Begin3 Title: Gcal, the GNU calendar program Version: 1.00 Entered-date: 09MAR96 Description: Gcal displays both month and year calendar sheets, eternal holiday lists and fixed date warning lists; in many ways. The program correctly omits the dates that were skipped when the current Gregorian calendar replaced the earlier Julian calendar. Its main advantages over BSD-`cal' and `calendar' are: * Some special calendar sheet formats. * Variable number of year calendar sheet blocks. * Adjustable highlighting of holidays and actual day. * Variable starting day of week. * Output of current days of year, concatenated current days of month and year. * Output of fiscal years. * Output of lists or ranges of months or years. * Sorted output of eternal holiday lists, which are generated automatically. * Sorted output of fixed date warning lists in MANY ways. * Allows the use of date variables. * Fixed date warning messages can be stored in several files. * Default options can be stored in environment variable GCAL. * Options and commands stored in response files can be preloaded. * Uses either an external pager or a simple built-in pager. * Detailed Texinfo reference manual. * German, English and American version. * Supports various computer platforms. * Autoconf(igure) installation technology. * Supports both UN*X short-style options and GNU long-style options. The package contains the ANSI-C sources (with some POSIX extensions), and includes several example reminder/appointment files. Keywords: calendar date deskutil appointment reminder agenda planning Author: (Thomas Esken) Maintained-by: (Thomas Esken) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/utils/shell 804 kB gcal-1.00.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/sources/usr.bin 804 kB gcal-1.00.tar.gz Original-site: /pub/gnu 804 kB gcal-1.00.tar.gz Platforms: Copying-policy: GPL GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 End