============================================================================== MAC OSX INSTALLATION NOTES - HP LaserJet 1018/1020 Using the "MacPorts" project ============================================================================== by Rick Richardson 02/21/08 1) Browse to: http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/ Download and install "Xcode", the C compiler. 2) Browse to: http://www.macports.org/install.php/ Download and install the "Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer". 3) Do: $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin $ sudo port selfupdate $ sudo port install coreutils $ sudo port install wget $ sudo port install ghostscript 4) Browse to: http://www.linuxprinting.org/download/foomatic/foomatic-filters-3.0-current.tar.gz and install the Foomatic-RIP (foomatic-RIP and foomatic-gswrapper). $ tar zxvf foomatic-filters-3.0-current.tar.gz $ cd foomatic-filters-3.0-20080317 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make $ sudo make install 5) Now install foo2zjs. Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/ and follow the instructions. 6) Now configure the printer Choose either 6a) OR 6b) 6a) Mac OS Printer Setup Utility Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/macosx/ 6b) CUPS UNIX Printing System Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/cups/ Then surf to: http://localhost:631 and follow the CUPS instructions. In particular, you can set up Color and other things. Set Printer Options -> Color Mode -> Color 7) If HP LaserJet 10xx, you must send a firmware file to the printer each time you power it up: $ lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1018.dl -OR- $ lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl ============================================================================== MAC OSX INSTALLATION NOTES - HP LaserJet 1018/1020 Using "fink" project ============================================================================== by Rick Richardson 04/21/07 1) Browse to: http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/ Download and install "Xcode", the C compiler. 2) Browse to: http://www.finkproject.org/download/ Download and install "fink". Double-click "Fink-0.8.1-XYZ-Installer.dmg" (where XYZ is either PowerPC or Intel) to mount the disk image, then double-click the "Fink 0.8.1 XYZ Installer.pkg" package inside. Follow the instructions on screen. $ /sw/bin/pathsetup.sh $ fink scanpackages $ fink index $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install fink 3) Do: $ apt-get install ghostscript 4) Browse to: http://www.linuxprinting.org/download/foomatic/foomatic-filters-3.0-current.tar.gz and install the Foomatic-RIP (foomatic-RIP and foomatic-gswrapper). $ tar zxvf foomatic-filters-3.0-current.tar.gz $ cd foomatic-filters-3.0-20070820 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make $ sudo make install 5) Now install foo2zjs. Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/ and follow the instructions. 6) Now configure the printer Choose either 6a) OR 6b) 6a) Mac OS Printer Setup Utility Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/macosx/ 6b) CUPS UNIX Printing System Browse to: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/cups/ Then surf to: http://localhost:631 and follow the CUPS instructions. In particular, you can set up Color and other things. Set Printer Options -> Color Mode -> Color 7) If HP LaserJet 10xx, you must send a firmware file to the printer each time you power it up: $ lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1018.dl -OR- $ lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl =============================================================================== MAC OSX INSTALLATION NOTES -- foo2zjs + magicolor 2200DL + OSX =============================================================================== by Clint Morgan - 12/29/2003 FOREWORD -------- These notes are intended to provide specific instructions for the installation of foo2zjs on a Mac running OS X, specifically 10.3 (Panther), so you can print to a magicolor 2200DL. However, the same instructions should apply to other foo2zjs compatible printers and OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or newer. These notes are for a network attached printer. USB printers will not work right now because OSX doesn't have a raw USB device like linux does. These instructions are as-is. I can't guarantee they will work for everyone, that I'll be able to answer any questions, nor that any URLs mentioned in these instructions will be valid at the time you read this. Be sure to read the instructions that come with the various source packages mentioned below, as they will probably help you build the specific package in question. Just knowing that this can be done and the software required to do it will probably be enough to get you over any hurdles. REQUIREMENTS ------------ These requirements are listed in order of their dependencies where dependencies exist. I have also included the version numbers I used at the time I wrote this. The versions I choose were simply the most current that existed at the time, in most cases anyway. The only exception is GhostScript because various information I found said the newer version wasn't as good (something about color if I recall correctly) 1) Apple Developer Tools (Jaguar) or Xcode (Panther) Go to http://www.apple.com for more information. 2) gettext-0.13.0 (required by glib) Go to http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html for more info. 3) glib-2.2.3 (required by ghostscript) Go to http://www.gtk.org for more info. NOTE: You do NOT need the entire GTK+ toolkit. 4) ghostscript-7.07 (required by foo2zjs) Go to http://www.ghostscript.com for more info. You can also check out sourceforge.net. NOTE: You do NOT need EPS Ghostscript in order to use foo2zjs. You have 2 licenses of GhostScript to choose from: the AFPL license or the GPL license. I have no idea if there is any difference in the code, but I choose the GPL version. Also, you may find that there is a source distribution specifically for the Mac. I couldn't get it to build, but you're more than welcome to try. 5) ghostscript-font-6.0 (required by you if you want ghostscript to do anything) Go to http://www.ghostscript.com for more info. You can also check out sourceforge.net. NOTE: The fonts are distributed as a separate package and are NOT included with ghostscript itself.) 6) wget-1.9 (required by foo2zjs build process) Go to http://www.gnu.org/directory/wget.html for more info. This utility is required by the foo2zjs build process at the time of this writing. It is also used by another foo2zjs utility (getweb) to download ICM color profiles. 7) foomatic-filters-3.0.0 (required by foo2zjs) Go to http://www.linuxprinting.org/foomatic.html for more info. All you need is the foomatic-filters package. 8) foo2zjs (required by you) Go to http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com for more info. NOTE: By default, most of these packages will be installed under the /usr/local directories. I've noticed that this is not generally the trend under OS X. You may choose to add --prefix=/usr when running configure. IE : sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr INSTALLATION ------------ 1) Download, build and install the packages mentioned above. See the install instructions for each package. NOTE #1: Installing software on OS X generally requires superuser privileges. If in doubt, always prefix commands mentioned in each software package's instructions with "sudo". eg: sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr sudo make sudo make install NOTE #2: When installing foomatic-filters, use the following command: sudo make install CUPS=/usr/libexec/cups \ CUPS_FILTERS=/usr/libexec/cups/filter All on one line, of course. This will install the foomatic-rip filter in correct place in Panther (10.3.x) and presumably in Jaguar (10.2.x) so that CUPS can find it. 2) Make sure CUPS is enabled by viewing "/etc/hostconfig" and looking for "CUPS=-YES-". If you see "CUPS=-NO-", change it and restart your Mac. If CUPS is already enabled, type "sudo killall -HUP cupsd" in a terminal window to reinitialize CUPS and make the newly installed drivers available. 3) Now let's setup the printer. However, you CANNOT use the "Printer Setup Utility" within OSX. Unfortunately that utility does not allow you to specify the TCP port used to communicate with the printer. Instead we have to use the CUPS web administration utility by going to: http://localhost:631 This is apparently the default way to access the CUPS administrator 'cause I didn't have to do anything to gain access to it. If you are attempting to use the DB25-to-USB converter cable mentioned in the FOREWORD to hook the printer directly to your Mac, you may be able to use the "Printer Setup Utility" app; however, you can still use the CUPS web administration page also. a) Go to http://localhost:631 b) Click on "Manage Printers" c) Click on "Add Printer" d) Fill in a Name, Location and/or Description with whatever you want. e) Select "AppSocket/HP JetDirect" from the list of devices. f) Enter "socket://:35" as the Device URI, where is the hostname or IP address of your printer and 35 is the TCP port the 2200DL receives print jobs on. eg: socket:// Note: There are some references between the 2200DL and port 9100 on the Internet. This is a valid port for other Minolta printers, but NOT the 2200DL. g) Select the make of your printer. This is "Minolta" for the 2200DL. h) Select the model of your printer. HP LASERJET 1000/1005/1018/1020 NOTES ------------------------------------- You must send a firmware file to the printer each time you power it up. If you downloaded the extra files for the HP above, a typical command line to load the firmware would be: lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1018.dl lp -oraw /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl YOU'RE DONE ----------- Now you should be able to use your printer. Even though you can't use the "Printer Setup Utility" to setup the printer, the printer will show up within it. You will still have to use the CUPS admin page to make any changes to your printer configuration. BTW, Apple, Mac, Jaguar, Panther, Xcode are probably trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. or their respective owners. Minolta, Desklaser, magicolor, etc. may be trademarks of Konika Minolta Printing Solutions U.S.A., Inc. or their respective owners. And other marks may be the intellectual property of their respective owners. Send any questions, suggestions and/or corrections to the email address above. Remember, though, I may be slow to respond to some requests or may not be able to respond to all. However, I hope this document gives you enough information to give you a jump-start.