Begin3 Title: usvd Version: 2.0.0 Entered-date: 1AUG97 Description: usvd is a daemon that monitors the state of an uninterrupted power supply and reacts upon state changes (line fail, line back, battery low situations). You can write your own scripts that are called in these cases. It does *not* require SYSVINIT. Keywords: uninterrupted power supply Author: (Frank Gockel) Maintained-by: (Frank Gockel) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/ups 11 kB usvd-2.0.0.tgz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/usvd 11 kB usvd-2.0.0.tgz Original-site: Platforms: Linux 2.0.x (should run with all Linux versions and even some other Un*xes) Copying-policy: GPL End