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Not a pbm file! Not a pbmraw file! Illegal value '%s' for -C Illegal format '%s' for -g Illegal X value '%s' for -g Illegal Y value '%s' for -g Illegal format '%s' for -r 0Illegal format '%s' for -u Illegal format '%s' for -l Illegal value '%s' for -L Illegal X value '%d' for -u Illegal Y value '%d' for -u Illegal X value '%d' for -l Illegal Y value '%d' for -l cccrCan't open '%s' for reading Blank Page: %d %ld %ld EvenPage: %d %ld %ld Usage: foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file Convert Ghostscript pbmraw format to a monochrome ZJS stream, for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP laser printer. gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \ -sPAPERSIZE=letter -r600x600 -sDEVICE=pbmraw \ -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \ | foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >testpage.zm foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file Convert Ghostscript bitcmyk or pksmraw format to a color ZJS stream, for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP color laser printer N.B. Color correction is expected to be performed by ghostscript. gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \ -sPAPERSIZE=letter -g5100x6600 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=bitcmyk \ -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \ | foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >testpage.zc Normal Options: -c Force color mode if autodetect doesn't work -d duplex Duplex code to send to printer [%d] 1=off, 2=longedge, 3=shortedge -g x Set page dimensions in pixels [%dx%d] -m media Media code to send to printer [%d] 0=plain 1=labels 2=transparency -p paper Paper code to send to printer [%d] 1=A4, 2=letter, 3=legal, 5=A5, 6=B5, 7=A6, 8=envMonarch 9=envDL, 10=envC5, 11=env#10, 12=executive, 13=env#9 -n copies Number of copies [%d] -r x Set device resolution in pixels/inch [%dx%d] -s source Source code to send to printer [%d] 1=tray1 2=tray2 3=multi 4=manual Code numbers may vary with printer model -t Draft mode. Every other pixel is white. -J filename Filename string to send to printer [%s] -U username Username string to send to printer [%s] Printer Tweaking Options: -u x Set offset of upper left printable in pixels [%dx%d] -l x Set offset of lower right printable in pixels [%dx%d] -L mask Send logical clipping values from -u/-l in ZjStream [%d] 0=no, 1=Y, 2=X, 3=XY -A AllIsBlack: convert C=1,M=1,Y=1 to just K=1 -B BlackClears: K=1 forces C,M,Y to 0 -A, -B work with bitcmyk input only -P Do not output START_PLANE codes. May be needed by some some black and white only printers. -X padlen Add extra zero padding to the end of BID segments [%d] -Z compressed Use uncompressed (0) or compressed (1) data [%d] Debugging Options: -S plane Output just a single color plane from a color print [all] 1=Cyan, 2=Magenta, 3=Yellow, 4=Black -D lvl Set Debug level [%d] -V Version %s Premature EOF on input stream Premature EOF(1) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(2) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(3) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(4) on input at y=%d Premature EOF(5) on input at y=%d @PJL SET OKIJOBACCOUNTJOB USERID="%s" JOBNAME="%s" @PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA="DocumentName=%s" @PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA="ComputerName=%s" @PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA="ReceptionTime=%s" @PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA="PortName=%s" @PJL SET OKIAUTOTRAYSWITCH=ON @PJL SET OKIPAPERSIZECHECK=ENABLE @PJL SET OKITRAYSEQUENCE=PAPERFEEDTRAY @PJL SET OKIPAPERFEED=FRONTTRAY @PJL SET LPARM:PCL OKIPRINTMARGIN=INCH1D6 @PJL SET HIPERCEFFECTIVEBLOCKSIZE=%d Program error: missing BIH at start of chain Unable to allocate blank plane (%d bytes) Can't allocate space for chain First chunk must be BIH and 20 bytes long Can't allocate space for compressed data Premature EOF(pbm) on input stream BlackClears = %d; AnyColor = %s %s %s There is no or wrong JBIG header! Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d hdr, plane %d Image width changed from %d to %d on plane %d Image height changed from %d to %d on plane %d Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d data, plane %d Cannot allocate space for bit plane Unable to allocate page buffer of %d x %d = %d bytes cd:g:n:m:p:r:s:tu:l:L:ABPJ:S:U:X:Z:D:V?h:}:U7V:U7U7U7U7U7>:U79U7U7U79U7U79U7;:U7:U7:U7U7U7U7U7U7U7U7N;';U7U79U7U7U7U788l8U7E8U7777m7GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.comment.note.GNU-stack@> g` % ? +BX02B?2HH-RxXN \~ ZLYc^Y^Ys\  cHP!`8)0 >4T =t DCUP^f9qv0x%D @),20>J Val w P` :p  a%*4=D[4fPcr0I48X ,0HL)/ >7`?AK$W(b`"n0%y(&2 P)/p3`06$7 !'06<@`foo2hiperc.cgetintpageno.4377Versionskip_to_nlAnyColor.LC102rotate_bytes_180parse_xystrtoulfree_chainfreestart_page_uncompressedResXResYfwritestart_page_compressed_IO_getc__ctype_b_locungetcfscanfend_pageIsCUPSCopiesstderrfprintfusageUsernameFilenameDebugCompressedExtraPadLogicalClipLowerRightYLowerRightXUpperLeftYUpperLeftXSourceCodePaperCodeMediaCodePageHeightPageWidthDuplexexitend_docwrite_plane_uncompressedfputcerrorvfprintfpbm_headerread_and_clip_imagemallocfreadmemsetstart_docunametimelocaltimestrftimegetenvwrite_plane_compressedJbgOptionsoutput_jbigjbg_enc_initjbg_enc_optionsjbg_enc_outjbg_enc_freepbm_pageSaveTonerRealWidthblank_pagePageNummemcpydebugsetvbufpbm_pagesLogicalOffsetXLogicalOffsetYEvenPagesSeekIndexftellSeekRecMirror1cmyk_planesBlackClearsAllIsBlackwrite_planewrite_pageOutputStartPlanepksm_pageColor2Monopksm_pagessprintffopenfclosecmyk_pagecmyk_pagesMirror4do_oneModestdoutmaingetoptoptargstrtolputsoptindBpptmpfilefseek_IO_putcstdinEconoModeMirror2p 1N`e !""-$3%;J&['d(m)v*+,-. /0123!"4&"AFQV"w   7 ! 9& 4D \ h 8    8 <0 ,M Y 8b , =  > = , -% 1 8W =h t 8 - = ,  8 *=+78@*J\h8"$"%$"%"@.6"BAPBXlCx"D"8)/.:AHOV]dkry". 0$+2BJ"ejo w"12"3 INin!GLlq F8GEHJF\FeFnFwFIJK8>MFN'E ;`6k21-+,*<>PL8D8Q<<8)58C<{88&!S !9+)5-:UD,IVbWp3|WXYZWLWXYXZZZPR X8:H-Pk+w+},-*R<);3P<3BPJPqL[88[9]C^R>>h!n!s!x!}!!!!]!Ry""R""8###$$$8 %%8\%a%_%_%_%_%&_#&5&N>&RC&'&G&H&F&F&F&F&F&I&J&K'c'G'`Y'cg''''6(6E(`x((6((`)9)6^))h)-m)Uw),|)V)P)):*-*,&*=*+B*-L*+R***R*<+;++&7+d+3q+3+++++++R+P+W+X,Y,Z,W2,b7,W=,XE,YK,XS,a,Zh,Zs,Z|,P,R,X,,,3,,P-[#-3-P;-O-8r--8--8--e-.f@.H.gS.Pn.[..b..P.8..8#///Nh/R{/</N/\/'/& 0G50H:0FF0FO0FX0Fa0Fj0Ir0J}0K0c00`00e01f/171gA1cN111611111832^226262`3`O3w363)3-3U3,3V32313+3-3*3+4,64<4;4P434P434P4W4X4Y4Z4W4h5W 5X5Y5X5-5Z45Z?5ZH5PQ5RW5Xc5P5h5j55j555-568<6lG6T6`68h6u668666m6i6m6T66686m7d47@7oV7#b74i7 o7pv777,7-77p7787M7p7q7.7p888$8p,8<88F8p^8qc8/m8p8q8 8p8q808p888*8+88p9989p&91.9269D92T91c9pk9{989p9q9l9c9p9989a9a9p :q:):p%:5:8?:pM:%W:po:qt:&:]:]:^:^:p:q:':p:q:(::r ;4;p;$(;p@;qE;3P;l^;pf;v;8;p;;8;-;2;,;1;+;2;*;1<s<<D&<1<6<D@<'J<X<3l<ts<ux<W}<m<?<<f<k<g<W<P<X<Z=&=R:=WB=vS=W\=md=p=w=W=g=m=5=4==8==8=>8> >83>C>8M>xU>k`>Xh>Yo>Zt>W|>O>W>X>Y>X>>Z>Z>Z>P>R>X*  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|