yarn - Yet Another Rational Number module "Why", you may ask, "is someone coding Yet Another Rational Number module?" (Good choice of names, eh?) Well I'll tell you why. Because I felt like it... and also because a complete rational number module does not exist. Rat.py doesn't handle float approximation and surd.py doesn't implement all special methods (as well as having some minor bugs) Yarn's highlights (See Rat.__doc__ for details): 1) Complete implementation of Rats as numbers. Every special method that makes sense has been implemented. Those that don't make sense raise the same exceptions that numbers do. 2) Displays Rats as ratios or fractions. Why is this useful? Would you rather see 139/8 or 17+3/8? Well you can choose either. 3) Initialization from ints, longs, floats, ratios, and fractions. 4) Float approximation by continuing fractions to user defined precision. Files: yarn.README This file. yarn.py Implements class Rat. yarn.tests.py Runs tests (including those from Rat.py and surd.py) to insure correctness. Documentation can be found in yarn.__doc__ and yarn.Rat.__doc__. Hope someone finds this useful. -ljr Lanny Ripple