/* * Windows Kermit resource file * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 by * William S. Hall * 3665 Benton Street, #66 * Santa Clara, CA 95051 * * This file contains the resources needed by the Kermit * module. It must be included along with the necessary * header files in the resource file for the terminal * program * */ /* icon */ #ifdef COLUMBIA Kermit ICON WKKERM.ICO #else Kermit ICON Kermit.ico #endif /* Menu for Kermit. This item is attached to the main window at init time */ KRMMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&Files" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Receive", IDM_KRM_RECEIVE MENUITEM "&Send...", IDM_KRM_SEND MENUITEM "&Get...", IDM_KRM_GET END POPUP "&Remote" BEGIN MENUITEM "C&ommand...", IDM_KRM_REMOTECOMMAND MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Change directory...", IDM_KRM_REMOTECWD MENUITEM "&Directory...", IDM_KRM_REMOTEDIR MENUITEM "&Erase...", IDM_KRM_REMOTEERASE MENUITEM "&Help...", IDM_KRM_REMOTEHELP MENUITEM "&Space...", IDM_KRM_REMOTESPACE MENUITEM "&Type...", IDM_KRM_REMOTETYPE MENUITEM "&Who...", IDM_KRM_REMOTEWHO MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Finish", IDM_KRM_REMOTEFINISH MENUITEM "&Logout", IDM_KRM_REMOTELOGOUT MENUITEM "&Bye", IDM_KRM_REMOTEBYE END POPUP "&Local" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Directory / Chdir", IDM_KRM_LOCALFILES END POPUP "&Parameters" BEGIN MENUITEM "Set &Protocol...", IDM_KRM_PROTOCOL MENUITEM "Set Pac&kets...", IDM_KRM_PACKETS END POPUP "&Cancel" BEGIN MENUITEM "&File", IDM_KRM_FILEABORT, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Batch", IDM_KRM_BATCHABORT, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Nicely", IDM_KRM_ERRORABORT, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Abruptly", IDM_KRM_CANCEL, GRAYED END END /* Strings used by Kermit */ STRINGTABLE BEGIN /* Messages */ IDS_KRM_TRANSACTION_DONE "Transaction Done" IDS_KRM_QUIT "Abort the current file transfer" IDS_KRM_UNKNOWN_PACKET "Unrecognized Packet Type" IDS_KRM_CANCELLED "Transaction Cancelled" IDS_KRM_TOOMANYRETRIES "Retry Limit Exceeded" IDS_KRM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR "File Open Error" IDS_KRM_FILE_READ_ERROR "File Read Error" IDS_KRM_FILE_WRITE_ERROR "File Write Error" IDS_KRM_FILE_CLOSE_ERROR "File Close Error" IDS_KRM_TERMINAL_OPEN_ERROR "Cannot display response from host" IDS_KRM_SENDCMD_ERROR "Command send error" IDS_KRM_SENDR_ERROR "Get file error" IDS_KRM_SENDING "Sending file:" IDS_KRM_CANNOTINIT "Kermit initialization failed" /* Menu title */ IDS_KRM_KERMITMENU "&Kermit" /* WIN.INI strings */ IDS_KRM_KERMIT "Kermit" IDS_KRM_TIMER "Timer" /* IDS_KRM_VERBOSE "Verbose" */ IDS_KRM_DISCARD "Discard" IDS_KRM_BELL "Bell" IDS_KRM_FILEWARN "Filewarn" IDS_KRM_BLOCKCHECKTYPE "BlockCheck" IDS_KRM_SENDDELAY "SendDelay" IDS_KRM_RETRYLIMIT "RetryLimit" IDS_KRM_SENDMARK "sMark" IDS_KRM_RCVMARK "rMark" IDS_KRM_SENDMAXLEN "sMaxpktlen" IDS_KRM_RCVMAXLEN "rMaxpktlen" IDS_KRM_SENDTIMEOUT "sTimeOut" IDS_KRM_RCVTIMEOUT "rTimeOut" IDS_KRM_SENDPADCOUNT "sPadCount" IDS_KRM_RCVPADCOUNT "rPadCount" IDS_KRM_SENDPADCHAR "sPadChar" IDS_KRM_RCVPADCHAR "rPadChar" IDS_KRM_SENDEOL "sEol" IDS_KRM_RCVEOL "rEol" IDS_KRM_SENDQUOTE "sQuote" IDS_KRM_RCVQUOTE "rQuote" IDS_KRM_REMOTEHELP "Kermit Remote Help" IDS_KRM_HELPTOPIC "Topic:" IDS_KRM_REMOTECOMMAND "Kermit Remote Command" IDS_KRM_CMDTOPIC "Command:" IDS_KRM_REMOTEDIR "Kermit Remote Directory" IDS_KRM_REMOTETYPE "Kermit Remote Type" IDS_KRM_REMOTESPACE "Kermit Remote Space" IDS_KRM_SPACETOPIC "Area:" IDS_KRM_REMOTEWHO "Kermit Remote Who" IDS_KRM_WHOTOPIC "User:" IDS_KRM_REMOTEERASE "Kermit Remote Erase" IDS_KRM_WINDOWOVERFLOW "Window text has been truncated" END