// RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv5 %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V5 // CHECK-V5: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 5 // CHECK-V5: #define __HEXAGON_V5__ 1 // CHECK-V5-NOT: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ // CHECK-V5-NOT: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V5: #define __hexagon__ 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv55 %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V55 // CHECK-V55: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 55 // CHECK-V55: #define __HEXAGON_V55__ 1 // CHECK-V55-NOT: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ // CHECK-V55-NOT: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V55: #define __hexagon__ 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv60 %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V60 // CHECK-V60: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 60 // CHECK-V60: #define __HEXAGON_V60__ 1 // CHECK-V60-NOT: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ // CHECK-V60-NOT: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V60: #define __hexagon__ 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv62 %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V62 // CHECK-V62: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 62 // CHECK-V62: #define __HEXAGON_V62__ 1 // CHECK-V62-NOT: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ // CHECK-V62-NOT: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V62: #define __hexagon__ 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv65 %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-V65 // CHECK-V65: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 65 // CHECK-V65: #define __HEXAGON_V65__ 1 // CHECK-V65-NOT: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ // CHECK-V65-NOT: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V65: #define __hexagon__ 1 // The HVX flags are explicitly defined by the driver. // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv60 \ // RUN: -target-feature +hvxv60 -target-feature +hvx-length64b %s | FileCheck \ // RUN: %s -check-prefix CHECK-V60HVX-64B // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 60 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __HEXAGON_V60__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B-NOT: #define __HVXDBL__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __HVX_ARCH__ 60 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ 64 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-64B: #define __hexagon__ 1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -E -dM -triple hexagon-unknown-elf -target-cpu hexagonv60 \ // RUN: -target-feature +hvxv60 -target-feature +hvx-length128b %s | FileCheck \ // RUN: %s -check-prefix CHECK-V60HVX-128B // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HEXAGON_ARCH__ 60 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HEXAGON_V60__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HVXDBL__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HVX_ARCH__ 60 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HVX_LENGTH__ 128 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __HVX__ 1 // CHECK-V60HVX-128B: #define __hexagon__ 1