/* macfontx.c. Produce a table of Mac Kermit Font X (DEC Special + DEC Tech). F. da Cruz, Columbia University, 1992. */ char *name[] = { #define FIRSTCHAR 0 "Display Ctrl NU (NUL)", "Display Ctrl SH (SOH)", "Display Ctrl SX (STX)", "Display Ctrl EX (ETX)", "Display Ctrl ET (EOT)", "Display Ctrl EQ (ENQ)", "Display Ctrl AK (ACK)", "Display Ctrl BL (BEL)", "Display Ctrl BS (BS)", "Display Ctrl HT (HT)", "Display Ctrl LF (LF)", "Display Ctrl VT (VT)", "Display Ctrl FF (FF)", "Display Ctrl CR (CR)", "Display Ctrl SO (SO)", "Display Ctrl SI (SI)", "Display Ctrl DL (DLE)", "Display Ctrl D1 (DC1)", "Display Ctrl D2 (DC2)", "Display Ctrl D3 (DC3)", "Display Ctrl D4 (DC4)", "Display Ctrl NK (NAK)", "Display Ctrl SY (SYN)", "Display Ctrl EB (ETB)", "Display Ctrl CN (CAN)", "Display Ctrl EM (EM)", "Display Ctrl SU (SUB)", "Display Ctrl EC (ESC)", "Display Ctrl FS (FS)", "Display Ctrl GS (GS)", "Display Ctrl RS (RS)", "Display Ctrl US (US)", "Space", "Exclamation mark", "Pound Sterling Sign", "Number sign", "Dollar sign", "Percent sign", "Ampersand", "Horizontal Line - Scan 3", "Left Parenthesis", "Right Parenthesis", "Asterisk", "Plus Sign", "Comma", "Hyphen, Minus Sign", "Period, Full Stop", "Solidus, Slash", "Digit Zero", "Digit One", "Digit Two", "Digit Three", "Digit Four", "Digit Five", "Digit Six", "Digit Seven", "Digit Eight", "Digit Nine", "Colon", "Semicolon", "Left angle bracket", "Equals sign", "Right angle bracket", "Question mark", "Commercial At sign", "Capital Letter A", "Capital Letter B", "Capital Letter C", "Capital Letter D", "Capital Letter E", "Capital Letter F", "Capital Letter G", "Capital Letter H", "Capital Letter I", "Capital Letter J", "Capital Letter K", "Capital Letter L", "Capital Letter M", "Capital Letter N", "Capital Letter O", "Capital Letter P", "Capital Letter Q", "Capital Letter R", "Capital Letter S", "Capital Letter T", "Capital Letter U", "Capital Letter V", "Capital Letter W", "Capital Letter X", "Capital Letter Y", "Capital Letter Z", "Left Square Bracket", "Therefore sign", "Right Square Bracket", "Box-Drawing T Bottom", "Horizontal Line - Scan 9", "Horizontal Line - Scan 1", "Lowercase Greek alpha", "Lowercase Greek beta", "Lowercase Greek chi", "Lowercase Greek delta", "Lowercase Greek epsilon", "Lowercase Greek fi", "Lowercase Greek gamma", "Lowercase Greek eta", "Lowercase Greek iota", "Box-Drawing T Top", "Lowercase Greek kappa", "Lowercase Greek lambda", "Vert/Horiz Cross Centered", "Lowercase Greek nu", "Capital Greek Omega", "Lowercase Greek pi", "Lowercase Greek theta", "Lowercase Greek rho", "Lowercase Greek sigma", "Lowercase Greek tau", "Lowercase Greek upsilon", "Capital Greek Delta", "Lowercase Greek omega", "Lowercase Greek xi", "Lowercase Greek psi", "Lowercase Greek zeta", "Box-Drawing T Right", "Capital Greek Fi", "Box-Drawing T Left", "Similar to, Centered tilde", "Display Ctrl DT (DEL)", "Display Ctrl 80", "Display Ctrl 81", "Display Ctrl 82", "Display Ctrl 83", "Display Ctrl 84 (IND)", "Display Ctrl 85 (NEL)", "Display Ctrl 86", "Display Ctrl 87", "Display Ctrl 88 (HTS)", "Display Ctrl 89", "Display Ctrl 8A", "Display Ctrl 8B", "Display Ctrl 8C", "Display Ctrl 8D (RI)", "Display Ctrl 8E (SS2)", "Display Ctrl 8F (SS3)", "Display Ctrl 90 (DCS)", "Display Ctrl 91", "Display Ctrl 92", "Display Ctrl 93", "Display Ctrl 94", "Display Ctrl 95", "Display Ctrl 96", "Display Ctrl 97", "Display Ctrl 98", "Display Ctrl 99", "Display Ctrl 9A", "Display Ctrl 9B (CSI)", "Display Ctrl 9C (ST)", "Display Ctrl 9D (OSC)", "Display Ctrl 9E (PM)", "Display Ctrl 9F (APC)", "UNDEFINED", "Capital Greek Upsilon", "Apostrophe", "Less-Equal", "Upper L to lower R diagonal", "Infinity", "Function-of sign, Script f", "Upper R to lower L diagonal", "Diamond (solid)", "Inverted Not sign", "Capital Greek Gamma", "Capital Greek Lambda", "Left arrow", "Circumflex Accent", "Right arrow", "Down Arrow", "Degree Symbol", "Plus or Minus", "Double Quote", "Greater-Equal", "Multiplication symbol", "Proportional-to", "Partial differential sign", "UNDEFINED", "Division", "Not-Equal", "Identical-to sign", "Asymptotically equals", "Horizontal Line - Scan 7", "Vertical Line Centered", "Horizontal Line - Scan 5", "Display Ctrl NL", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Circled dot operator", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Union", "Intersection", "Superset of", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Subset of", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Summation sign, lower half", "Nabla, Laplace operator", "UNDEFINED", "Capital Greek Xi", "Capital Greek Psi", "Capital Greek Pi", "Radical sign", "Centered Dot (small)", "Not sign", "Logical AND", "Logical OR", "If and only if sign (<=>)", "UNDEFINED", "Up arrow", "Implies sign (=>)", "Reverse question mark (UNDEFINED)", "Checkerboard (Error)", "Summation sign, upper half", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Capital Greek Sigma", "Extensible Left parenthesis top", "UNDEFINED", "Extensible Left parenthesis bot", "Upper-Left Box Corner Centered", "Reverse Solidus, Backslash", "Lower-Left Box Corner Centered", "Extensible left bracket top", "Extensible Left brace middle", "Extensible Left bracket bottom", "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED", "Ket, large right angle bracket", "Integral sign", "Integral top", "UNDEFINED", "Integral bottom", "Extensible Right parenthesis top", "UNDEFINED", "Extensible Right parenthesis bot", "Upper-Right Box Corner Centered", "UNDEFINED", "Lower-Right Box Corner Centered", "Extensible Right bracket top", "Extensible Right brace middle", "Extensible Right bracket bottom", "(NONDISPLAY)", }; main() { int i; printf("Mac Kermit Font X Technical Character Set\n"); printf("char dec col/row oct hex description\n"); for (i = FIRSTCHAR; i < 256; i++) { printf("[%c] %3d %02d/%02d %3o %2X %s\n", i, i, i/16, i%16, i, i, name[i-FIRSTCHAR]); } }