Begin3 Title: SUIT Version: 2.3 Entered-date: 15JAN96 Description: The Simple User Interface Toolkit is a nice X11 Toolkit that allows to build pretty interfaces. See the kpe80 sound utility for an example. You create your application and roughly define you widgets, then you launch it and interactively edit the widgets (Alignment, creation, destruction, but even more a lot of attributes for each widget). When it is done, SUIT produces a C file that you can compile and link with your application (no more editing will be possible). I suggest you get the manual (I damn don't know where). Here is a hint: type CTRL-SHIFT-M to get the editing menu when a suit application is running (all SUIT commands are prefixed by CTRL-SHIFT). Keywords: SUIT, toolkit, interface, X11 Author: unknown@email (University of Virginia) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/X11/devel 353075 suit-2.3.linux.tgz Platforms: X11. Copying-policy: Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 the University of Virginia. All rights reserved. End