CKVAAA.HLP October 1993 C-KERMIT FILES FOR VMS AND OPENVMS All files for VMS C-Kermit have names beginning with CK. Those particular to VMS begin with CKV. Those that VMS C-Kermit share in common with other C-Kermit implementations begin with CKC or CKU. When retrieving these files via ftp from (, which is a UNIX system, use only lowercase letters in filenames. C-Kermit 5A(189) bears the following copyright notice: Copyright (C) 1985, 1993, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed or sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in or distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercial concerns to their clients or customers without written permission of the Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University. This copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured. DOCUMENTATION C-Kermit 5A is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, 1993, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, USA, ISBN 1-55558-108-0. Price: US $34.95. Available in book and computer stores, or order by phone, call Columbia University at +1 212 854-3703, or Butterworth-Heinemann at +1 800 366-2665. A German edition is available from Verlag Heinz Heise in Hannover, Germany. VMS C-KERMIT TEXT FILES: It is recommended that the following text files be placed in a KERMIT: directory on your (Open)VMS system, where all users can have read access to them for reference, except for CKVKER.HLP, which goes in the HELP library. CKVAAA.HLP - This file. CKVINS.DOC - IMPORTANT: READ THIS! VMS C-Kermit installation instructions. CKVKER.HLP - Help file for VMS C-Kermit, to be installed in the system HELP library. CKERMIT.INI - Standard C-Kermit initialization file. CKERMOD.INI - Sample C-Kermit customization file. CKCKER.UPD - Updates to C-Kermit since "Using C-Kermit" was published. CKCKER.BWR - General C-Kermit "Beware file" CKVKER.BWR - VMS-specific C-Kermit "Beware File" CKVKER.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for VAX/VMS that can be decoded back into an .EXE file using the CKVDEH program. This version was built with no network support under VAX/VMS 5.5-1 and should run on (Open)VMS 5-point-anything. NOTE: All CKV*.HEX files are text files composed only of 7-bit ASCII printable characters, arranged in lines, suitable for BITNET transfers, e-mail, etc. They are to be decoded back into their original VMS form with the CKVDEH program, which is available for both VAX and AXP. For details, please read the CKVDEH.HLP file. CKVAXP.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP. This version was built with no network support under OpenVMS AXP 1.0 or 1.5. CKVVUCX.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for VAX/VMS 5.x with DEC TCP/IP (UCX) network support. It should also be possible to use this one on a MultiNet system. CKVVTGV.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for VAX/VMS 5.x with TGV MultiNet network support. CKVVTWG.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for VAX/VMS 5.x with Wollongong WIN/TCP network support. CKVVCMU.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for VAX/VMS 5.x with CMU/Tek TCP/IP network support. CKVAUCX.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP 1.x with DEC TCP/IP (UCX) network support. It should also be possible to use this one on a MultiNet AXP VMS system if CKVATGV.HEX is not available. CKVATGV.HEX - A hexified version of C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP 1.x with TGV MultiNet TCP/IP network support. CKVAWIN.HEX - (not yet available) CKVHEX.MAR - A VAX assembly language program for converting VMS .EXE files (or any other type of file) into a printable text "hex" file suitable for transmission via text-oriented media. CKVDEH.MAR - A VAX assembly language program for converting a .HEX file built with the CKVHEX program back into its original form. CKVDEH.HLP - Help text for CKVHEX and CKVDEH, including build instructions. Files for building C-Kermit for VMS: CKVKER.COM - A DCL procedure for building C-Kermit from the source files. This procedure compiles all modules unconditionally. WARNING: This module is generated automatically from CKVKER.MAK via: $ MAKE/KEEP/NOEXECUTE/FORCE/OUT=CKVKER.COM CKVKER.MAK - A makefile used with VMS MAKE (supplied along with C-Kermit as CKVMAK.*, see below) to build C-Kermit from the source files. Must be renamed to "MAKEFILE." before use. CKVMAK.HEX - Source, documentation, and executable for VMS MAKE itself, for the VAX only. This is a BACKUP saveset encoded as a printable ASCII text file using the CKVHEX program. This software is freely distributable for noncommercial purposes (see copyright notice in CKVMAK.HLP). CKVMAK.HLP - Instructions for unpacking and installation of VMS MAKE. CKVLCMU.HEX - Berkeley sockets library for CMU/Tek TCP/IP, as a BACKUP saveset, hexified. Dehexify with CKVDEH. CKVKER.MMS - An obsolete, not recommended MMS build procedure. Rename this file to DESCRIP.MMS and then run MMS. It has been noted, however, that this is the only one that produces successful linking of the UCX version on an Alpha AXP (HINT: build with CKVKER.COM, link step will fail, then run MMS to do the linking) (Another hint: The latest makefile, CKVKER.MAK might work on the Alpha AXP after all.) Read CKVINS.DOC for detailed installation instructions. C-Kermit Source Files: CKVCON.C - The VMS C-Kermit CONNECT command. CKVFIO.C - VMS system-specific file i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVTIO.C - VMS system-specific communications i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVIOC.H - ioctl simulation for VMS, needed with DEC TCP/IP product. CKVIOC.C CKVVMS.H - Header file used by VMS C-Kermit source files. CKVCVT.C - A standalone program for decoding labeled files sent to VMS, to be replaced eventually by code within C-Kermit itself. CKVCVT.COM - DCL procedure for building the CKVCVT program. CKVCVT.HEX - Hexified VAX binary for CKCVT. CKVACVT.HEX - Hexified Alpha AXP binary for CKCVT. Of course, you also need the non-VMS-specific C-Kermit files too: CKC*.C, CKC*.H, CKU*.C, CKU*.H, CKCPRO.W, CKWART.C. [End of CKVAAA.HLP]