# Makefile for cdlabelgen SHELL = /bin/bash VERSION = 4.1.0 ZIPVERSION = 410 # for 2.0.0, use 200, etc - note - lines above should have no spaces at end # Where you want cdlabelgen and related files to be # Change these to locations you need, also # remember to edit cdlabelgen and its @where_is_the_template as needed. BASE_DIR = /home/ken/Downloads/deps/cdlabelgen/4.1.0/tmp/package-cdlabelgen/usr # BASE_DIR = /usr/local # BASE_DIR = /opt BIN_DIR = $(BASE_DIR)/bin LIB_DIR = $(BASE_DIR)/share/cdlabelgen MAN_DIR = $(BASE_DIR)/share/man SOURCES = cdlabelgen ChangeLog INSTALL README Makefile ../cdinsert.pl INSTALL.WEB cdlabelgen.pod cdlabelgen.1 cdlabelgen.html spec.template POSTSCRIPT = template.ps *.eps DISTFILES = $(SOURCES) $(POSTSCRIPT) # just use 'cp -a' if you don't have install... INSTALL := install -m 0755 INSTALL_DIR := install -d -m 0755 INSTALL_FILE := install -m 0644 # Makefile macros.... #1. $@ is the name of the file to be made. #2. $? is the names of the changed dependents. #3. $< the name of the related file that caused the action. #4. $* the prefix shared by target and dependent files. # --------------- # rpmbuild creates packages here, should be writeable by CGI user/group RPM_TOPDIR := /usr/src/redhat # --------------- all: cdlabelgen.html cdlabelgen.1 cdlabelgen.html: cdlabelgen.pod pod2html --outfile=$@ --infile=$? rm -f pod2html-dircache pod2html-itemcache pod2htm?.??? cdlabelgen.1: cdlabelgen.pod pod2man $? $@ ### install: all @echo "Installing cdlabelgen in $(BIN_DIR) and $(LIB_DIR)" @echo "" $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BIN_DIR) $(INSTALL) cdlabelgen $(BIN_DIR) $(INSTALL_FILE) cdlabelgen.1 $(MAN_DIR)/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) set -e; \ for file in $(POSTSCRIPT); do \ $(INSTALL_FILE) postscript/$$file $(LIB_DIR)/; \ done @echo "** Done. Check $(BIN_DIR)/cdlabelgen and fix @where_is_the_template - if needed!" cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).spec: spec.template sed -e "s/TAG_VERSION/$(VERSION)/" < $? > $@ dist: all cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).spec rm -rf cdlabelgen-$(VERSION) mkdir cdlabelgen-$(VERSION) mkdir cdlabelgen-$(VERSION)/postscript cp $(SOURCES) cdlabelgen-$(VERSION)/ mv cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).spec cdlabelgen-$(VERSION)/ cd postscript; cp $(POSTSCRIPT) ../cdlabelgen-$(VERSION)/postscript rm -f cdlbl$(ZIPVERSION).zip cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).tgz zip -r cdlbl$(ZIPVERSION) cdlabelgen-$(VERSION) tar cvzf cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).tgz cdlabelgen-$(VERSION) rm -rf cdlabelgen-$(VERSION) # On Ubuntu, the following command fails to create .rpm file, # and then errors on check files stage. # rpmbuild -ta cdlabelgen-$(VERSION).tgz # mv $(RPM_TOPDIR)/RPMS/noarch/cdlabelgen-$(VERSION)*noarch.rpm . clean: rm -f *.tgz *~