Network and Web Related Python Contributions (See also the collection of links to contributed Python network stuff around the net.) ccso.tar.gz CSO address manager interface (Jeffrey Ollie) Support for Web cookies Cookie.README (Timothy O'Malley) CollectingParser.tar.gz Example using SGML lib to parse HTML. (Tessa Lau) CollectingParser.README Produce netgroup file from DNS queries (Ken Manheimer) dns2netgroup.README fcgiapp.html See instead Create stripped versions of web pages. (Ken Manheimer) HTMLgen.tar.gz Programmatic HTML production lib. (Robin Friedrich) HTMLgen.README HTMLtag.tar.gz For LaTeX users (William Park) ILU 2.0a12/python 1.5 built for win32 (Jody Winston) jahtml-0.6.tar.gz Jerome Alet's HTML & CGI document generator jahtml-0.6.README mailman.tar.gz Python-based maillist management system mailman1b2.patch1 patch for mailman.tar.gz mailman.README (John Viega, Ken Manheimer) netsax.tar.gz A simple module for allowing multiple xml files to be netsax.README processed by a server using saxlib (David Schere) nsapy_nt.readme (Gregory Turbetskoy) Create dictionary-like Netscape cookies (Dave Mitchell) outline.tar.gz Scaled down text->HTML processor (Gary Capell) outline.README pgp.shar Run pgp on a file as a forked process from Python. pgp.README (Neil Schemenauer) *See also Python 1.5 version* Post Office Protocol poplib.README server (Konrad Hinsen, enhanced by Andy Dustman) Konrad Hinsen's original version of PyApache.README Visit remotecall.tar.gz Client-server framework classes (Daniel Larsson) remotecall.README tknf.tar.gz Tkinter-based newsreader (Koert Zeilstra) tknf.README waimodule-0.1.tar.gz Netscape Web App Interface API extension(dave mitchell) waimodule-0.1.README xtalk.tar.gz X-Windows BSD compatible talk client (Adam P. Jenkins) xtalk.README