER/htdocs cp index.html.en /var/www/htdocs/ ) ( cd $TMP/apache_$APACHE_VER/htdocs/manual/mod cp index.html.en index-bytype.html.en directives.html.en /var/www/htdocs/manual/mod ) # Add the modified apachectl script # This is a point of overlap with the apache package, so we'll make it # a symlink so that it's less of a trap for the unsuspecting admin: ( cd $TMP/apache_$APACHE_VER/src/support cp apachectl /usr/sbin/apachectl-mod_ssl cd /usr/sbin ln -sf apachectl-mod_ssl apachectl ) # Make key files that we wouldn't want overwritten use .new: for file in \ /etc/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt \ /etc/apache/ssl.csr/server.csr \ /etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key ; do mv $file ${file}.new done } attributes() { chmod 700 $PKG/etc/apache/ssl.key } special() { cd $CTL cat $CWD/slack-desc >> slack-desc mv doinst.sh doinst.sh.save cd $PKG tar -zxvpf $CWD/_mod_ssl.tar.gz var/ install/ cat install/doinst.sh.save >> install/doinst.sh rm install/doinst.sh.save cp -p $CWD/mod_ssl.conf.example etc/apache/mod_ssl.conf.new }