The Sierra SC11486 RAMDAC is an alternative RAMDAC for use with the Tseng 4000 and ATI VGA Wonder XL. It provides 15 bit RGB with 5 bits for each basic color. When in HiColor mode each pixel occupied two bytes. Bits 0- 4 of the pixel is the blue component. 5- 9 of the pixel is the green component. 10-14 of the pixel is the red component. This works for Tseng ET-4000 systems: function sethicolor(mode:word); var rp:registers; begin sethicolor:=false;$10f1; intr($10,rp); if ($10) and ( then begin$10f0;; {or another video mode.} intr($10,rp); if$10 then begin {now in HiColor mode.} sethicolor:=true; end; end; end; procedure plot(xcoor,ycoor,red,green,blue:word); var l:longint; begin l:=(longint(640)*ycoor+xcoor)*2; port[$3cd]:=l shr 16; memw[$a000:(l and $ffff)]:=blue+(green shl 5)+(red shl 10); end; BIOS extensions (Tseng 4000 Sierra HiColor DAC): ----------1010F0----------------------------- INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - SET HiColor GRAPHICS MODE AX = 10F0h BL = video mode (see also AH=00h) 32768-color modes: 13h = 320x200 2Dh = 640x350 2Eh = 640x480 2Fh = 640x400 30h = 800x600 Return: AX = 0010h if successful other on error Note: the Tseng HiColor BIOS extensions are supported by: Diamond Computer Systems SpeedStar HiColor VGA Everex Systems HC VGA Focus Information Systems 2theMax 4000 Cardinal Technologies VGA732 Orchid ProDesigner IIs SeeAlso: AX=10F1h Note: Not all BIOS versions support all of these modes!! ----------1010F1----------------------------- INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - GET DAC TYPE AX = 10F1h Return: AX = 0010h if succesful, errorcode if not BL = type of digital/analog converter 00h normal VGA DAC 01h Sierra SC1148x HiColor DAC else other HiColor DAC SeeAlso: AX=10F0h