// RUN: rm -rf %t // RUN: mkdir %t // RUN: echo 'module foo { module a {} module b {} } module bar {} module if {}' > %t/module.map // RUN: %clang -cc1 -fmodules -fmodule-name=if -x c %t/module.map -emit-module -o %t/if.pcm // RUN: %clang -cc1 -E -fmodules %s -fmodule-file=%t/if.pcm -verify -fmodule-name=foo -fmodule-map-file=%t/module.map // RUN: %clang -cc1 -E -fmodules %s -fmodule-file=%t/if.pcm -verify -fmodule-name=foo -fmodule-map-file=%t/module.map -fmodules-local-submodule-visibility -DLOCAL_VIS // Just checking the syntax here; the semantics are tested elsewhere. #pragma clang module import // expected-error {{expected module name}} #pragma clang module import ! // expected-error {{expected module name}} #pragma clang module import if // ok #pragma clang module import foo ? bar // expected-warning {{extra tokens at end of #pragma}} #pragma clang module import foo. // expected-error {{expected identifier after '.' in module name}} #pragma clang module import foo.bar.baz.quux // expected-error {{no submodule named 'bar' in module 'foo'}} #pragma clang module begin ! // expected-error {{expected module name}} #pragma clang module begin foo.a blah // expected-warning {{extra tokens}} #pragma clang module begin foo.a // nesting is OK #define X 1 // expected-note 0-1{{previous}} #ifndef X #error X should be defined here #endif #pragma clang module end #ifndef X #error X should still be defined #endif #pragma clang module end foo.a // expected-warning {{extra tokens}} // #pragma clang module begin/end also import the module into the enclosing context #ifndef X #error X should still be defined #endif #pragma clang module begin foo.b #if defined(X) && defined(LOCAL_VIS) #error under -fmodules-local-submodule-visibility, X should not be defined #endif #if !defined(X) && !defined(LOCAL_VIS) #error without -fmodules-local-submodule-visibility, X should still be defined #endif #pragma clang module import foo.a #ifndef X #error X should be defined here #endif #pragma clang module end #pragma clang module end // expected-error {{no matching '#pragma clang module begin'}} #pragma clang module begin foo.a // expected-error {{no matching '#pragma clang module end'}}