Begin3 Title: SPICECAD Version: 1.7.10 Entered-date: 10 Oct 1999 Description: SPICECAD is a schematic entry for the anlog simulator SPICE3f4/5. It allows graphical entry of electric circuits, generation of netlists , simulation of these netlists, and backannotation of the results. All SPICE3 devices are supported. Additional simulation types are monte-carlo, parametric sweep and circuit optimization. The design can be hierarchical. The BSIM3v3 model is included. SPICECAD is hard-linked, which means, you do not need a GNUPLOT or a SPICE3 binary. HSPICE , ADM and TITAN binaries, the other supported simulation engines, have to be purchased from the vendor (HSPICE, also known as Star-HSPICE from Avanti , TITAN from SIEMENS). SPICECAD is splitted into several files. One file contains the binary , one contains the documentation and example files. I have created a WEB-page which I hope answers all further questions. Please look at There, you will find actual links where you can download the recent version of the SPICECAD manual (updates very often) and the recent version of SPICECAD for SUN computers. You will also find some explanations what SPICECAD is and how it looks like. The source code of SPICECAD was not made available. Customizing SPICECAD for your own needs means: send me a mail which explains the problem, and then I can tell you whether I will do it by myself (because there could be a wide need for this new feature), or whether you can do it by yourself with a workaround. For example, if you want to create an interface for a new simulator (a PSPICE interface is still missing), I can send you several example files (the interface for HSPICE), and you write the interface. Finally , everything can be linked. Those who want to add some features I cannot write (because my programming skills and time is limited) can obtain the source code on a CD ROM. What I am thinking of is an EDIF interface. This would be a very nice feature. Keywords: SPICE3, Star-HSPICE ,HSPICE, TITAN , schematic entry , analog ciruit simulation , monte carlo, circuit optimization Author: (Martin Maschmann) Martin Maschmann Schwanseestrasse 77 81549 Muenchen Germany Maintained-by: (Martin Maschmann) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/circuits #1 spicecad-1.VER.REL.tar.gz #2 spicecad-1.VER.REL-linuxelf.tar.gz #3 spicecad-1.VER.REL.lsm spicecad-1.VER.REL.tar.gz contains example files and manual spicecad-1.VER.REL-linuxelf.tar.gz LINUX ELF BINARY, statically linked Platform: PC running LINUX and X11 R5/6 SUN SPARC running X11 R5/6 and SUNOS or SOLARIS Copying-policy: FREEWARE End