Begin2 Title = kcs - kernel configuration system Version = kcs version 1.0 Desc1 = This is a set of shell scripts to easily configure Desc2 = your linux kernel. Desc3 = The interface is done using 'dialog' by Savio Lam, Desc4 = now maintained by Marc Ewing ( Author = Joerg Hessdoerfer AuthorEmail = Site1 = Path1 = /pub/Linux/??? File1 = kcs-1.0.tar.gz FileSize1 = 7537 bytes Required1 = awk, sed, bash, dialog CopyPolicy1 = Free, GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Keywords = kernel configuration dialog Comment1 = first full public release, some minor fixes & enhancements Entered = 04JUL95 EnteredBy = Joerg Hessdoerfer End