This is version 0.2 of a Web Based Library Management System. I started working on this to see how easy it would be to develop one in Python . I had initially started doing it in Perl and DBM and then I switched to Python and db and then (after ODBC support ) to Python ( and ODBC . The target database that I tested it on is Access 95. You can use it with any database which has an ODBC driver. I've tested it on NT3.51 , IIS 1.0 and Pythonwin 10.b5. There are currently quite a few things to do but as someone on the Python list ( I think it was Greg Stein ) said that if you wait to polish up an app before releasing it , it will probably never get released. And I've been intending to "polish" this up for a long time. So instead of waiting I decided to go ahead and release it. I've also used Robin Friedrich's( excellent set of modules for HTML generation. You are free to do whatever you want to do with this, provided this README file is attached . INSTALLATION: 1. unzip and untar the archive in \scripts\ directory. A directory named lms will be created which contains all the scripts needed to run this app. 2. You can copy the included Access database and put it anywhere you want. 3. Create a System DSN (IIS seems to require system DSN ) using the ODBC manager. 4. I used the name lms2, with the user name "admin" and no password. If you used a different name, be sure to change in the script. 5. Download and install HTMLgen ( I assume you have already installed Pythonwin (which has the ODBC module ) 6. At this point , you should be all set . Point you browser to http://localhost/scripts/lms/ If you use it , drop me a note ( Hirendra Hindocha ( Sun Jan 26, 1997