Three-D Athena Widgets (Xaw3d) Kaleb S. KEITHLEY Features: This is Release 1.2 (16 August, 1995) of a set of 3-D widgets based on the R6 Athena Widget set. The Three-D Athena may be used as a general replacement for the Athena (Xaw) Widget set. In general, you may relink almost any Athena Widget based application with the Three-D Athena Widget set and obtain a three dimensional appearance on some of the widgets. On systems with shared libraries, you may be able to replace your shared libXaw with libXaw3d and obtain the three dimensional appearance without even relinking. Top and bottom shadow colors, shadow width, top and bottom shadow contrast should be self explanatory, and may be set via the usual and customary methods, e.g. app-defaults, .Xdefaults, programmatically, with editres, etc. The user data resource may be used to "hang" application specific data on a widget, and is only settable programmatically. The following changes were made in this release: o Addition of jump_funcs, jump_ignore, and jump_vars files and support in the Imakefile for building shared libraries on Linux. o Some minor bug fixes. Known problems: o You may not be be able to replace shared libXaw with libXaw3d on systems with SVR3 style shared libraries. o Xaw3d pixel allocation doesn't behave well when beNiceToColormap is False and the Default Colormap is full. o The samples in Layout.h are wrong and don't work. Example programs written by Keith Packard that use the Layout widget are available on export in /R5contrib/Layout.tar.Z o If you subclass Athena's Simple or Sme classes, or subclasses thereof, then there's a definite chance that Xaw3d isn't source code compatible with your widgets. Sorry. I have no plans to fix this. Linux: Linux. I don't have much to say about Linux except to wonder why you aren't using FreeBSD instead. In what seems to be typical Linux style there seem to be at least one unofficial variation of Xaw3d with "enhancements" and bug fixes. There's only one official version of Xaw3d source, and that's the one on and its mirrors. I don't mind that people fix bugs or make enhancements for their own use, that's what freely redistributable source is all about. If you're using either the library and headers in: or a library built from the hacked sources in: and you have problems, don't tell me about it, tell Dimitri ( To build on Linux you need X11R6 patched through fix-11 or fix-12, or XFree86 3.1.1 or 3.1.2. The Imakefile (and the Makefile generated by it) does work on a 1.1.59 (a.out) system and a 1.2.11 ELF system. I no longer have access to an a.out Linux system so I am unable to provide a shared library. Since building shared libraries on Linux/ELF is so easy I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. Comments: o The source is really really really really (are you getting the hint?) intended to be built inside an R6 source tree. You might be able to build it outside the source tree, but if you try, you're on your own. It's hard enough to find time to put out these releases, I don't have time for handholding if you choose to disregard this advice. If you don't have a source tree, for whatever reason, plan on using binaries built by someone else. I'm sorry, that's just the way it has to be. Some people have written to me and told me that if you add the following line to the Imakefile: EXTRA_INCLUDES=-I. then you can build it anywhere you want, i.e. outside the R6 source tree. If this works for you, great. If not, sorry. See above. o Many people have written to me with enhancements and bug fixes. If your enhancement or bug fix didn't make it into this release then please understand that I'm very busy with other work and I have very little time to devote to Xaw3d. Your enhancement may appear in some future release. Again, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it has to be. xterm: A comment that appears in the xterm source: * * ...There be serious and nasty dragons here. * xterm is, well, xterm. The auto-scroll in the arrow-style scrollbar doesn't work in xterm because it relies on XtTimeouts. xterm, perhaps in the name of speed, circumvents XtAppNextEvent() and goes direct to XNextEvent() to get it's XEvents, with the unfortunate side effect of completely ignoring "other sources" like timeouts. At this time I do not have a patch to fix the R6 xterm. There is a patch to the R5 xterm on It shouldn't be hard to integrate it into the R6 sources. Getting: Xaw3d may be found on: and mirror sites around the world. Building: Untar the distribution from the base of your X Consortium source tree with the command: 'gunzip -c Xaw3d-1.2.tar.gz | tar xpf -' This will create the directory .../xc/lib/Xaw3d. 'cd' there and.. If building on SunOS 4 with the bundled compiler or any other machine with a non-ANSI C compiler: 'rm laylex.c; make laylex.c' Proceed to the next step... Otherwise just enter the following commands: 'make Makefile; make includes; make depend; make; make install'. The Imakefile contains the line: # EXTRA_DEFINES = -DARROW_SCROLLBAR If you want the arrow-scrollbar, then uncomment the line by deleting the '#'. The Imakefile uses the Xaw symbols in .../xc/config/cf, so if you have debugging, profiling, shared libs, etc. specified for Xaw, you'll get them in Xaw3d too. Using: Just relink your Xaw based application with -lXaw3d. To obtain an appearance similar to another well know widget set, use the following resources: *background: LightSkyBlue *shapeStyle: Rectangle *beNiceToColormap: False By default, Label widgets do not have shadows drawn for them. You can force shadows to be drawn for specifying: *Label*shadowWidth: 2 If you'd like the default behavior (i.e. not 3-D) on pulldown menus, use: *SmeBSB*shadowWidth: 0 Credits (in chronological order of their contribution): All the people at the X Consortium Achille Hui ( Robert Withrow ( Malcolm Strickland ( David Flanagan ( Jamie Zawinski ( Frank Terhaar-Yonkers ( Mike Schulze ( Gustaf Neumann ( Jerry Whelan ( Mark Rawling ( Tim Theisen ( Mitch Trachtenberg ( Keith Packard ( Dimitri P. Bouras ( Uri ??? ( Heiko Schroeder (