Begin3 Title: Yabbs (Yet Another BBS) Version: client .994/server .994 Entered-date: Sat Feb 11 1995 Description: A server/client unix bbs system centered around messages chat and gopher. Has low resource usage and works well with many users (a running system has been tested with about 50 active users). Server/client means that clients and servers can be run on different machines for better resource utilization. Works well for internet and dialup systems. Keywords: bbs chat messages gopher yabbs Author: Maintained-by: Primary-site: /pub/yabbs yabbsnet-0.994s-0.995c.tar.gz yabbscli-0.994.tar.gz Alternate-site: /afs/cs/user/arw/ftp/yabbs Platforms: any unix system supporting berkeley sockets Copying-policy: GPL End