Contributed Advanced Data Structure and Math Facilities (See also the collection of links to contributed Python math, data structures, and encoding stuff around the net, and for scientific computing items.) avl.tar.gz Hybrid dicts/lists, with best-of-both (Sam Rushing) avl_NT.tar.gz AVL stuff compiled for Win/NT (Hirendra Hindocha) Fixed decimal precision arithmetic (Tim Peters) Finite State Machine class (Skip Montanaro) gmpmodule.tar.gz New interface to GNU Multiprecision (math) library (Niels Möller) kjbuckets.tar.gz hash-table based datatypes C extension (Aaron Watters) (new: version 2.1) kwParsing.tar.gz Parser generator written in Python (Aaron Watters) kwParsing.example matrix.tar.gz Matrix and vector math in python (Mario Chemnitz) PQueue-0.1a.tar.gz priority queue extension (Andrew Snare) A Python-to-MATLAB interface (Andrew Sterian) PyLR.tar.gz Fast LR parsing in python (Scott Cotton) real-accurate.pyar Ideal real number math - unpack by applying python (Jurjen N.E. Bos) stats.tar.gz Many basic statistical functions (Gary Strangman) Rational numbers (surds) as objects (Nick Seidenman) Handle file as both file and sequence (Konrad Hinsen) Versatile template-based parsing (Aaron Watters) turing.tar.gz Turing machine simulation (emulation?) ( yarn.tar.gz Yet Another Rational Numbers module (Lanny Ripple) Convert n dimension to the corresponding index z-curve.readme value in Z space filling curve (