Explorer Kermit This is Release 1.0 of Explorer Kermit. This implementation was developed as a joint effort between Sperry Corporation and Texas Instruments Incorporated. You should be using Sperry Release 2.1.1 or TI Release 2.1 of Explorer software. When Release 3.0 is available, this software will probably no longer work, and an updated version will be distributed by Sperry and TI. This implementation has been successfully tested in conjunction with Kermit implementations for Sperry 1100, DEC Vax, DEC 2060, and Sperry and IBM PCs (KERMIT-MS). To install Kermit: Restore the files on tape to the directory KERMIT; *NOTE: All the source files have been combined into 1 file called KER:EXPLRE.LSP and are separated by ;***FILENAME.LSP*** Use the following table to rename the delivered files to their Explorer format, if necessary: Delivered Explorer ---------- ----------- README.TXT -READ-ME-.TXT DEFSYS.LSP DEFSYSTEM.LISP KERMIT.LSP KERMIT.LISP KEXPLR.DOC KUSER-EXPLORER.DOC MKERMT.LSP MAKE-KERMIT.LISP PATCHD.DIR PATCH.DIRECTORY PATCH1.DIR PATCH-1.DIRECTORY PTCH11.LSP PATCH-1-1.LISP SCLOSE.LSP SERIAL-CLOSE-FIX.LISP STLNET.LSP SERIAL-TELNET.LISP VTCURS.LSP VT100-CURSOR-FIX.LISP VTCKEY.LSP VT100-CURSOR-KEY-FIX.LISP Load the file KERMIT;MAKE-KERMIT.LISP To execute Kermit: Instantiate a new VT100 Emulator with a -V key sequence. After the prompt "VT100. Connect to host:", type PORT . Configure the Explorer's serial port by selecting the proper parameters from the menu. Select DO IT with the mouse. Either select AUTODIAL with the mouse from the menu beneath the VT100 window, and fill in your autodial modem's prefix and the destination host's phone number, or dial-up your host manually. Once a carrier is established, a generally gets the attention of the host. Login to the host as you normally would. Once you have established a session with the host, the easiest way to use Kermit is to put the other host in server mode, and control all file transfer from the Explorer end by selecting KERMIT from the menu beneath the VT100 window. A menu will pop up containing the various Kermit commands. Each entry is documented at the bottom of the screen when the mouse is over it. Select the appropriate one with the mouse and supply the additional information reqwested. A status window will be exposed over the VT100 window so that the progress of your request can be monitored. To abort your request, select either ABORT or ABORT-SAVE with the mouse. When your request is complete, a message so indicating will display in the window. To return to terminal emulation, press any key and take then the destination host out of server mode, by selecting FINISH or BYE from the KERMIT menu. The commands are documented in the mouse documentation line and in the Kermit User's Manual, supplied with this product. Known Deficiencies: With Sperry Release 2.0.1 or TI Release 2.0, Baud rates in excess of 1200, input and output buffer sizes in excess of 180 characters and XON-XOFF flow control are unstable. There are no known problems of this type with the current software. The RUN-SCRIPT function will evolve into a more full-featured facility in subsequent releases. Support for some of the advanced commands for servers is not yet complete. If you are losing characters in VT100 emulator, as evidenced by things like [23;01H showing up on the screen, you probably have a flakey line. Simply logout from the remote host and redial.