; HOSTTCP.KSC ; ; Kermit 95 Host-Mode Listener for Incoming TCP/IP Connections. ; January 1996 ; ; Windows 95 can accept multiple simultaneous connections. ; Windows NT 3.51 can accept only one at a time. ; asg _configfile \freplace(\v(exedir)scripts/host.cfg,/,\\) def MAKEVAR2 if def \%2 _assign \%1 \%2, else _assign \%1 def MAKEVAR - if = \findex(=,\%1,1) 0 end, - asg \%9 _\freplace(\%1,=,\32), - makevar2 \%9 open read \m(_configfile) if fail forward noconfig while true { read \%a, if fail break, makevar \%a } if not def _hostport stop 1 Fatal - HOSTPORT not defined. set network directory ; No directory lookups set take echo on set macro echo on :LOOP set host * \m(_hostport) /tel ; Wait for a connection on this port xif fail { - echo K95 Host Mode - Failure to listen on socket \m(_hostport), - echo Press a key to exit...,- getc \%9,- exit 1 - } take host.ksc ; Execute the host script msleep 250 ; Wait for socket to reset goto loop ; Go back and wait for another connection End ; HOSTTCP.KSC