/* GENERAL This program converts pbm (B/W) images and 1-bit-per-pixel cmyk images (both produced by ghostscript) to Zenographics ZJ-stream format. There is some information about the ZJS format at http://ddk.zeno.com. With this utility, you can print to some HP printers, such as these: - Oki C3200, C3300n, C3400n, C5100n, C5500n AUTHORS This program began life as Robert Szalai's 'pbmtozjs' program. It also uses Markus Kuhn's jbig-kit compression library (included, but also available at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/jbigkit/). The program was overhauled by Rick Richardson to limit data chunk size to 65536 bytes, add command line options, add color support, and other miscellaneous features. You can contact the current author at mailto:rick.richardson@comcast.net LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. If you want to use this program under different license conditions, then contact the author for an arrangement. It is possible that certain products which can be built using the jbig software module might form inventions protected by patent rights in some countries (e.g., by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the author does NOT include any licenses for any patents. In those countries where a patent license is required for certain applications of this software module, you will have to obtain such a license yourself. */ static char Version[] = "$Id: foo2hiperc.c,v 1.22 2008/02/06 18:51:51 rick Exp $"; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef linux #include #endif #include "jbig.h" #include "hiperc.h" /* * Command line options */ int Debug = 0; int ResX = 600; int ResY = 600; int Bpp = 1; int PaperCode = 2; //DMPAPER_LETTER; int PageWidth = 600 * 8.5; int PageHeight = 600 * 11; int UpperLeftX = 0; int UpperLeftY = 0; int LowerRightX = 0; int LowerRightY = 0; int Copies = 1; int Duplex = DMDUPLEX_OFF; int SourceCode = DMBIN_AUTO; int MediaCode = DMMEDIA_PLAIN; char *Username = NULL; char *Filename = NULL; int Mode = 1; #define MODE_MONO 1 #define MODE_COLOR 2 int Color2Mono = 0; int BlackClears = 0; int AllIsBlack = 0; int OutputStartPlane = 1; int ExtraPad = 16; int LogicalOffsetX = 0; int LogicalOffsetY = 0; #define LOGICAL_CLIP_X 2 #define LOGICAL_CLIP_Y 1 int LogicalClip = LOGICAL_CLIP_X | LOGICAL_CLIP_Y; int SaveToner = 0; int PageNum = 0; int RealWidth; int EconoMode = 0; int Compressed = 0; int IsCUPS = 0; FILE *EvenPages = NULL; typedef struct { off_t b, e; } SEEKREC; SEEKREC SeekRec[2000]; int SeekIndex = 0; long JbgOptions[5] = { /* Order */ 0, //JBG_ILEAVE | JBG_SMID, /* Options */ JBG_DELAY_AT | JBG_LRLTWO | JBG_TPBON, /* L0 */ 256, /* MX */ 16, /* MY */ 0 }; void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n" " foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file\n" "\n" " Convert Ghostscript pbmraw format to a monochrome ZJS stream,\n" " for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP laser printer.\n" "\n" " gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \\ \n" " -sPAPERSIZE=letter -r600x600 -sDEVICE=pbmraw \\ \n" " -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \\ \n" " | foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >testpage.zm\n" "\n" " foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file\n" " foo2hiperc [options] hiperc-file\n" "\n" " Convert Ghostscript bitcmyk or pksmraw format to a color ZJS stream,\n" " for driving the HP LaserJet M1005 MFP color laser printer\n" " N.B. Color correction is expected to be performed by ghostscript.\n" "\n" " gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE \\ \n" " -sPAPERSIZE=letter -g5100x6600 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=bitcmyk \\ \n" " -sOutputFile=- - < testpage.ps \\ \n" " | foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >testpage.zc\n" "\n" "Normal Options:\n" "-c Force color mode if autodetect doesn't work\n" "-d duplex Duplex code to send to printer [%d]\n" " 1=off, 2=longedge, 3=shortedge\n" "-g x Set page dimensions in pixels [%dx%d]\n" "-m media Media code to send to printer [%d]\n" " 0=plain 1=labels 2=transparency\n" "-p paper Paper code to send to printer [%d]\n" " 1=A4, 2=letter, 3=legal, 5=A5, 6=B5, 7=A6, 8=envMonarch\n" " 9=envDL, 10=envC5, 11=env#10, 12=executive, 13=env#9\n" "-n copies Number of copies [%d]\n" "-r x Set device resolution in pixels/inch [%dx%d]\n" "-s source Source code to send to printer [%d]\n" " 1=tray1 2=tray2 3=multi 4=manual\n" " Code numbers may vary with printer model\n" "-t Draft mode. Every other pixel is white.\n" "-J filename Filename string to send to printer [%s]\n" "-U username Username string to send to printer [%s]\n" "\n" "Printer Tweaking Options:\n" "-u x Set offset of upper left printable in pixels [%dx%d]\n" "-l x Set offset of lower right printable in pixels [%dx%d]\n" "-L mask Send logical clipping values from -u/-l in ZjStream [%d]\n" " 0=no, 1=Y, 2=X, 3=XY\n" "-A AllIsBlack: convert C=1,M=1,Y=1 to just K=1\n" "-B BlackClears: K=1 forces C,M,Y to 0\n" " -A, -B work with bitcmyk input only\n" "-P Do not output START_PLANE codes. May be needed by some\n" " some black and white only printers.\n" "-X padlen Add extra zero padding to the end of BID segments [%d]\n" "-Z compressed Use uncompressed (0) or compressed (1) data [%d]\n" "\n" "Debugging Options:\n" "-S plane Output just a single color plane from a color print [all]\n" " 1=Cyan, 2=Magenta, 3=Yellow, 4=Black\n" "-D lvl Set Debug level [%d]\n" "-V Version %s\n" , Duplex , PageWidth , PageHeight , MediaCode , PaperCode , Copies , ResX , ResY , SourceCode , Filename ? Filename : "" , Username ? Username : "" , UpperLeftX , UpperLeftY , LowerRightX , LowerRightY , LogicalClip , ExtraPad , Compressed , Debug , Version ); exit(1); } /* * Mirror1: bits 01234567 become 76543210 */ unsigned char Mirror1[256] = { 0,128, 64,192, 32,160, 96,224, 16,144, 80,208, 48,176,112,240, 8,136, 72,200, 40,168,104,232, 24,152, 88,216, 56,184,120,248, 4,132, 68,196, 36,164,100,228, 20,148, 84,212, 52,180,116,244, 12,140, 76,204, 44,172,108,236, 28,156, 92,220, 60,188,124,252, 2,130, 66,194, 34,162, 98,226, 18,146, 82,210, 50,178,114,242, 10,138, 74,202, 42,170,106,234, 26,154, 90,218, 58,186,122,250, 6,134, 70,198, 38,166,102,230, 22,150, 86,214, 54,182,118,246, 14,142, 78,206, 46,174,110,238, 30,158, 94,222, 62,190,126,254, 1,129, 65,193, 33,161, 97,225, 17,145, 81,209, 49,177,113,241, 9,137, 73,201, 41,169,105,233, 25,153, 89,217, 57,185,121,249, 5,133, 69,197, 37,165,101,229, 21,149, 85,213, 53,181,117,245, 13,141, 77,205, 45,173,109,237, 29,157, 93,221, 61,189,125,253, 3,131, 67,195, 35,163, 99,227, 19,147, 83,211, 51,179,115,243, 11,139, 75,203, 43,171,107,235, 27,155, 91,219, 59,187,123,251, 7,135, 71,199, 39,167,103,231, 23,151, 87,215, 55,183,119,247, 15,143, 79,207, 47,175,111,239, 31,159, 95,223, 63,191,127,255, }; /* * Mirror2: bits 01234567 become 67452301 */ unsigned char Mirror2[256] = { 0, 64,128,192, 16, 80,144,208, 32, 96,160,224, 48,112,176,240, 4, 68,132,196, 20, 84,148,212, 36,100,164,228, 52,116,180,244, 8, 72,136,200, 24, 88,152,216, 40,104,168,232, 56,120,184,248, 12, 76,140,204, 28, 92,156,220, 44,108,172,236, 60,124,188,252, 1, 65,129,193, 17, 81,145,209, 33, 97,161,225, 49,113,177,241, 5, 69,133,197, 21, 85,149,213, 37,101,165,229, 53,117,181,245, 9, 73,137,201, 25, 89,153,217, 41,105,169,233, 57,121,185,249, 13, 77,141,205, 29, 93,157,221, 45,109,173,237, 61,125,189,253, 2, 66,130,194, 18, 82,146,210, 34, 98,162,226, 50,114,178,242, 6, 70,134,198, 22, 86,150,214, 38,102,166,230, 54,118,182,246, 10, 74,138,202, 26, 90,154,218, 42,106,170,234, 58,122,186,250, 14, 78,142,206, 30, 94,158,222, 46,110,174,238, 62,126,190,254, 3, 67,131,195, 19, 83,147,211, 35, 99,163,227, 51,115,179,243, 7, 71,135,199, 23, 87,151,215, 39,103,167,231, 55,119,183,247, 11, 75,139,203, 27, 91,155,219, 43,107,171,235, 59,123,187,251, 15, 79,143,207, 31, 95,159,223, 47,111,175,239, 63,127,191,255, }; /* * Mirror4: bits 01234567 become 45670123 */ unsigned char Mirror4[256] = { 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,176,192,208,224,240, 1, 17, 33, 49, 65, 81, 97,113,129,145,161,177,193,209,225,241, 2, 18, 34, 50, 66, 82, 98,114,130,146,162,178,194,210,226,242, 3, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83, 99,115,131,147,163,179,195,211,227,243, 4, 20, 36, 52, 68, 84,100,116,132,148,164,180,196,212,228,244, 5, 21, 37, 53, 69, 85,101,117,133,149,165,181,197,213,229,245, 6, 22, 38, 54, 70, 86,102,118,134,150,166,182,198,214,230,246, 7, 23, 39, 55, 71, 87,103,119,135,151,167,183,199,215,231,247, 8, 24, 40, 56, 72, 88,104,120,136,152,168,184,200,216,232,248, 9, 25, 41, 57, 73, 89,105,121,137,153,169,185,201,217,233,249, 10, 26, 42, 58, 74, 90,106,122,138,154,170,186,202,218,234,250, 11, 27, 43, 59, 75, 91,107,123,139,155,171,187,203,219,235,251, 12, 28, 44, 60, 76, 92,108,124,140,156,172,188,204,220,236,252, 13, 29, 45, 61, 77, 93,109,125,141,157,173,189,205,221,237,253, 14, 30, 46, 62, 78, 94,110,126,142,158,174,190,206,222,238,254, 15, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95,111,127,143,159,175,191,207,223,239,255, }; void rotate_bytes_180(unsigned char *sp, unsigned char *ep, unsigned char *mirror) { unsigned char tmp; while (sp < ep) { tmp = mirror[*sp]; *sp = mirror[*ep]; *ep = tmp; ++sp; --ep; } if (sp == ep) *sp = mirror[*sp]; } void debug(int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (Debug < level) return; setvbuf(stderr, (char *) NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void error(int fatal, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (fatal) exit(fatal); } /* * A linked list of compressed data */ typedef struct _BIE_CHAIN{ unsigned char *data; size_t len; struct _BIE_CHAIN *next; } BIE_CHAIN; void free_chain(BIE_CHAIN *chain) { BIE_CHAIN *next; next = chain; while ((chain = next)) { next = chain->next; if (chain->data) free(chain->data); free(chain); } } /* * This creates a linked list of compressed data. The first item * in the list is the BIH and is always 20 bytes in size. Each following * item is 65536 bytes in length. The last item length is whatever remains. */ void output_jbig(unsigned char *start, size_t len, void *cbarg) { BIE_CHAIN *current, **root = (BIE_CHAIN **) cbarg; int size = 0x80000; // Printer does strange things otherwise. if ( (*root) == NULL) { (*root) = malloc(sizeof(BIE_CHAIN)); if (!(*root)) error(1, "Can't allocate space for chain\n"); (*root)->data = NULL; (*root)->next = NULL; (*root)->len = 0; size = 20; if (len != 20) error(1, "First chunk must be BIH and 20 bytes long\n"); } current = *root; while (current->next) current = current->next; while (len > 0) { int amt, left; if (!current->data) { current->data = malloc(size); if (!current->data) error(1, "Can't allocate space for compressed data\n"); } left = size - current->len; amt = (len > left) ? left : len; memcpy(current->data + current->len, start, amt); current->len += amt; len -= amt; start += amt; if (current->len == size) { current->next = malloc(sizeof(BIE_CHAIN)); if (!current->next) error(1, "Can't allocate space for chain\n"); current = current->next; current->data = NULL; current->next = NULL; current->len = 0; } } } void start_page_compressed(int nbie, int w, int h, int plane, unsigned char *bih, FILE *ofp) { int h256 = ((h + 255) / 256) * 256; DWORD rec[13]; rec[0] = be32(52); //reclen=52 rec[1] = be32(0); //rectype=0 rec[2] = be32(16); //block0: len=16 //rec[3] = be32( (1<<24) + (plane<<16) + (128<<8) + 17); //block0: data if (ResX == 300) rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + (128<<8) + 0); else if (ResY == 1200) rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + (128<<8) + 33); else rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + (128<<8) + 17); rec[4] = be32(w); //block0: width rec[5] = be32(0); //block0: data rec[6] = be32(0x10000000); //block0: data rec[7] = be32(20); //block1: len=20 fwrite(rec, 32, 1, ofp); ((DWORD *) bih)[2] = be32(h256); fwrite(bih, 20, 1, ofp); } void write_plane_compressed(int nbie, unsigned char *buf, int w, int h, int plane, FILE *ofp) { int y; int ns = 256; for (y = 0; y < h; y += ns) { struct jbg_enc_state se; BIE_CHAIN *chain; BIE_CHAIN *current; unsigned char *bitmaps[1]; int lines = (h-y) > ns ? ns : (h-y); int chainlen; DWORD rec[5]; bitmaps[0] = buf + y * ((w+7)/8); chain = NULL; JbgOptions[2] = (lines < ns) ? lines : ns; jbg_enc_init(&se, w, lines, 1, bitmaps, output_jbig, &chain); jbg_enc_options(&se, JbgOptions[0], JbgOptions[1], JbgOptions[2], JbgOptions[3], JbgOptions[4]); jbg_enc_out(&se); jbg_enc_free(&se); if (chain->len != 20) error(1,"Program error: missing BIH at start of chain\n"); if (y == 0) start_page_compressed(nbie, w, h, plane, chain->data, ofp); chainlen = 0; for (current = chain->next; current; current = current->next) chainlen += current->len; rec[0] = be32(chainlen + 20); //reclen rec[1] = be32(1); //rectype=1 rec[2] = be32(4); //block0: len=4 rec[3] = be32(plane << 24); //block0: black rec[4] = be32(chainlen); //block1: len fwrite(rec, 20, 1, ofp); for (current = chain->next; current; current = current->next) fwrite(current->data, 1, current->len, ofp); } } int write_plane(int pn, BIE_CHAIN **root, FILE *ofp) { BIE_CHAIN *current = *root; BIE_CHAIN *next; int len; int w, h; int stripe = 0; debug(3, "Write Plane %d\n", pn); /* error handling */ if (!current) error(1,"There is no JBIG!\n"); if (!current->next) error(1,"There is no or wrong JBIG header!\n"); if (current->len != 20) error(1,"wrong BIH length\n"); w = (((long) current->data[ 4] << 24) | ((long) current->data[ 5] << 16) | ((long) current->data[ 6] << 8) | (long) current->data[ 7]); h = (((long) current->data[ 8] << 24) | ((long) current->data[ 9] << 16) | ((long) current->data[10] << 8) | (long) current->data[11]); start_page_compressed(1, w, h, pn-1, current->data, ofp); for (current = (*root)->next; current && current->len; current = current->next) { DWORD rec[5]; int blklen = current->len; unsigned char *buf = current->data; int plane = pn - 1; int y = 0; len = current->len; next = current->next; ++stripe; rec[0] = be32(blklen + 20); //reclen rec[1] = be32(1); //rectype=1 rec[2] = be32(4); //block0: len=4 rec[3] = be32(plane << 24); //block0: black rec[4] = be32(blklen); //block1: len fwrite(rec, 20, 1, ofp); fwrite(buf + y*(w/8), 1, blklen, ofp); } free_chain(*root); return 0; } void end_page(FILE *ofp) { DWORD rec[2]; static int pageno = 0; rec[0] = be32(8); //reclen=8 rec[1] = be32(255); //rectype=255 fwrite(rec, 8, 1, ofp); ++pageno; if (IsCUPS) fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d %d\n", pageno, Copies); } void start_page_uncompressed(int nbie, int w, int h, int plane, FILE *ofp) { DWORD rec[13]; int h256 = ((h + 255) / 256) * 256; rec[0] = be32(52); //reclen=52 rec[1] = be32(0); //rectype=0 rec[2] = be32(16); //block0: len=16 if (ResX == 300) rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + 0); //block0: data else if (ResY == 1200) rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + 33); //block0: data else rec[3] = be32( (nbie<<24) + (plane<<16) + 17); //block0: data rec[4] = be32(w); //block0: width rec[5] = be32(0); //block0: data rec[6] = be32(0); //block0: data rec[7] = be32(20); //block1: len=20 rec[8] = be32(0x30303130); //block1: "0010" rec[9] = be32(w); //block1: width rec[10] = be32(h256); //block1: height rec[11] = be32(256); //block1: rows rec[12] = be32(0); //block1: data fwrite(rec, 52, 1, ofp); } void write_plane_uncompressed(unsigned char *buf, int w, int h, int plane, FILE *ofp) { int h256 = ((h + 255) / 256) * 256; int w256 = 256 * w/8; int x, y; int blklen; DWORD rec[5]; for (y = 0; y < h; y += 256) { if ((y+256) <= h) blklen = 256 * w/8; else blklen = (h - y) * w/8; rec[0] = be32(w256 + 20); //reclen rec[1] = be32(1); //rectype=1 rec[2] = be32(4); //block0: len=4 rec[3] = be32(plane << 24); //block0: black rec[4] = be32(w256); //block1: len fwrite(rec, 20, 1, ofp); fwrite(buf + y*(w/8), 1, blklen, ofp); } // Pad to 256 lines... for (y = h; y < h256; ++y) for (x = 0; x < w/8; ++x) fputc(0, ofp); } int write_page(BIE_CHAIN **root, BIE_CHAIN **root2, BIE_CHAIN **root3, BIE_CHAIN **root4, FILE *ofp) { int nbie = root2 ? 4 : 1; // start_page(root, nbie, ofp); if (root) { if (OutputStartPlane) write_plane(nbie == 1 ? 4 : 1, root, ofp); else write_plane(nbie == 1 ? 0 : 1, root, ofp); } if (root2) write_plane(2, root2, ofp); if (root3) write_plane(3, root3, ofp); if (root4) write_plane(4, root4, ofp); end_page(ofp); return 0; } void start_doc(FILE *ofp) { time_t now; struct tm *tmp; char datetime[256+1]; char *device_uri; char *strmedia[] = { "PLAIN", "LABELS", "TRANSPARENCY" }; char *strpaper[] = { "CUSTOM", "A4", "LETTER", "LEGAL", "LEGAL13", "A5", "B5", "A6", "MONARCH", "DL", "C5", "COM10", "EXECUTIVE", "COM9", "LEGAL135" }; #define STRARY(X, A) \ ((X) >= 0 && (X) < sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])) \ ? A[X] : "NORMAL" fprintf(ofp, "\033%%-12345X@PJL\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY = \"%s\"\r\n", Username ? Username : "Unknown"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIJOBACCOUNTJOB USERID=\"%s\" JOBNAME=\"%s\"\r\n", Username ? Username : "Unknown", Filename ? Filename : "Unknown" ); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA=\"DocumentName=%s\"\r\n", Filename ? Filename : "Unknown" ); #ifdef linux { struct utsname u; uname(&u); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA=\"ComputerName=%s\"\r\n", u.nodename); } #endif now = time(NULL); tmp = localtime(&now); strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "00:00:00 %Y/%m/%d", tmp); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA=\"ReceptionTime=%s\"\r\n", datetime); device_uri = getenv("DEVICE_URI"); if (device_uri) fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIAUXJOBINFO DATA=\"PortName=%s\"\r\n", device_uri); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIAUTOTRAYSWITCH=ON\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIPAPERSIZECHECK=ENABLE\r\n"); switch (ResX) { case 300: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET RESOLUTION=300\r\n"); break; case 600: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET RESOLUTION=600\r\n"); break; default: error(1, "Illegal X resolution\n"); break; } switch (ResY) { case 300: case 600: break; case 1200: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET RESOLUTION=V1200\r\n"); break; } fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET PAPER=%s\r\n", STRARY(PaperCode, strpaper)); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKITRAYSEQUENCE=PAPERFEEDTRAY\r\n"); switch (SourceCode) { case 1: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIPAPERFEED=TRAY1\r\n"); break; case 2: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIPAPERFEED=TRAY2\r\n"); break; case 3: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIPAPERFEED=FRONTTRAY\r\n"); break; case 4: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIPAPERFEED=FRONTTRAY\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET MANUALFEED=ON\r\n"); break; } fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET OKIMEDIATYPE = %s\r\n", STRARY(MediaCode, strmedia)); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET LPARM:PCL OKIPRINTMARGIN=INCH1D6\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET COPIES=%d\r\n", Copies); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET QTY=1\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET HIPERCEFFECTIVEBLOCKSIZE=%d\r\n", PageWidth * PageHeight / 8); switch (Duplex) { case DMDUPLEX_LONGEDGE: case DMDUPLEX_MANUALLONG: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET DUPLEX=ON\r\n"); //fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET BINDING=LONGEDGE\r\n"); break; case DMDUPLEX_SHORTEDGE: case DMDUPLEX_MANUALSHORT: fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET DUPLEX=ON\r\n"); //fprintf(ofp, "@PJL SET BINDING=SHORTEDGE\r\n"); break; } fprintf(ofp, "@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=HIPERC\n"); } void end_doc(FILE *ofp) { //fprintf(ofp, "%c", 9); fprintf(ofp, "\033%%-12345X@PJL\r\n"); fprintf(ofp, "@PJL EOJ NAME = \"End \"\n"); fprintf(ofp, "\033%%-12345X"); } static int AnyColor; void cmyk_planes(unsigned char *plane[4], unsigned char *raw, int w, int h) { int rawbpl = (w+1) / 2; int bpl = (w + 7) / 8; int i; int x, y; unsigned char byte; unsigned char mask[8] = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; int aib = AllIsBlack; int bc = BlackClears; bpl = (bpl + 15) & ~15; debug(1, "w=%d, bpl=%d, rawbpl=%d\n", w, bpl, rawbpl); AnyColor = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) memset(plane[i], 0, bpl * h); // // Unpack the combined plane into individual color planes // // TODO: this can be speeded up using a 256 or 65536 entry lookup table // for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) { byte = raw[y*rawbpl + x/2]; if (aib && (byte & 0xE0) == 0xE0) { plane[3][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; } else if (byte & 0x10) { plane[3][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (!bc) { if (byte & 0x80) plane[0][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x40) plane[1][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x20) plane[2][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0xE0) AnyColor |= byte; } } else { if (byte & 0x80) plane[0][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x40) plane[1][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x20) plane[2][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0xE0) AnyColor |= byte; } ++x; if (aib && (byte & 0x0E) == 0x0E) { plane[3][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; } else if (byte & 0x1) { plane[3][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (!bc) { if (byte & 0x8) plane[0][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x4) plane[1][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x2) plane[2][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0xE) AnyColor |= byte; } } else { if (byte & 0x8) plane[0][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x4) plane[1][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0x2) plane[2][y*bpl + x/8] |= mask[x&7]; if (byte & 0xE) AnyColor |= byte; } } } debug(2, "BlackClears = %d; AnyColor = %s %s %s\n", BlackClears, (AnyColor & 0x88) ? "Cyan" : "", (AnyColor & 0x44) ? "Magenta" : "", (AnyColor & 0x22) ? "Yellow" : "" ); } int cmyk_page(unsigned char *raw, int w, int h, FILE *ofp) { BIE_CHAIN *chain[4]; int i; int bpl, bpl16; unsigned char *plane[4], *bitmaps[4][1]; struct jbg_enc_state se[4]; RealWidth = w; w = (w + 127) & ~127; bpl = (w + 7) / 8; bpl16 = (bpl + 15) & ~15; debug(1, "w = %d, bpl = %d, bpl16 = %d\n", w, bpl, bpl16); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { plane[i] = malloc(bpl16 * h); if (!plane[i]) error(3, "Cannot allocate space for bit plane\n"); chain[i] = NULL; } cmyk_planes(plane, raw, RealWidth, h); if (Compressed) { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (Debug >= 9) { FILE *dfp; char fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "xxxplane%d", i); dfp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (dfp) { fwrite(plane[i], bpl*h, 1, dfp); fclose(dfp); } } *bitmaps[i] = plane[i]; jbg_enc_init(&se[i], w, h, 1, bitmaps[i], output_jbig, &chain[i]); jbg_enc_options(&se[i], JbgOptions[0], JbgOptions[1], JbgOptions[2], JbgOptions[3], JbgOptions[4]); jbg_enc_out(&se[i]); jbg_enc_free(&se[i]); } if (Color2Mono) write_page(&chain[Color2Mono-1], NULL, NULL, NULL, ofp); else if (AnyColor) write_page(&chain[0], &chain[1], &chain[2], &chain[3], ofp); else write_page(&chain[3], NULL, NULL, NULL, ofp); } else { if (Color2Mono) { i = Color2Mono - 1; start_page_uncompressed(1, w, h, i, ofp); write_plane_uncompressed(plane[i], w, h, i, ofp); } else if (AnyColor) { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) start_page_uncompressed(4, w, h, i, ofp); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) write_plane_uncompressed(plane[i], w, h, i, ofp); } else { start_page_uncompressed(1, w, h, 3, ofp); write_plane_uncompressed(plane[3], w, h, 3, ofp); } end_page(ofp); } for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) free(plane[i]); return 0; } int pksm_page(unsigned char *plane[4], int w, int h, FILE *ofp) { BIE_CHAIN *chain[4]; int i; unsigned char *bitmaps[4][1]; struct jbg_enc_state se[4]; RealWidth = w; w = (w + 127) & ~127; debug(1, "w = %d\n", w); if (Compressed) { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) chain[i] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { *bitmaps[i] = plane[i]; jbg_enc_init(&se[i], w, h, 1, bitmaps[i], output_jbig, &chain[i]); jbg_enc_options(&se[i], JbgOptions[0], JbgOptions[1], JbgOptions[2], JbgOptions[3], JbgOptions[4]); jbg_enc_out(&se[i]); jbg_enc_free(&se[i]); } if (Color2Mono) write_page(&chain[Color2Mono-1], NULL, NULL, NULL, ofp); else if (AnyColor) write_page(&chain[0], &chain[1], &chain[2], &chain[3], ofp); else write_page(&chain[3], NULL, NULL, NULL, ofp); } else { if (Color2Mono) { i = Color2Mono - 1; start_page_uncompressed(1, w, h, i, ofp); write_plane_uncompressed(plane[i], w, h, i, ofp); } else if (AnyColor) { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) start_page_uncompressed(4, w, h, i, ofp); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) write_plane_uncompressed(plane[i], w, h, i, ofp); } else { start_page_uncompressed(1, w, h, 3, ofp); write_plane_uncompressed(plane[3], w, h, 3, ofp); } end_page(ofp); } return 0; } int pbm_page(unsigned char *buf, int w, int h, FILE *ofp) { // BIE_CHAIN *chain = NULL; unsigned char *bitmaps[1]; // struct jbg_enc_state se; RealWidth = w; w = (w + 127) & ~127; if (SaveToner) { int x, y; int bpl, bpl16; bpl = (w + 7) / 8; bpl16 = (bpl + 15) & ~15; for (y = 0; y < h; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < bpl16; ++x) buf[y*bpl16 + x] &= 0x55; for (y = 1; y < h; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < bpl16; ++x) buf[y*bpl16 + x] &= 0xaa; } *bitmaps = buf; if (Compressed) { // start_page_compressed(1, w, h, 3, ofp); write_plane_compressed(1, buf, w, h, 3, ofp); end_page(ofp); #if 0 jbg_enc_init(&se, w, h, 1, bitmaps, output_jbig, &chain); jbg_enc_options(&se, JbgOptions[0], JbgOptions[1], JbgOptions[2], JbgOptions[3], JbgOptions[4]); jbg_enc_out(&se); jbg_enc_free(&se); write_page(&chain, NULL, NULL, NULL, ofp); #endif } else { start_page_uncompressed(1, w, h, 3, ofp); write_plane_uncompressed(buf, w, h, 3, ofp); end_page(ofp); } return 0; } int read_and_clip_image(unsigned char *buf, int rawBpl, int rightBpl, int pixelsPerByte, int bpl, int h, int bpl16, FILE *ifp) { unsigned char *rowbuf, *rowp; int y; int rc; rowbuf = malloc(rawBpl); if (!rowbuf) error(1, "Can't allocate row buffer\n"); // Clip top rows if (UpperLeftY) { for (y = 0; y < UpperLeftY; ++y) { rc = fread(rowbuf, rawBpl, 1, ifp); if (rc == 0) goto eof; if (rc != 1) error(1, "Premature EOF(1) on input at y=%d\n", y); } } // Copy the rows that we want to image rowp = buf; for (y = 0; y < h; ++y, rowp += bpl16) { // Clip left pixel *bytes* if (UpperLeftX) { rc = fread(rowbuf, UpperLeftX / pixelsPerByte, 1, ifp); if (rc == 0 && y == 0 && !UpperLeftY) goto eof; if (rc != 1) error(1, "Premature EOF(2) on input at y=%d\n", y); } if (bpl != bpl16) memset(rowp, 0, bpl16); rc = fread(rowp, bpl, 1, ifp); if (rc == 0 && y == 0 && !UpperLeftY && !UpperLeftX) goto eof; if (rc != 1) error(1, "Premature EOF(3) on input at y=%d\n", y); // Clip right pixels if (rightBpl != bpl) { rc = fread(rowbuf, rightBpl - bpl, 1, ifp); if (rc != 1) error(1, "Premature EOF(4) on input at y=%d\n", y); } } // Clip bottom rows if (LowerRightY) { for (y = 0; y < LowerRightY; ++y) { rc = fread(rowbuf, rawBpl, 1, ifp); if (rc != 1) error(1, "Premature EOF(5) on input at y=%d\n", y); } } free(rowbuf); return (0); eof: free(rowbuf); return (EOF); } int cmyk_pages(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp) { unsigned char *buf; int rawW, rawH, rawBpl; int rightBpl; int w, h, bpl; int rc; // // Save the original Upper Right clip values as the logical offset, // because we may adjust them slightly below, in the interest of speed. // if (LogicalClip & LOGICAL_CLIP_X) LogicalOffsetX = UpperLeftX; if (LogicalClip & LOGICAL_CLIP_Y) LogicalOffsetY = UpperLeftY; rawW = PageWidth; rawH = PageHeight; rawBpl = (PageWidth + 1) / 2; // We only clip multiples of 2 pixels off the leading edge, and // add any remainder to the amount we clip from the right edge. // Its fast, and good enough for government work. LowerRightX += UpperLeftX & 1; UpperLeftX &= ~1; w = rawW - UpperLeftX - LowerRightX; h = rawH - UpperLeftY - LowerRightY; bpl = (w + 1) / 2; rightBpl = (rawW - UpperLeftX + 1) / 2; buf = malloc(bpl * h); if (!buf) error(1, "Unable to allocate page buffer of %d x %d = %d bytes\n", rawW, rawH, rawBpl * rawH); for (;;) { rc = read_and_clip_image(buf, rawBpl, rightBpl, 2, bpl, h, bpl, ifp); if (rc == EOF) goto done; ++PageNum; if (Duplex == DMDUPLEX_LONGEDGE && (PageNum & 1) == 0) rotate_bytes_180(buf, buf + bpl * h - 1, Mirror4); if (Duplex == DMDUPLEX_MANUALLONG && (PageNum & 1) == 0) rotate_bytes_180(buf, buf + bpl * h - 1, Mirror4); if ((PageNum & 1) == 0 && EvenPages) { SeekRec[SeekIndex].b = ftell(EvenPages); cmyk_page(buf, w, h, EvenPages); SeekRec[SeekIndex].e = ftell(EvenPages); debug(1, "CMYK Page: %d %ld %ld\n", PageNum, SeekRec[SeekIndex].b, SeekRec[SeekIndex].e); SeekIndex++; } else cmyk_page(buf, w, h, ofp); } done: free(buf); return 0; } static unsigned long getint(FILE *fp) { int c; unsigned long i; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && !isdigit(c)) if (c == '#') while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && !(c == 13 || c == 10)) ; if (c != EOF) { ungetc(c, fp); fscanf(fp, "%lu", &i); } return i; } static void skip_to_nl(FILE *fp) { for (;;) { int c; c = getc(fp); if (c == EOF) error(1, "Premature EOF on input stream\n"); if (c == '\n') return; } } int pbm_header(FILE *ifp, int *p4eatenp, int *wp, int *hp) { int c1, c2; if (*p4eatenp) *p4eatenp = 0; // P4 already eaten in main else { c1 = getc(ifp); if (c1 == EOF) return 0; c2 = getc(ifp); if (c1 != 'P' || c2 != '4') error(1, "Not a pbmraw data stream\n"); } skip_to_nl(ifp); *wp = getint(ifp); *hp = getint(ifp); skip_to_nl(ifp); return 1; } int pksm_pages(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp) { unsigned char *plane[4]; int rawW, rawH, rawBpl; int saveW = 0, saveH = 0; int rightBpl; int w, h, bpl; int bpl16; int i; int rc; int p4eaten = 1; // // Save the original Upper Right clip values as the logical offset, // because we may adjust them slightly below, in the interest of speed. // if (LogicalClip & LOGICAL_CLIP_X) LogicalOffsetX = UpperLeftX; if (LogicalClip & LOGICAL_CLIP_Y) LogicalOffsetY = UpperLeftY; for (;;) { ++PageNum; AnyColor = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (pbm_header(ifp, &p4eaten, &rawW, &rawH) == 0) { if (i == 0) goto eof; else error(1, "Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d hdr, plane %d\n", PageNum, i); } if (i == 0) { saveW = rawW; saveH = rawH; } if (saveW != rawW) error(1, "Image width changed from %d to %d on plane %d\n", saveW, rawW, i); if (saveH != rawH) error(1, "Image height changed from %d to %d on plane %d\n", saveH, rawH, i); rawBpl = (rawW + 7) / 8; // We only clip multiples of 8 pixels off the leading edge, and // add any remainder to the amount we clip from the right edge. // Its fast, and good enough for government work. LowerRightX += UpperLeftX & 7; UpperLeftX &= ~7; w = rawW - UpperLeftX - LowerRightX; h = rawH - UpperLeftY - LowerRightY; bpl = (w + 7) / 8; rightBpl = (rawW - UpperLeftX + 7) / 8; bpl16 = (bpl + 15) & ~15; debug(1, "bpl=%d bpl16=%d\n", bpl, bpl16); plane[i] = malloc(bpl16 * h); if (!plane[i]) error(1, "Can't allocate plane buffer\n"); rc = read_and_clip_image(plane[i], rawBpl, rightBpl, 8, bpl, h, bpl16, ifp); if (rc == EOF) error(1, "Premature EOF(pksm) on page %d data, plane %d\n", PageNum, i); if (Debug >= 9) { FILE *dfp; char fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "xxxplane%d", i); dfp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (dfp) { fwrite(plane[i], bpl*h, 1, dfp); fclose(dfp); } } // See if we can optimize this to be a monochrome page if (!AnyColor && i != 3) { unsigned char *p, *e; for (p = plane[i], e = p + bpl16*h; p < e; ++p) if (*p) { AnyColor |= 1< '9')) ++p; str = p; if (str[0] == 0) return -3; *yp = strtoul(str, &p, 10); if (str == p) return -4; return (0); } void do_one(FILE *in) { int mode; if (Mode == MODE_COLOR) { mode = getc(in); if (mode != 'P') { ungetc(mode, in); cmyk_pages(in, stdout); } else { mode = getc(in); if (mode == '4') pksm_pages(in, stdout); else error(1, "Not a pksmraw file!\n"); } } else { mode = getc(in); if (mode != 'P') error(1, "Not a pbm file!\n"); mode = getc(in); if (mode == '4') pbm_pages(in, stdout); else error(1, "Not a pbmraw file!\n"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int i, j; while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "cd:g:n:m:p:r:s:tu:l:L:ABPJ:S:U:X:Z:D:V?h")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'c': Mode = MODE_COLOR; break; case 'S': Color2Mono = atoi(optarg); Mode = MODE_COLOR; if (Color2Mono < 0 || Color2Mono > 4) error(1, "Illegal value '%s' for -C\n", optarg); break; case 'd': Duplex = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': if (parse_xy(optarg, &PageWidth, &PageHeight)) error(1, "Illegal format '%s' for -g\n", optarg); if (PageWidth < 0 || PageWidth > 1000000) error(1, "Illegal X value '%s' for -g\n", optarg); if (PageHeight < 0 || PageHeight > 1000000) error(1, "Illegal Y value '%s' for -g\n", optarg); break; case 'm': MediaCode = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': Copies = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': PaperCode = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': if (parse_xy(optarg, &ResX, &ResY)) error(1, "Illegal format '%s' for -r\n", optarg); break; case 's': SourceCode = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': SaveToner = 1; break; case 'u': if (strcmp(optarg, "0") == 0) break; if (parse_xy(optarg, &UpperLeftX, &UpperLeftY)) error(1, "Illegal format '%s' for -u\n", optarg); break; case 'l': if (strcmp(optarg, "0") == 0) break; if (parse_xy(optarg, &LowerRightX, &LowerRightY)) error(1, "Illegal format '%s' for -l\n", optarg); break; case 'L': LogicalClip = atoi(optarg); if (LogicalClip < 0 || LogicalClip > 3) error(1, "Illegal value '%s' for -L\n", optarg); break; case 'A': AllIsBlack = !AllIsBlack; break; case 'B': BlackClears = !BlackClears; break; case 'P': OutputStartPlane = !OutputStartPlane; break; case 'J': if (optarg[0]) Filename = optarg; break; case 'U': if (optarg[0]) Username = optarg; break; case 'X': ExtraPad = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Z': Compressed = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': Debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 'V': printf("%s\n", Version); exit(0); default: usage(); exit(1); } if (UpperLeftX < 0 || UpperLeftX >= PageWidth) error(1, "Illegal X value '%d' for -u\n", UpperLeftX); if (UpperLeftY < 0 || UpperLeftY >= PageHeight) error(1, "Illegal Y value '%d' for -u\n", UpperLeftY); if (LowerRightX < 0 || LowerRightX >= PageWidth) error(1, "Illegal X value '%d' for -l\n", LowerRightX); if (LowerRightY < 0 || LowerRightY >= PageHeight) error(1, "Illegal Y value '%d' for -l\n", LowerRightY); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (getenv("DEVICE_URI")) IsCUPS = 1; if (getenv("ccc")) Compressed = 1; Bpp = ResX / 600; //ResX = 600; if (0 && SaveToner) { SaveToner = 0; EconoMode = 1; } switch (Duplex) { case DMDUPLEX_LONGEDGE: case DMDUPLEX_SHORTEDGE: case DMDUPLEX_MANUALLONG: case DMDUPLEX_MANUALSHORT: EvenPages = tmpfile(); break; } start_doc(stdout); if (argc == 0) { do_one(stdin); } else { for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { FILE *ifp; ifp = fopen(argv[i], "r"); if (!ifp) error(1, "Can't open '%s' for reading\n", argv[i]); do_one(ifp); fclose(ifp); } } /* * Do manual duplex */ if (EvenPages) { // Handle odd page count if ( (PageNum & 1) == 1) { SeekRec[SeekIndex].b = ftell(EvenPages); blank_page(EvenPages); SeekRec[SeekIndex].e = ftell(EvenPages); debug(1, "Blank Page: %d %ld %ld\n", PageNum, SeekRec[SeekIndex].b, SeekRec[SeekIndex].e); SeekIndex++; } // Write even pages in reverse order for (i = SeekIndex-1; i >= 0; --i) { debug(1, "EvenPage: %d %ld %ld\n", i, SeekRec[i].b, SeekRec[i].e); fseek(EvenPages, SeekRec[i].b, 0L); for (j = 0; j < (SeekRec[i].e - SeekRec[i].b); ++j) putc(getc(EvenPages), stdout); } fclose(EvenPages); } end_doc(stdout); exit(0); }