#!/usr/bin/perl use SGMLS; # Use the SGMLS package. use SGMLS::Output; # Use stack-based output. use SGMLS::Refs; # manually deleted items! use Carp; use Text::Wrap; # if no SECT1, the SECT appears blank! $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; # Default includes init tab $| = 1 ;# immediate flush stdout # maybe lookup all this from the database $dirsite = "/home/ftp/" ; $dirname = "Raven/EyeView" ; $docname = shift ; # command line arg not from sgml $docsubdir = $docname ; # SSR01 from ssr01 ? $docpath = "/tmp/".$docsubdir."/" ; mkdir($docpath,0755) ; $docdb = new SGMLS::Refs( $docname.db1 ); $BACKGROUND= '"../misc/glassTTY.gif"' ; $FC_BGCOLOR='"#000000"' ; $FC_TEXT = '"#FEFE90"' ; $FC_VLINK = '"#FF0000"' ; $FC_LINK = '"#60F060"' ; $FC_SECT0 = '"#60F060"' ; $FC_SECT1 = '"#60F060"' ; $FC_SECT2 = '"#60F060"' ; $FC_VERB = '"#FFFFCF"' ; $FC_TT = '"#FFFFCF"' ; $FC_TITLE = '"#FFFFCF"' ; $FC_AUTHOR= '"#60F060"' ; $FC_EMAIL = '"#FFFFCF"' ; # $sect_nn = 00 ;# decimal to str %2.2d # $sect_file = $docpath . '/' . $docname . '-' . $NN . '.html' ; # $TOC0_file = $docpath . '/' . $docname '.html' ; # bug in trim_wrap: fails if last line not \n terminated sub trim_wrap { my($str)= @_ ; $str =~ s/\s+/ /g ; $str =~ s/\s*(.*)/$1\n/ ; return wrap( "\t", "\t", $str ) ; } sub trim_trailing { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/$1/; $str =~ s/^\s*$//; return $str } sub trim_leading { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s/^\s*(.*)$/$1/; return $str } sub trim { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/$1/; # $str =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; $str =~ s/^\s*$//; return $str } ######## HTML FORMATTERS ######## sub CODE { my $str=shift; return "$str"; } sub PRE { my $str=shift; return "
"; } sub AHREF { my ($url,$text) = @_; return "$text"; } sub P { my $str=shift; return "


"; } sub B { my $str=shift; return "$str"; } sub H1 { my $str=shift; return "


"; } sub H2 { my $str=shift; return "


"; } sub H3 { my $str=shift; return "


"; } sub EM { my $str=shift; return "$str"; } sub CENTER { my $str=shift; return "
"; } sub ANAME { my($name,$str)=@_; return "$str"; } sub FCOLOR { my($colr,$str)=@_; if( $colr eq "" ) { carp "null str to FCOLOR"; return $str; } return "$str"; } ######## SCANNER ROUTINES ############ # macro2 gathers all content as a string (includes output of sub-zones) # trims it and put it in a sandwich # BUT if it was empty it deletes it all! # also avoid in core diverts for things larger than a paragraph or page sub macro1 { my($name,$template) = @_; my($lhs,$rhs) = split(/ZONE/,$template); macro2( $name, $lhs, $rhs ); return ; } sub macro2 { my($name,$lhs,$rhs) = @_; sgml( "<".$name.">", sub { push_output 'string'; } ); sgml( "", sub { my $zone = trim(pop_output()); if( $zone =~ /\S/ ) { output $lhs, $zone, $rhs ; } else { # output "\n" ; } }); } sub grab_var { my($name,$varname) = @_; $$varname = "" ; sgml( "<".$name.">", sub { push_output 'string'; } ); sgml( "", sub { my $zone = trim(pop_output()); $$varname = $zone ; }); } # # SDATA Handlers # sgml('|<|', "<"); sgml('| |', " "); sgml('|&|', "&"); sgml('| |', " "); sgml('| |', " "); sgml('|#|', "#"); # bug in SPOUT search Dial-up IP SSR01 sgml('|{|', "{"); sgml('|^|', "^"); sgml('|||', "|"); sgml('|>|', ">"); sgml('|}|', "}"); sgml('|%|', "%"); sgml('|_|', "_"); sgml('|[|', "["); sgml('|~|', "~"); macro1( 'F', "[ZONE") ; # BAD BAD BAD # # Document Handlers. # sgml('start', sub {}); sgml('end', sub {}); # # Element Handlers. # # most things on the title page will need to be kept as references # but for now ... sgml('', ""); sgml('', sub { end_list_SECT0(); }); sgml('
', ""); sgml('
', sub { toc_in_main(); }); # SHOULD be A, B, C, .... # needs second list from SECT ? sgml('', ""); sgml('', sub { }); sgml('', sub { macro1( 'TT', "ZONE") ; # cancel effect here# grab_var? $name_tt = "UNSET"; grab_var( "TT", name_tt ); }); sgml('', sub { TT_normal(); output "title: $title \n" ; output "date: $date \n" ; output "name: $name \n" ; output "name_tt: $name_tt \n" ; output "abst: $abstract \n" ; toc_in_main(); # exit 0 }); # grab_var( "AUTHOR", "author" ); # plain container ? grab_var( "TITLE", "title" ); grab_var( "DATE", "date" ); grab_var( "NAME", "name" ); grab_var( "ABSTRACT", "abstract" ); sgml('', ""); sgml('', ""); sgml('', ""); sgml('', "\n\n"); # -- section counters -- $sect0_n = 0 ; $sect1_n = 0 ; $sect2_n = 0 ; # unused # ABOVE # $db = new SGMLS::Refs( $docname ); sub put_locn_fact_value { my($locn,$fact,$value) = @_; $docdb->put( $locn.".".$fact, $value ); return $value; } sub get_locn_fact_default { my($locn,$fact,$value) = @_; return $docdb->get( $locn.".".$fact ) || $value; } sub get_locn_fact { my($locn,$fact) = @_; return get_locn_fact_default( $locn, $fact, "--default--"); } sub s_locn_sect0 { return sprintf( "SECT0[%d]", $sect0_n) ;} sub s_locn_sect1 { return sprintf( "SECT0[%d]SECT1[%d]", $sect0_n,$sect1_n) ;} sub s_locn_sect2 { return sprintf( "SECT0[%d]SECT1[%d]SECT2[%d]", $sect0_n,$sect1_n,$sect2_n) ;} sub end_list_SECT0 { put_locn_fact_value( "", "NSECT0", $sect0_n ); } sub end_list_SECT1 { put_locn_fact_value( $locn_sect0, "NSECT1", $sect1_n ); } sub end_list_SECT2 { put_locn_fact_value( $locn_sect1, "NSECT2", $sect2_n ); } sub TD { return sprintf("%s", shift ) ;} sub TR { return sprintf("\n%s", shift ) ;} sub TABLE_bd_bg { my($border, $bgcol, $zone) = @_; if($bgcol eq "") { return sprintf("\n%s\n
", $border, $zone ); } else { return sprintf("\n%s\n
", $border, $bgcol, $zone ) ; } } $html = "htm"; sub toc_in_main { my $i; my $j; my $h0; my $h1; $my_locn0; my $locn1; my $l1; my $lbl; my $file; my $col1 = '"#60F060"'; my $col2 = '"#606010"'; my $col2 = '' ; my $col2 = $FC_TEXT ; my $col2 = '"#101010"'; push_output( 'file', sprintf( "%s/%s.%s",$docpath,$docname,$html ) ); html_head( $title ); # my $title = get_locn_fact( "", "title" ); output H1( FCOLOR( $FC_TITLE, $title )); output "\n\n"; output H2( FCOLOR( $FC_AUTHOR, $name )."
".CODE(FCOLOR( $FC_EMAIL, $name_tt)) ); output "\n$date\n"; output P( "
".EM( $abstract )."
" ); output "\n\n"; # the one liners that point to the full paragraph indexes my $nh0 = get_locn_fact( "", "NSECT0" ); output "

    \n"; for( $i = 1; $i<= $nh0; $i++ ) { $locn0 = sprintf( "SECT0[%d]", $i) ; $n0 = sprintf( "%d. ", $i ); $h0 = get_locn_fact( $locn0, "heading" ); $lbl = sprintf( "#toc%d", $i ); my $line = "$n0$h0"; my $line = "$h0"; # my $line = H2("$line"); output "
  1. ".AHREF( $lbl, $line )."\n"; } output "

\n"; # each of the indexes for each file # my $nh0 = get_locn_fact( "", "NSECT0" ); for( $i = 1; $i<= $nh0; $i++ ) { output "

\n"; $locn0 = sprintf( "SECT0[%d]", $i) ; $file = get_locn_fact( $locn0, "filename" ); $n0 = sprintf( "%d. ", $i ); $h0 = get_locn_fact( $locn0, "heading" ); $lbl = sprintf( "toc%d", $i ); $n0 = ANAME( $lbl, $n0 ); $h0 = AHREF( $file, $h0 ); output H2( $n0.$h0 ); output "\n

\n\n\n" } pop_output(); } sub toc_in_page { my $i; my $j; my $h0; my $h1; $my_locn0; my $locn1; my $l1; my $col1 = '"#60F060"'; my $col2 = '"#606010"'; my $col2 = '' ; my $col2 = $FC_TEXT ; my $col2 = '"#101010"'; $i = $sect0_n; $locn0 = sprintf( "SECT0[%d]", $i) ; $h0 = sprintf( "%d. ", $i ); $h0 .= get_locn_fact( $locn_sect0, "heading" ); my $nh1 = get_locn_fact( $locn0, "NSECT1" ); push_output 'string'; # output TR( TD("+").TD( H2( FCOLOR( $col1, $h0 )))); for( $j = 1; $j <= $nh1; $j++ ) { $locn1 = sprintf( "SECT0[%d]SECT1[%d]", $i,$j ) ; $n1 = sprintf( "%d.%d", $i,$j ) ; $l1 = sprintf( "#ss%d.%d", $i,$j ) ; $h1 = get_locn_fact( $locn1, "heading" ); my $ref = AHREF( $l1, $n1." ".$h1 ); # my $ref = AHREF( $l1, $h1 ); output TR( TD($ref) ); # output TR( TD($n1).TD($ref) ); } output TABLE_bd_bg( 1, $col2, pop_output() ); # output "\n
\n" } @locn_here_stack=(); $locn_here = "UnDEFINED"; sgml('', sub { # incr top counter # get filename # start new file $sect0_n ++ ; $sect1_n = 0; $sect2_n = 0; $locn_sect0 = s_locn_sect0(); $locn_sect1 = "UNDEFinED"; $locn_sect2 = "UNDEFineD"; push(@locn_here_stack, $locn_here ); $locn_here = $locn_sect0; $file_prev = $file_here ; $file_here = sprintf("%s-%2.2d.%s",$docname,$sect0_n,$html) ; put_locn_fact_value( $locn_here, "filename", $file_here ); $file_next = "" ; output "\n\n"; push_output( 'file', $docpath.$file_here ); html_head( $title ); if($dangerous) { push_output 'string' ; # DANGEROUS! BAD STRUCTURE! # keep until put_toc_in_page; }; }); sub html_head { my($title) = @_; output " \n" ; output "$title\n" ; output "\n" ; } $dangerous = 1; sgml('', sub { if( $sect1_n == 0 ) { # not yet started if( $dangerous ) { output pop_output(); } } end_list_SECT2(); end_list_SECT1(); output "\n\n" ; output "" ; pop_output(); $locn_here = pop(@locn_here_stack); }); # maybe stats for end of file ? sgml('', sub { if( $sect1_n == 0 ) { # not yet started if( $dangerous ) { my $intro = TD( CENTER( pop_output())); push_output 'string'; toc_in_page(); my $toc = TD( pop_output()); my $BGCOL='"#000000"'; my $BGCOL='' ; output TABLE_bd_bg( 0, $BGCOL, TR($intro.$toc)); # TR($toc.$intro)); } else { toc_in_page(); } } # incr counter # create label $sect1_n ++; $sect2_n = 0; push(@locn_here_stack, $locn_here ); $locn_here = $locn_sect1 = s_locn_sect1(); }); sgml('', sub { end_list_SECT2(); $locn_sect1 = "UnDeFiNed"; $locn_here = pop(@locn_here_stack); }); ##) sgml('', sub { $sect2_n ++; push(@locn_here_stack, $locn_here ); $locn_here = s_locn_sect2(); }); sgml('', sub { $locn_sect2 = "UnDefiNed"; $locn_here = pop(@locn_here_stack); }); # -- HEADING does half the work of SECTn -- sgml('', sub { push_output 'string'; }); sgml('', sub { my $heading = pop_output(); # HTML &encoded; $heading = trim( $heading ); put_locn_fact_value( $locn_here, "heading", $heading ); # no nums my $parent = shift->parent->name; my $label = 'mylabel'; output "\n"; output "\n"; my $s1 = ""; my $s2 = ""; if( $parent eq 'SECT') { my $nn = sprintf("%d", $sect0_n); my $ss = "s".$nn; my $s1 = $nn.". ".$heading ; my $s1 = ANAME( $ss, $s1 ); my $s1 = FCOLOR( $FC_SECT0, $s1 ); my $s1 = H2( $s1 ); output "$s1"; } elsif ($parent eq 'SECT1') { my $nn = sprintf("%d.%d", $sect0_n, $sect1_n); my $ss = "ss".$nn; $s1 = "

"; $s1 .= "
"; $s1 = ANAME("$ss",$s1); $s1 = FCOLOR($FC_SECT1,$s1); output H2(B($s1)); } elsif ($parent eq 'SECT2') { $s1 = $heading; $s1 = FCOLOR($FC_SECT2,$s1); output H2(B($s1)); } else { croak 'illegal instructions'; } output "\n"; }); sub FACE1 { my $zone = shift; return "$zone"; } sub FACE2 { my $zone = shift; return "$zone"; } sub Face_size_colour_zone { my($face,$size,$color,$zone) = @_; $face = " face=\"$face\"" if $face ne "" ; $size = " size=\"$size\"" if $size ne "" ; $color = " color=\"$color\"" if $color ne "" ; return "$zone"; } sub FACE3 { return Face_size_colour_zone('ariel','+3',$FC_VERB,shift); } sub BIG4 { return Face_size_colour_zone('','+4','',shift); } $ZONE="ZONE" ; # use of TT in the titlepag/author/name # is an error # restore later # macro1( 'TT', FCOLOR( $FC_TT, CODE( $ZONE )) ); macro1( 'VERB', PRE( B( FCOLOR( $FC_VERB."size=+4", $ZONE ))) ); macro1( "P", "\n


" ); macro1( "P", "\n".FACE1(P($ZONE)) ); macro2( "ITEMIZE", "\n" ); macro2( "ENUM", "\n
    ", "
" ); macro2( "ITEM", "
  • ", "
  • \n" ); macro2( "TAG", "
    ", "
    \n" ); macro2( "DESCRIP", "
    ", "
    " ); macro2( "BF", "", "" ); macro2( "EM", "", "" ); macro2( "IT", "", "" ); sub TT_normal { macro1( 'TT', CODE( B( FCOLOR( $FC_TT."size=+4", $ZONE ))) ); # restore proper handler }; sgml('', ""); sgml('', sub { my $elem = shift; my $url = $elem->attribute("URL")->value; my $text = $elem->attribute("NAME")->value; # NOW FIXUP any CDATA in text, esp if text == url output AHREF( $url, $text); }); if(1) { sgml('start_element',sub { die "Unknown element: " . $_[0]->name; }); sgml('end_element',''); sgml('cdata',sub { output $_[0]; }); sgml('sdata',sub { die "Unknown SDATA: " . $_[0]; }); sgml('re',"\n"); sgml('pi',sub { die "Unknown processing instruction: " . $_[0]; }); sgml('entity',sub { die "Unknown external entity: " . $_[0]->name; }); sgml('start_subdoc',sub { die "Unknown subdoc entity: " . $_[0]->name; }); sgml('end_subdoc',''); sgml('conforming',''); } 1;