// // Little cms // Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Marti Maria // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Generic I/O, tag dictionary management, profile struct #include "lcms.h" // Memory-based stream --------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { LPBYTE Block; // Points to allocated memory size_t Size; // Size of allocated memory int Pointer; // Points to current location int FreeBlockOnClose; // As title } FILEMEM; static LPVOID MemoryOpen(LPBYTE Block, size_t Size, char Mode) { FILEMEM* fm = (FILEMEM*) _cmsMalloc(sizeof(FILEMEM)); if (fm == NULL) return NULL; ZeroMemory(fm, sizeof(FILEMEM)); if (Mode == 'r') { fm ->Block = (LPBYTE) _cmsMalloc(Size); if (fm ->Block == NULL) { _cmsFree(fm); return NULL; } CopyMemory(fm->Block, Block, Size); fm ->FreeBlockOnClose = TRUE; } else { fm ->Block = Block; fm ->FreeBlockOnClose = FALSE; } fm ->Size = Size; fm ->Pointer = 0; return (LPVOID) fm; } static size_t MemoryRead(LPVOID buffer, size_t size, size_t count, struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { FILEMEM* ResData = (FILEMEM*) Icc ->stream; LPBYTE Ptr; size_t len = size * count; if (ResData -> Pointer + len > ResData -> Size){ len = (ResData -> Size - ResData -> Pointer); cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Read from memory error. Got %d bytes, block should be of %d bytes", len * size, count * size); return 0; } Ptr = ResData -> Block; Ptr += ResData -> Pointer; CopyMemory(buffer, Ptr, len); ResData -> Pointer += (int) len; return count; } // SEEK_CUR is assumed static LCMSBOOL MemorySeek(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc, size_t offset) { FILEMEM* ResData = (FILEMEM*) Icc ->stream; if (offset > ResData ->Size) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Pointer error; probably corrupted file"); return TRUE; } ResData ->Pointer = (DWORD) offset; return FALSE; } // FTell static size_t MemoryTell(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { FILEMEM* ResData = (FILEMEM*) Icc ->stream; return ResData -> Pointer; } // Writes data to memory, also keeps used space for further reference. NO CHECK IS PERFORMED static LCMSBOOL MemoryWrite(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc, size_t size, void *Ptr) { FILEMEM* ResData = (FILEMEM*) Icc ->stream; if (size == 0) return TRUE; if (ResData != NULL) CopyMemory(ResData ->Block + Icc ->UsedSpace, Ptr, size); Icc->UsedSpace += size; return TRUE; } static LCMSBOOL MemoryClose(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { FILEMEM* ResData = (FILEMEM*) Icc ->stream; if (ResData ->FreeBlockOnClose) { if (ResData ->Block) _cmsFree(ResData ->Block); } _cmsFree(ResData); return 0; } // File-based stream ------------------------------------------------------- static LPVOID FileOpen(const char* filename) { return (void*) fopen(filename, "rb"); } static size_t FileRead(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { size_t nReaded = fread(buffer, size, count, (FILE*) Icc->stream); if (nReaded != count) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Read error. Got %d bytes, block should be of %d bytes", nReaded * size, count * size); return 0; } return nReaded; } static LCMSBOOL FileSeek(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc, size_t offset) { if (fseek((FILE*) Icc ->stream, (long) offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Seek error; probably corrupted file"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static size_t FileTell(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { return ftell((FILE*) Icc ->stream); } // Writes data to stream, also keeps used space for further reference static LCMSBOOL FileWrite(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc, size_t size, LPVOID Ptr) { if (size == 0) return TRUE; Icc->UsedSpace += size; if (Icc->stream == NULL) { return TRUE; } return (fwrite(Ptr, size, 1, (FILE*) Icc->stream) == 1); } static LCMSBOOL FileClose(struct _lcms_iccprofile_struct* Icc) { return fclose((FILE*) Icc ->stream); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates an empty structure holding all required parameters cmsHPROFILE _cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(void) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) _cmsMalloc(sizeof(LCMSICCPROFILE)); if (Icc == NULL) return NULL; // Empty values ZeroMemory(Icc, sizeof(LCMSICCPROFILE)); // Make sure illuminant is correct Icc ->Illuminant = *cmsD50_XYZ(); // Set it to empty Icc -> TagCount = 0; // Return the handle return (cmsHPROFILE) Icc; } // Return the number of tags icInt32Number LCMSEXPORT cmsGetTagCount(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return Icc->TagCount; } // Return the tag signature of a given tag number icTagSignature LCMSEXPORT cmsGetTagSignature(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icInt32Number n) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; if (n < 0 || n > Icc->TagCount) return (icTagSignature) 0; // Mark as not available return Icc ->TagNames[n]; } // Search for a specific tag in tag dictionary // Returns position or -1 if tag not found icInt32Number _cmsSearchTag(LPLCMSICCPROFILE Profile, icTagSignature sig, LCMSBOOL lSignalError) { icInt32Number i; if (sig == 0) return -1; // 0 identifies a special tag holding raw memory. for (i=0; i < Profile -> TagCount; i++) { if (sig == Profile -> TagNames[i]) return i; } if (lSignalError) cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Tag '%lx' not found", sig); return -1; } // Check existance LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT cmsIsTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; return _cmsSearchTag(Icc, sig, FALSE) >= 0; } // Search for a particular tag, replace if found or add new one else LPVOID _cmsInitTag(LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc, icTagSignature sig, size_t size, const void* Init) { LPVOID Ptr; icInt32Number i; i = _cmsSearchTag(Icc, sig, FALSE); if (i >=0) { if (Icc -> TagPtrs[i]) _cmsFree(Icc -> TagPtrs[i]); } else { i = Icc -> TagCount; Icc -> TagCount++; if (Icc ->TagCount >= MAX_TABLE_TAG) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Too many tags (%d)", MAX_TABLE_TAG); Icc ->TagCount = MAX_TABLE_TAG-1; return NULL; } } Ptr = _cmsMalloc(size); if (Ptr == NULL) return NULL; CopyMemory(Ptr, Init, size); Icc ->TagNames[i] = sig; Icc ->TagSizes[i] = size; Icc ->TagPtrs[i] = Ptr; return Ptr; } // Creates a profile from file read placeholder LPLCMSICCPROFILE _cmsCreateProfileFromFilePlaceholder(const char* FileName) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE NewIcc; LPVOID ICCfile = FileOpen(FileName); if (ICCfile == NULL) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "File '%s' not found", FileName); return NULL; } NewIcc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) _cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(); if (NewIcc == NULL) return NULL; strncpy(NewIcc -> PhysicalFile, FileName, MAX_PATH-1); NewIcc -> PhysicalFile[MAX_PATH-1] = 0; NewIcc ->stream = ICCfile; NewIcc ->Read = FileRead; NewIcc ->Seek = FileSeek; NewIcc ->Tell = FileTell; NewIcc ->Close = FileClose; NewIcc ->Write = NULL; NewIcc ->IsWrite = FALSE; return NewIcc; } // Creates a profile from memory read placeholder LPLCMSICCPROFILE _cmsCreateProfileFromMemPlaceholder(LPVOID MemPtr, DWORD dwSize) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE NewIcc; LPVOID ICCfile = MemoryOpen((LPBYTE) MemPtr, (size_t) dwSize, 'r'); if (ICCfile == NULL) { cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Couldn't allocate %ld bytes for profile", dwSize); return NULL; } NewIcc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) _cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(); if (NewIcc == NULL) return NULL; NewIcc -> PhysicalFile[0] = 0; NewIcc ->stream = ICCfile; NewIcc ->Read = MemoryRead; NewIcc ->Seek = MemorySeek; NewIcc ->Tell = MemoryTell; NewIcc ->Close = MemoryClose; NewIcc ->Write = NULL; NewIcc ->IsWrite = FALSE; return NewIcc; } // Turn a placeholder into file writter void _cmsSetSaveToDisk(LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc, const char* FileName) { if (FileName == NULL) { Icc ->stream = NULL; } else { Icc ->stream = fopen(FileName, "wb"); if (Icc ->stream == NULL) cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Couldn't write to file '%s'", FileName); } Icc ->Write = FileWrite; // Save to disk Icc ->Close = FileClose; } // Turn a placeholder into memory writter void _cmsSetSaveToMemory(LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc, LPVOID MemPtr, size_t dwSize) { if (MemPtr == NULL) { Icc ->stream = NULL; } else { Icc ->stream = (FILEMEM*) MemoryOpen((LPBYTE) MemPtr, dwSize, 'w'); if (Icc ->stream == NULL) cmsSignalError(LCMS_ERRC_ABORTED, "Couldn't write to memory"); } Icc ->Write = MemoryWrite; Icc ->Close = MemoryClose; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Set/Get several struct members LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeMediaWhitePoint(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; *Dest = Icc -> MediaWhitePoint; return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeMediaBlackPoint(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; *Dest = Icc -> MediaBlackPoint; return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeIluminant(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; *Dest = Icc -> Illuminant; return TRUE; } int LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeRenderingIntent(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return (int) Icc -> RenderingIntent; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetRenderingIntent(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int RenderingIntent) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> RenderingIntent = (icRenderingIntent) RenderingIntent; } DWORD LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeHeaderFlags(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return (DWORD) Icc -> flags; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetHeaderFlags(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, DWORD Flags) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> flags = (icUInt32Number) Flags; } DWORD LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeHeaderAttributes(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return (DWORD) Icc -> attributes; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetHeaderAttributes(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, DWORD Flags) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> attributes = (icUInt32Number) Flags; } const BYTE* LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeProfileID(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return Icc ->ProfileID; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetProfileID(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, LPBYTE ProfileID) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; CopyMemory(Icc -> ProfileID, ProfileID, 16); } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT cmsTakeCreationDateTime(struct tm *Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; CopyMemory(Dest, &Icc ->Created, sizeof(struct tm)); return TRUE; } icColorSpaceSignature LCMSEXPORT cmsGetPCS(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return Icc -> PCS; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetPCS(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icColorSpaceSignature pcs) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> PCS = pcs; } icColorSpaceSignature LCMSEXPORT cmsGetColorSpace(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return Icc -> ColorSpace; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetColorSpace(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icColorSpaceSignature sig) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> ColorSpace = sig; } icProfileClassSignature LCMSEXPORT cmsGetDeviceClass(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return Icc -> DeviceClass; } DWORD LCMSEXPORT cmsGetProfileICCversion(cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; return (DWORD) Icc -> Version; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetProfileICCversion(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, DWORD Version) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> Version = Version; } void LCMSEXPORT cmsSetDeviceClass(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icProfileClassSignature sig) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) hProfile; Icc -> DeviceClass = sig; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int SizeOfGammaTab(LPGAMMATABLE In) { return sizeof(GAMMATABLE) + (In -> nEntries - 1)*sizeof(WORD); } // Creates a phantom tag holding a memory block static LPVOID DupBlock(LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc, LPVOID Block, size_t size) { if (Block != NULL && size > 0) return _cmsInitTag(Icc, (icTagSignature) 0, size, Block); else return NULL; } // This is tricky, since LUT structs does have pointers LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddLUTTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, const void* lut) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; LPLUT Orig, Stored; unsigned int i; // The struct itself Orig = (LPLUT) lut; Stored = (LPLUT) _cmsInitTag(Icc, (icTagSignature) sig, sizeof(LUT), lut); // dup' the memory blocks for (i=0; i < Orig ->InputChan; i++) Stored -> L1[i] = (LPWORD) DupBlock(Icc, (LPWORD) Orig ->L1[i], sizeof(WORD) * Orig ->In16params.nSamples); for (i=0; i < Orig ->OutputChan; i++) Stored -> L2[i] = (LPWORD) DupBlock(Icc, (LPWORD) Orig ->L2[i], sizeof(WORD) * Orig ->Out16params.nSamples); Stored -> T = (LPWORD) DupBlock(Icc, (LPWORD) Orig ->T, Orig -> Tsize); // Zero any additional pointer Stored ->CLut16params.p8 = NULL; return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddXYZTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, const cmsCIEXYZ* XYZ) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(cmsCIEXYZ), XYZ); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddTextTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, const char* Text) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, strlen(Text)+1, (LPVOID) Text); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddGammaTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, LPGAMMATABLE TransferFunction) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, SizeOfGammaTab(TransferFunction), TransferFunction); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddChromaticityTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, LPcmsCIExyYTRIPLE Chrm) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(cmsCIExyYTRIPLE), Chrm); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddSequenceDescriptionTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, LPcmsSEQ pseq) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(int) + pseq -> n * sizeof(cmsPSEQDESC), pseq); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddNamedColorTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, LPcmsNAMEDCOLORLIST nc) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST) + (nc ->nColors - 1) * sizeof(cmsNAMEDCOLOR), nc); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddDateTimeTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, struct tm *DateTime) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(struct tm), DateTime); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddColorantTableTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, LPcmsNAMEDCOLORLIST nc) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, sizeof(cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST) + (nc ->nColors - 1) * sizeof(cmsNAMEDCOLOR), nc); return TRUE; } LCMSBOOL LCMSEXPORT _cmsAddChromaticAdaptationTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, const cmsCIEXYZ* mat) { LPLCMSICCPROFILE Icc = (LPLCMSICCPROFILE) (LPSTR) hProfile; _cmsInitTag(Icc, sig, 3*sizeof(cmsCIEXYZ), mat); return TRUE; }