// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -triple armv7k-apple-darwin-watchos -fdump-record-layouts %s | FileCheck %s // WatchOS, 64-bit iOS, and WebAssembly use the C++11 definition of POD to // determine whether we can reuse the tail padding of a struct (POD is // "trivially copyable and standard layout"). The definition of standard // layout changed some time around C++17; check that we still use the old // ABI rule. // B is not standard-layout, but it was under C++11's rule, so we pack // C::d into its tail padding anyway. struct A { int : 0; }; struct B : A { int n; char c[3]; }; struct C : B { char d; }; int c = sizeof(C); static_assert(!__is_standard_layout(B)); // CHECK:*** Dumping AST Record Layout // CHECK: 0 | struct C // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | struct B (base) // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | struct A (base) (empty) // CHECK-NEXT: 0:- | int // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | int n // CHECK-NEXT: 4 | char [3] c // CHECK-NEXT: 8 | char d // CHECK-NEXT: | [sizeof=12, dsize=9, align=4, // CHECK-NEXT: | nvsize=9, nvalign=4] // F is not standard-layout due to the repeated D base class, but it was under // C++11's rule, so we pack G::d into its tail padding anyway. struct D {}; struct E : D {}; struct F : D, E { int n; char c[3]; }; struct G : F { G(const G&); char d; }; int g = sizeof(G); static_assert(!__is_standard_layout(F)); // CHECK:*** Dumping AST Record Layout // CHECK: 0 | struct G // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | struct F (base) // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | struct D (base) (empty) // CHECK-NEXT: 1 | struct E (base) (empty) // CHECK-NEXT: 1 | struct D (base) (empty) // CHECK-NEXT: 0 | int n // CHECK-NEXT: 4 | char [3] c // CHECK-NEXT: 8 | char d // CHECK-NEXT: | [sizeof=12, dsize=9, align=4, // CHECK-NEXT: | nvsize=9, nvalign=4]