Building the X Window System from the Source Distribution : Configuring the source before building
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2. Configuring the source before building

In most cases it shouldn't be necessary to configure anything before building.

If you do want to make configuration changes, it is recommended that you start by going to the xc/config/cf directory, and copying the file xorgsite.def to host.def. Then read through the host.def file (which is heavily commented), and set your configuration parameters. Usually you can find the default settings by checking the .cf file(s) relevant to your OS.

A good rule to follow is only to change things that you understand as it's easy to create build problems by changing the default configuration. Check the configuration parameters specified in the xc/config/cf/README.

If you are using just the X11R6.8.2-src1.tar.gz, X11R6.8.2-src2.tar.gz and X11R6.8.2-src3.tar.gz parts of the source dist, you will need to define BuildFonts to NO.

Building the X Window System from the Source Distribution : Configuring the source before building
Previous: How to get the X11R6.8.2 distribution source
Next: Using a shadow directory of symbolic links for the build