Begin3 Title: fixdupman Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 04DEC96 Description: Fixdupman fixes the problem of having a new `foo.1' but an old `foo.1.gz' by compressing the new (uncompressed) man page over the old (compressed) one. Some explanation: Man pages can take up a fair bit of room, so gzipping them makes sense where possible. `man' copes with this. But when you come to install a new version of a program, it installs an uncompressed man page. This clearly wastes space, and worse, the .1.gz is used in preference to the .1 - so you never see the new man page! Fixdupman fixes this. Keywords: duplicates man page Author: rjm@no_email_address (Russell Marks) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/utils/scripts 1113 fixdupman Copying-policy: GPL End