README for X11R6.8.2 on NetBSD : New OS dependent features
Previous: What and Where is X11R6.8.2?
Next: Installing the Binaries

2. New OS dependent features

See the Release Notes for non-OS dependent new features in X11R6.8.2.

2.1. New OS dependent features in 4.2.0

2.2. New OS dependent features in 4.1.0

2.3. New OS dependent features in 4.0.2

2.4. New OS dependent features in 4.0.1

2.5. New OS dependent features in 4.0

2.6. New OS dependent features in 3.9.18

2.7. New OS dependent features in 3.9.17

README for X11R6.8.2 on NetBSD : New OS dependent features
Previous: What and Where is X11R6.8.2?
Next: Installing the Binaries