// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s template void f0(int (&array)[N]); // expected-note {{candidate template ignored: could not match 'int' against 'char'}} // Simple function template specialization (using overloading) template<> void f0(int (&array)[1]); void test_f0() { int iarr1[1]; f0(iarr1); } // Function template specialization where there are no matches template<> void f0(char (&array)[1]); // expected-error{{no function template matches}} template<> void f0<2>(int (&array)[2]) { } // Function template specialization that requires partial ordering template void f1(T (&array)[N]); // expected-note{{matches}} template void f1(int (&array)[N]); // expected-note{{matches}} template<> void f1(float (&array)[1]); template<> void f1(int (&array)[1]); // Function template specialization that results in an ambiguity template void f1(T (&array)[17]); // expected-note{{matches}} template<> void f1(int (&array)[17]); // expected-error{{ambiguous}} // Resolving that ambiguity with explicitly-specified template arguments. template void f2(double (&array)[N]); template void f2(T (&array)[42]); template<> void f2(double (&array)[42]); template<> void f2<42>(double (&array)[42]); void f2<25>(double (&array)[25]); // expected-error{{specialization}} // PR5833 namespace PR5833 { template bool f0(T &t1); template <> bool f0(float &t1); } template <> bool PR5833::f0(float &t1) {} // PR8295 namespace PR8295 { template void f(T t) {} template void f(T* t) {} // expected-error{{function template partial specialization is not allowed}} } class Foo { template static void Bar(const T& input); // Don't crash here. template<> static void Bar(const long& input) {} // expected-warning{{explicit specialization cannot have a storage class}} };