char *ckxv = "OS/2 Communications I/O, 5A(104), 15 May 93"; /* C K O T I O -- Kermit communications I/O support for OS/2 systems */ /* Also contains code to emulate the UNIX alarm() function under OS/2 and a set of opendir/readdir/closedir, etc, functions. */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET), Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City. Copyright (C) 1985, 1993, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed or sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in or distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercial concerns to their clients or customers without written permission of the Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University. This copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured. Originally adapted to OS/2 by Chris Adie (, Edinburgh University Computing Service, 1988. Adapted to C-Kermit 5A by Kai Uwe Rommel (, 1992-93. */ /* Includes */ #include "ckcdeb.h" /* Typedefs, debug formats, etc */ #include "ckcker.h" /* Kermit definitions */ #include "ckcnet.h" /* Kermit definitions */ #include "ckuxla.h" /* Translation tables */ #include /* Character types */ #include /* Standard i/o */ #include /* File io function declarations */ #include #include /* Process-control functions */ #include /* String manipulation declarations */ #include /* Standard library declarations */ #include #include #include /* Time functions */ #include #include #include #include "ckodir.h" #include "ckuver.h" /* Version herald */ char ckxsystem[64] = HERALD; char *ckxsys = ckxsystem; #define DEL 127 #define HUPTIME 500 /* Milliseconds for hangup */ #ifndef __32BIT__ #define far _far #define near _near #define pascal _pascal #endif #define INCL_NOPM #define INCL_ERRORS #define INCL_KBD #define INCL_DOSMISC #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #define INCL_DOSQUEUES #define INCL_DOSSIGNALS #define INCL_DOSDEVICES #define INCL_DOSDEVIOCTL #define INCL_DOSNLS #include /* This pulls in a whole load of stuff */ #undef COMMENT #ifdef CHAR #undef CHAR #endif /* CHAR */ _PROTOTYP( static int os2setdtr, (int) ); _PROTOTYP( static int os2setflow, (int) ); _PROTOTYP( static int os2setcarr, (int) ); _PROTOTYP( static int ttsettings, (int, int) ); /*============================================================================*/ /* Variables available to outside world: dftty -- Pointer to default tty name string, like "/dev/tty". dfloc -- 0 if dftty is console, 1 if external line. dfprty -- Default parity dfflow -- Default flow control ckxech -- Flag for who echoes console typein: 1 - The program (system echo is turned off) 0 - The system (or front end, or terminal). functions that want to do their own echoing should check this flag before doing so. Functions for assigned communication line (either external or console tty): sysinit() -- System dependent program initialization syscleanup() -- System dependent program shutdown ttopen(ttname,local,mdmtyp) -- Open the named tty for exclusive access. ttclos() -- Close & reset the tty, releasing any access lock. ttpkt(speed,flow,parity)-- Put the tty in packet mode or in DIALING or CONNECT modem control state. ttvt(speed,flow) -- Put the tty in virtual terminal mode. ttinl(dest,max,timo) -- Timed read line from the tty. ttinc(timo) -- Timed read character from tty. ttchk() -- See how many characters in tty input buffer. ttxin(n,buf) -- Read n characters from tty (untimed). ttol(string,length) -- Write a string to the tty. ttoc(c) -- Write a character to the tty. ttflui() -- Flush tty input buffer. ttgspd() -- Speed of tty line. Functions for console terminal: conraw() -- Set console into Raw mode concooked() -- Set console into Cooked mode conoc(c) -- Unbuffered output, one character to console. conol(s) -- Unbuffered output, null-terminated string to the console. conola(s) -- Unbuffered output, array of strings to the console. conxo(n,s) -- Unbuffered output, n characters to the console. conchk() -- Check if characters available at console (bsd 4.2). Check if escape char (^\) typed at console (System III/V). coninc(timo) -- Timed get a character from the console. Following routines are dummies: congm() -- Get console terminal mode. concb() -- Put console into single char mode with no echo. conres() -- Restore console to congm mode. conint() -- Enable console terminal interrupts. connoi() -- No console interrupts. Time functions sleep(t) -- Like UNIX sleep msleep(m) -- Millisecond sleep ztime(&s) -- Return pointer to date/time string rtimer() -- Reset timer gtimer() -- Get elapsed time since last call to rtimer() */ /* Defines */ #define DEVNAMLEN 14 /* Declarations */ /* dftty is the device name of the default device for file transfer */ /* dfloc is 0 if dftty is the user's console terminal, 1 if an external line */ extern long speed; extern int parity, fcharset, flow, ttcarr; #ifdef COMMENT /* This is to allow remote operation */ char *dftty = "0"; /* stdin */ int dfloc = 0; #else char *dftty = "com1"; /* COM1 */ int dfloc = 1; #endif /* COMMENT */ int dfprty = 0; /* Default parity (0 = none) */ int ttprty = 0; /* Parity in use. */ int ttmdm = 0; /* Modem in use. */ int dfflow = FLO_KEEP; /* Default flow is KEEP, no change*/ int backgrd = 0; /* Assume in foreground (no '&' ) */ int ttcarr = CAR_AUT; /* Carrier handling mode. */ int ckxech = 1; /* 0 if system normally echoes console characters, else 1 */ /* Declarations of variables global within this module */ static struct rdchbuf_rec { /* Buffer for serial characters */ unsigned char buffer[256]; UINT length, index; } rdchbuf; char startupdir[CCHMAXPATH] = "."; static long tcount; /* Elapsed time counter */ static int conmode, consaved; static char ttnmsv[DEVNAMLEN]; static int islocal, ishandle; static int pid; #ifdef COMMENT int ttyfd = 0; /* TTY file descriptor = stdin */ #else int ttyfd = -1; /* TTY file descriptor (not open yet) */ #endif /* COMMENT */ DCBINFO ttydcb; extern KEY *keymap; extern MACRO *macrotab; int ttsetspd(long sp); #ifdef __32BIT__ USHORT DosDevIOCtl32(PVOID pData, USHORT cbData, PVOID pParms, USHORT cbParms, USHORT usFunction, USHORT usCategory, HFILE hDevice) { ULONG ulParmLengthInOut = cbParms, ulDataLengthInOut = cbData; return (USHORT) DosDevIOCtl(hDevice, usCategory, usFunction, pParms, cbParms, &ulParmLengthInOut, pData, cbData, &ulDataLengthInOut); } #define DosDevIOCtl DosDevIOCtl32 #else #define DosDevIOCtl DosDevIOCtl2 #endif void cc_trap(int sig) { signal(sig, cc_trap); #ifdef __EMX__ signal(sig, SIG_ACK); #endif } /* Saving/restoring of hot handles */ static int savedtty = 0; static long savedspeed; static LINECONTROL savedlc; static DCBINFO saveddcb; static BYTE savedstat; savetty() { if (ttyfd != -1) { savedspeed = ttgspd(); DosDevIOCtl(&savedlc,sizeof(savedlc),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETLINECTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); DosDevIOCtl(&saveddcb,sizeof(saveddcb),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); DosDevIOCtl(&savedstat,sizeof(savedstat),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); savedtty = 1; } return 0; } restoretty() { MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data; if (savedtty) { ttsetspd(savedspeed); DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&savedlc,sizeof(savedlc), ASYNC_SETLINECTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&saveddcb,sizeof(saveddcb), ASYNC_SETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); ms.fbModemOn = 0; ms.fbModemOff = 255; if (savedstat & DTR_ON) ms.fbModemOn |= DTR_ON; else ms.fbModemOff &= DTR_OFF; if (savedstat & RTS_ON) ms.fbModemOn |= RTS_ON; else ms.fbModemOff &= RTS_OFF; DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); savedtty = 0; } return 0; } /* S Y S I N I T -- System-dependent program initialization. */ sysinit() { char *ptr; int n; #ifdef __32BIT__ ULONG cbData, nCodePage[8]; PTIB pptib; PPIB pppib; #else USHORT cbData, nCodePage[8]; PIDINFO pi; #endif if ( DosGetCp(sizeof(nCodePage), nCodePage, &cbData) == 0 ) switch (nCodePage[0]) { case 437: fcharset = FC_CP437; break; case 850: fcharset = FC_CP850; break; case 852: fcharset = FC_CP852; break; } #ifdef __32BIT__ DosGetInfoBlocks(&pptib, &pppib); pid = pppib -> pib_ulpid; #else DosGetPID(&pi); pid =; #endif signal(SIGINT, cc_trap); signal(SIGBREAK, cc_trap); #ifdef __32BIT__ DosError(FERR_DISABLEHARDERR | FERR_DISABLEEXCEPTION); #else DosError(HARDERROR_DISABLE | EXCEPTION_DISABLE); #endif sprintf(ckxsystem, " %s, OS/2 %1d.%02d", #ifdef __32BIT__ "32-bit", #else "16-bit", #endif _osmajor / 10, _osminor); #ifdef __IBMC__ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #endif strcpy(startupdir, GetLoadPath()); if ( (ptr = strrchr(startupdir, '\\')) != NULL ) *ptr = 0; for (ptr = startupdir; *ptr; ptr++) /* Convert backslashes to slashes */ if (*ptr == '\\') *ptr = '/'; n = (int)strlen(startupdir); /* Add slash to end if necessary */ if (n > -1 && n < CCHMAXPATH) if (startupdir[n-1] != '/') { startupdir[n] = '/'; startupdir[n+1] = '\0'; } #ifdef COMMENT /* This is a bit UNIXish and disconcerting */ strlwr(startupdir); #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef __IBMC__ setmode(1, O_TEXT); #endif /* __IBMC__ */ strcpy(ttnmsv, dftty); islocal = isatty(0) && !ttiscom(0); if (!islocal) { os2setdtr(1); ttsettings(ttprty,0); os2setflow(flow); os2setcarr(ttcarr == CAR_ON); } #ifdef NETCONN netinit(); #endif /* NETCONN */ return(0); } /* S Y S C L E A N U P -- System-dependent program cleanup. */ syscleanup() { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGBREAK, SIG_DFL); return(0); } /* O S 2 S E T F L O W -- set flow state of tty */ static int os2setflow(int nflow) { /* Get the current settings */ if (DosDevIOCtl(&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); ttydcb.fbCtlHndShake = MODE_DTR_CONTROL; ttydcb.fbFlowReplace &= ~(MODE_AUTO_RECEIVE | MODE_AUTO_TRANSMIT | /* clear only a few */ MODE_RTS_CONTROL | MODE_RTS_HANDSHAKE); if (nflow == FLO_XONX) { ttydcb.fbFlowReplace |= (MODE_AUTO_RECEIVE | MODE_AUTO_TRANSMIT | MODE_RTS_CONTROL); } else if (nflow == FLO_RTSC) { ttydcb.fbCtlHndShake |= MODE_CTS_HANDSHAKE; ttydcb.fbFlowReplace |= MODE_RTS_HANDSHAKE; } else ttydcb.fbFlowReplace |= MODE_RTS_CONTROL; /* Read "some" data from line mode */ ttydcb.fbTimeout &= ~MODE_NOWAIT_READ_TIMEOUT; ttydcb.fbTimeout |= MODE_WAIT_READ_TIMEOUT; /* Set DCB */ if (DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb), ASYNC_SETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); if (nflow != FLO_RTSC) { /* keep RTS permanently on */ MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data; ms.fbModemOn = RTS_ON; ms.fbModemOff = 255; DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); } return(0); } static int os2setcarr(int ncarr) { /* Get the current settings */ if (DosDevIOCtl(&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); if (ncarr) ttydcb.fbCtlHndShake |= MODE_DCD_HANDSHAKE; else ttydcb.fbCtlHndShake &= ~MODE_DCD_HANDSHAKE; /* Set DCB */ if (DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb), ASYNC_SETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); return(0); } /* O S 2 S E T D T R -- set state of DTR signal */ static int os2setdtr(int on) { MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data; if (ttyfd == -1) return(0); ms.fbModemOn = on ? DTR_ON : 0; ms.fbModemOff = on ? 255 : DTR_OFF; return(DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)); } /* T T S E T T I N G S -- Set the device driver parity and stop bits */ static int ttsettings(int par, int stop) { LINECONTROL lc; if (DosDevIOCtl(&lc,sizeof(lc),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETLINECTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); /* Get line */ switch (par) { case 'o': lc.bDataBits = 7; /* Data bits */ lc.bParity = 1; break; case 'e': lc.bDataBits = 7; /* Data bits */ lc.bParity = 2; break; case 'm': lc.bDataBits = 7; /* Data bits */ lc.bParity = 3; break; case 's': lc.bDataBits = 7; /* Data bits */ lc.bParity = 4; break; default : lc.bDataBits = 8; /* Data bits */ lc.bParity = 0; /* No parity */ } switch (stop) { case 2: lc.bStopBits = 2; /* Two stop bits */ break; case 1: lc.bStopBits = 0; /* One stop bit */ break; default: /* No change */ break; } if (DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&lc,sizeof(lc), ASYNC_SETLINECTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); /* Set line */ return(0); } /* T T O P E N -- Open a tty for exclusive access. */ /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ /* If called with lcl < 0, sets value of lcl as follows: 0: the terminal named by ttname is the job's controlling terminal. 1: the terminal named by ttname is not the job's controlling terminal. But watch out: if a line is already open, or if requested line can't be opened, then lcl remains (and is returned as) -1. */ ttopen(char *ttname, int *lcl, int modem, int spare) { char *x; extern char* ttyname(); char cname[DEVNAMLEN+4]; #ifdef __32BIT__ ULONG action, res; #else USHORT action, res; #endif rdchbuf.length = rdchbuf.index = 0; if (ttyfd > -1) { /* if device already opened */ if (strncmp(ttname,ttnmsv,DEVNAMLEN)) /* are new & old names equal? */ ttclos(ttyfd); /* no, close old ttname, open new */ else /* else same, ignore this call, */ return(0); /* and return. */ } if (*lcl == 0) return(-1); /* Won't open in local mode */ ishandle = 0; ttmdm = modem; /* Make this available to other fns */ strcpy(ttnmsv, ttname); /* Keep copy of name locally. */ #ifdef NETCONN if (modem < 0) return os2_netopen(ttname, lcl, -modem); #endif /* NETCONN */ /* This code lets you give Kermit an open file descriptor for a serial communication device, rather than a device name. Kermit assumes that the line is already open, locked, conditioned with the right parameters, etc. */ for (x = ttname; isdigit(*x); x++) ; /* Check for all digits */ if (*x == '\0') { ttyfd = atoi(ttname); ishandle = 1; *lcl = 1; /* Assume it's local. */ if (ttiscom(ttyfd)) return savetty(); ttyfd = -1; return(-4); } if (res = DosOpen(ttname,(PHFILE)&ttyfd,&action,0L,0,FILE_OPEN, OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE | OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE | OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR ,0L)) { ttyfd = -1; return((res == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) ? -5 : -1); } debug(F111,"ttopen ok",ttname,*lcl); /* Caller wants us to figure out if line is controlling tty */ if (*lcl == -1) { *lcl = 1; /* Can never transfer with console */ } if (!ttiscom(ttyfd)) { /* Not a serial port */ ttclos(0); return(-4); } savetty(); ttprty = dfprty; /* Make parity the default parity */ if (ttsettings(ttprty,0)) return(-1); return(ttflui()); } /* T T I S C O M -- Is the given handle an open COM port? */ ttiscom(int f) { DCBINFO testdcb; /* Read DCB */ if (DosDevIOCtl(&testdcb,sizeof(testdcb),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,f)) { return( 0 ); /* Bad, not a serial port */ } return( 1 ); /* Good */ } /* T T C L O S -- Close the TTY. */ ttclos(int spare) { #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_netclos(); #endif /* NETCONN */ if (ttyfd == -1) return(0); /* Wasn't open. */ if (savedtty) restoretty(); if (!ishandle) DosClose(ttyfd); ishandle = 0; ttyfd = -1; return(0); } /* T T G S P D -- return speed of tt line, or of default line */ long ttgspd() { long sp = 0; struct { long current_rate; char current_fract; long minimum_rate; char minimum_fract; long maximum_rate; char maximum_fract; } speed; if (ttyfd == -1) return(-1); if (DosDevIOCtl(&speed,sizeof(speed),NULL,0,0x0063,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd) == 0) return speed.current_rate; else if (DosDevIOCtl(&sp,sizeof(sp),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd) == 0) return sp; else return -1; } ttsetspd(long sp) { struct { long rate; char fract; } speed; if (ttyfd == -1) return(-1); /* Not open */ if (sp > 65535L) { speed.rate = sp; speed.fract = 0; return DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&speed,sizeof(speed),0x0043,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); } else return DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&sp,sizeof(sp), ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); } /* T T H A N G -- Hangup phone line */ tthang() { if (os2setdtr(0)) return -1; msleep(HUPTIME); os2setdtr(1); return 1; } /* T T R E S -- Restore terminal to "normal" mode. */ ttres() { /* Restore the tty to normal. */ if (ttyfd == -1) return(-1); /* Not open */ return(0); } /* T T P K T -- Condition the communication line for packets. */ /* or for modem dialing */ /* If called with speed > -1, also set the speed. */ /* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ ttpkt(long speed, int flow, int parity) { int s; if (ttmdm < 0) return(0); if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if (speed < 0) return(-1); ttprty = parity; os2setdtr(1); if (ttsetspd(speed)) return(-1); if (ttsettings(ttprty,0)) return(-1); if (os2setflow(flow)) return(-1); if (os2setcarr(ttcarr == CAR_ON && flow != FLO_DIAL)) return(-1); DosSetPrty(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_FOREGROUNDSERVER, 0, 0); return(0); } /* T T V T -- Condition communication line for use as virtual terminal */ ttvt(long speed, int flow) { if (ttmdm < 0) return(0); if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if (speed < 0) return(-1); ttprty = parity; os2setdtr(1); if (ttsetspd(speed)) return(-1); if (ttsettings(ttprty,0)) return(-1); if (os2setflow(flow)) return (-1); if (os2setcarr(ttcarr == CAR_ON || ttcarr == CAR_AUT)) return(-1); return(0); } /* T T S S P D -- Return the speed if OK, otherwise -1 */ int ttsspd(int speed) { long s; if (speed < 0) return(-1); s = (long) speed * 10L; ttsetspd(s); return(0); } /* T T F L U I -- Flush tty input buffer */ ttflui() { char parm=0; long int data; int i; rdchbuf.index = rdchbuf.length = 0; /* Flush internal buffer */ DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&parm,sizeof(parm), DEV_FLUSHINPUT,IOCTL_GENERAL,ttyfd); /* Flush driver */ return(0); } /* T T C H K -- Tell how many characters are waiting in tty input buffer */ ttchk() { USHORT data[2]; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_nettchk(); #endif /* NETCONN */ if(DosDevIOCtl(data,sizeof(data),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(0); else return((rdchbuf.length-rdchbuf.index)+data[0]); } /* T T X I N -- Get n characters from tty input buffer */ /* Returns number of characters actually gotten, or -1 on failure */ /* Intended for use only when it is known that n characters are actually */ /* available in the input buffer. */ ttxin(int n, CHAR *buf) { int i, j; if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ i = 0; while (i < n) { if ((j = ttinc(0)) < 0) break; buf[i++] = j; } return(i); } /* T T O L -- Similar to "ttinl", but for writing. */ ttol(CHAR *s, int n) { UINT i; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_nettol(s,n); #endif /* NETCONN */ if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if (DosWrite(ttyfd,s,n,(PVOID)&i)) return(-1); else return(i); } /* T T O C -- Output a character to the communication line */ ttoc(char c) { UINT i; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_nettoc(c); #endif /* NETCONN */ if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if(DosWrite(ttyfd,&c,1,(PVOID)&i)) return(-1); else return(i); } /* T T O C I -- Output a character to the communication line immediately */ ttoci(char c) { #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_nettoc(c); #endif /* NETCONN */ if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if(DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&c,sizeof(c), ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); else return(1); } /* T T I N L -- Read a record (up to break character) from comm line. */ /* If no break character encountered within "max", return "max" characters, with disposition of any remaining characters undefined. Otherwise, return the characters that were read, including the break character, in "dest" and the number of characters read as the value of the function, or 0 upon end of file, or -1 if an error occurred. Times out & returns error if not completed within "timo" seconds. */ ttinl(CHAR *dest, int max, int timo, CHAR eol) { int x = 0, c, i, m; if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ *dest = '\0'; /* Clear destination buffer */ i = 0; /* Next char to process */ while (1) { if ((c = ttinc(timo)) == -1) { x = -1; break; } dest[i] = c; /* Got one. */ if (dest[i] == eol) { dest[++i] = '\0'; return(i); } if (i++ > max) { debug(F101,"ttinl buffer overflow","",i); x = -1; break; } } debug(F100,"ttinl timout","",0); /* Get here on timeout. */ debug(F111," with",dest,i); return(x); /* and return error code. */ } /* T T I N C -- Read a character from the communication line */ /* The time should be in secs for consistency with the other modules in */ /* kermit. To retain the option of using times of less than 1s a negative */ /* parameter is interpreted as meaning multiples of 0.01s */ static rdch(void); ttinc(timo) int timo; { int m, i; char ch = 0; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_netinc(timo); #endif /* NETCONN */ m = (ttprty) ? 0177 : 0377; /* Parity stripping mask. */ if (ttyfd < 0) return(-1); /* Not open. */ if (timo == 0) { /* Untimed. */ if (ttydcb.usReadTimeout != 9) { ttydcb.usReadTimeout = 9; /* Test every 0.1s per call */ if (DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb), ASYNC_SETDCBINFO,1,ttyfd)) return(-1); } do i = rdch(); while (i < 0); /* Wait for a character. */ return(i & m); } if (timo < 0) timo= -timo - 1; else timo = timo * 100 - 1; if (ttydcb.usReadTimeout != timo) { /* Set timeout value */ ttydcb.usReadTimeout = timo; if (DosDevIOCtl(NULL,0,&ttydcb,sizeof(ttydcb), ASYNC_SETDCBINFO,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); } i = rdch(); if (i < 0) return(-1); else return(i & m); } /* RDCH -- Read characters from the serial port, maintaining an internal buffer of characters for the sake of efficiency. */ static rdch() { if (rdchbuf.index == rdchbuf.length) { rdchbuf.index = 0; if (DosRead(ttyfd,rdchbuf.buffer,sizeof(rdchbuf.buffer), #ifdef __32BIT__ (PULONG) &rdchbuf.length)) { #else (PUSHORT) &rdchbuf.length)) { #endif rdchbuf.length = 0; return(-1); } } return( (rdchbuf.index < rdchbuf.length) ? rdchbuf.buffer[rdchbuf.index++] : -1 ); } /* T T S C A R R -- Set ttcarr variable, controlling carrier handling. * * 0 = Off: Always ignore carrier. E.g. you can connect without carrier. * 1 = On: Heed carrier, except during dialing. Carrier loss gives disconnect. * 2 = Auto: For "modem direct": The same as "Off". * For real modem types: Heed carrier during connect, but ignore * it anytime else. Compatible with pre-5A C-Kermit versions. */ int ttscarr(carrier) int carrier; { ttcarr = carrier; debug(F101, "ttscarr","",ttcarr); return(ttcarr); } /* T T G M D M -- Get modem signals */ /* Looks for the modem signals CTS, DSR, and CTS, and returns those that are on in as its return value, in a bit mask as described for ttwmdm. Returns: -3 Not implemented -2 if the line does not have modem control -1 on error. >= 0 on success, with a bit mask containing the modem signals that are on. */ int ttgmdm() { BYTE instat, outstat; int modem = 0; if(DosDevIOCtl(&instat,sizeof(instat),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETMODEMINPUT,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); if(DosDevIOCtl(&outstat,sizeof(outstat),NULL,0, ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd)) return(-1); /* Clear To Send */ if (instat & CTS_ON) modem |= BM_CTS; /* Data Set Ready */ if (instat & DSR_ON) modem |= BM_DSR; /* Carrier */ if (instat & DCD_ON) modem |= BM_DCD; /* Ring Indicate */ if (instat & RI_ON) modem |= BM_RNG; /* Data Terminal Ready */ if (outstat & DTR_ON) modem |= BM_DTR; /* Request To Send */ if (outstat & RTS_ON) modem |= BM_RTS; return(modem); } /* T T S N D B -- Send a BREAK signal */ ttsndb() { MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data, i; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_netbreak(); #endif /* NETCONN */ ms.fbModemOn = RTS_ON; ms.fbModemOff = 255; DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); DosDevIOCtl(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKON,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break on */ DosSleep(275L); /* ZZZzzz */ DosDevIOCtl(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break off */ } /* T T S N D L B -- Send a LONG BREAK signal */ ttsndlb() { MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data, i; #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) return os2_netbreak(); #endif /* NETCONN */ ms.fbModemOn = RTS_ON; ms.fbModemOff = 255; DosDevIOCtl(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); DosDevIOCtl(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKON,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break on */ DosSleep(1800L); /* ZZZzzz */ DosDevIOCtl(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break off */ } #ifndef __EMX__ /* S L E E P -- Emulate the Unix sleep function */ unsigned sleep(t) unsigned t; { DosSleep((long)t*1000); } #endif /* M S L E E P -- Millisecond version of sleep(). */ /* Intended only for small intervals. For big ones, just use sleep(). */ msleep(m) int m; { DosSleep((long)m); } /* R T I M E R -- Reset elapsed time counter */ void rtimer() { tcount = time((long *)NULL); } /* G T I M E R -- Get current value of elapsed time counter in seconds */ int gtimer(void) { int x; x = (int) (time( (long *) 0 ) - tcount); return( (x < 0) ? 0 : x ); } /* Z T I M E -- Return date/time string */ void ztime(char **s) { long clock_storage; clock_storage = time( (long *) 0 ); *s = ctime( &clock_storage ); } /* C O N O C -- Output a character to the console terminal */ int conoc(char c) { write(1,&c,1); } /* C O N X O -- Write x characters to the console terminal */ int conxo(int x, char *s) { write(1,s,x); } /* C O N O L -- Write a line to the console terminal */ int conol(char *s) { int len; len = strlen(s); write(1,s,len); } /* C O N O L A -- Write an array of lines to the console terminal */ conola(s) char *s[]; { int i; for (i=0 ; *s[i] ; i++) conol(s[i]); } /* C O N O L L -- Output a string followed by CRLF */ conoll(s) char *s; { conol(s); write(1,"\r\n",2); } /* C O N C H K -- Return how many characters available at console */ conchk() { KBDKEYINFO k; KbdPeek(&k,0); return( (k.fbStatus & 0x40) ? 1 : 0 ); } /* C O N I N C -- Get a character from the console */ coninc(timo) int timo; { int c; while ( (c = congks(timo)) >= 0x100 ) if ( c > 0x200 && isdigit(c & 0xFF) ) break; return (c & 0xFF); } static jmp_buf kbbuf; SIGTYP (*saval)(int); SIGTYP kbdtimo(int sig) { #ifdef __EMX__ signal(SIGALRM, SIG_ACK); #endif signal(SIGALRM, saval); longjmp(kbbuf, 1); } #ifndef SHIFT_KEY_IN #define SHIFT_KEY_IN KBDTRF_SHIFT_KEY_IN #endif /* SHIFT_KEY_IN */ #ifndef CONTROL #define CONTROL KBDSTF_CONTROL #define SCROLLLOCK KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK #define SCROLLLOCK_ON KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK_ON #define NUMLOCK KBDSTF_NUMLOCK #define NUMLOCK_ON KBDSTF_NUMLOCK_ON #endif /* CONTROL */ congks(timo) int timo; { /* timeout isn't handled */ KBDKEYINFO k; int c; if (!islocal) { c = 0; if ( read(ttyfd, &c, 1) < 1 ) return -1; return c; }; for (;;) { if (timo <= 0) KbdCharIn(&k, IO_WAIT, 0); else { saval = signal(SIGALRM, kbdtimo); alarm(timo); if (setjmp(kbbuf)) return -1; else KbdCharIn(&k, IO_WAIT, 0); alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, saval); } if ( k.chChar || k.chScan ) { c = k.chChar; if (c == 0x00) c = 0x100 | k.chScan; if (c == 0xE0) c = 0x200 | k.chScan; switch (c) /* handle ambiguous keypad and space keys */ { case '\b': return k.chScan == 0x0E ? DEL : c; case DEL: return 0x200 | c; case ' ': return (k.fsState & CONTROL) ? 0x200 | c : c; case '+': return k.chScan == 0x4E ? 0x200 | c : c; case '-': return k.chScan == 0x4A ? 0x200 | c : c; case '*': return k.chScan == 0x37 ? 0x200 | c : c; case '/': return k.chScan == 0xE0 ? 0x200 | c : c; case '\r': case '\n': return k.chScan == 0xE0 ? 0x200 | c : c; case ',': return k.chScan == 0x53 ? 0x200 | c : c; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return k.chScan >= 0x47 ? 0x200 | c : c; default: return c; } } if ( (k.fbStatus & SHIFT_KEY_IN) && (k.fsState & NUMLOCK) ) return (k.fsState & NUMLOCK_ON) ? 0x2FE : 0x1FE; if ( (k.fbStatus & SHIFT_KEY_IN) && (k.fsState & SCROLLLOCK) ) return (k.fsState & SCROLLLOCK_ON) ? 0x2FF : 0x1FF; } } conraw() { KBDINFO k; if (!islocal) return(0); conmode = 1; k.cb = sizeof(k); KbdGetStatus(&k,0); k.fsMask = KEYBOARD_ECHO_OFF | KEYBOARD_BINARY_MODE | KEYBOARD_SHIFT_REPORT; return(KbdSetStatus(&k,0)); } concooked() { KBDINFO k; if (!islocal) return(0); conmode = 0; k.cb = sizeof(k); KbdGetStatus(&k,0); k.fsMask = KEYBOARD_ECHO_ON | KEYBOARD_ASCII_MODE; return(KbdSetStatus(&k,0)); } /* init key map */ void keymapinit() { /* predefine NUL characters */ keymap[0x103] = 0x00; keymap[0x200 | DEL ] = DEL; keymap[0x200 | ' ' ] = 0x00; /* predefine ambiguous keypad keys */ keymap[0x200 | '+' ] = '+'; keymap[0x200 | '-' ] = '-'; keymap[0x200 | '*' ] = '*'; keymap[0x200 | '/' ] = '/'; keymap[0x200 | '\r'] = '\r'; keymap[0x200 | '\n'] = '\n'; keymap[0x200 | ',' ] = ','; keymap[0x200 | '0' ] = '0'; keymap[0x200 | '1' ] = '1'; keymap[0x200 | '2' ] = '2'; keymap[0x200 | '3' ] = '3'; keymap[0x200 | '4' ] = '4'; keymap[0x200 | '5' ] = '5'; keymap[0x200 | '6' ] = '6'; keymap[0x200 | '7' ] = '7'; keymap[0x200 | '8' ] = '8'; keymap[0x200 | '9' ] = '9'; } /* C O N B I N -- Put console in binary mode */ /* Returns 0 if ok, -1 if not */ conbin(char esc) { if (!islocal) return(0); /* only for real ttys */ conraw(); } /* C O N C B -- Put console into single char mode with no echo. */ concb(char esc) { if (!islocal) return(0); /* only for real ttys */ concooked(); } /* C O N G M -- Get console terminal mode. */ congm() {} /* C O N R E S -- Restore console to congm mode. */ conres() {} /* C O N I N T -- Enable console terminal interrupts. */ void conint(f, s) SIGTYP (*f)(int), (*s)(int); { signal(SIGINT, f); signal(SIGBREAK, f); } /* C O N N O I -- No console interrupts. */ void connoi() { signal(SIGINT, cc_trap); signal(SIGBREAK, cc_trap); } /* privilege dummy */ int priv_chk() {return 0;} #ifndef __EMX__ /* alarm() implementation for all others, emx/gcc already has it built-in */ #ifdef __32BIT__ #define STACK 8192 static BOOL alrm, running; static UINT delay; static long FAR alarm_thread(VOID *args) { for (;;) { DosSleep(1000L); DosEnterCritSec(); if ( alrm ) if ( --delay == 0 ) { alrm = FALSE; DosKillProcess(DKP_PROCESS, pid); } DosExitCritSec(); } running = FALSE; DosExit(EXIT_THREAD, 0); } static void alarm_signal(int sig) { signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); /* avoid making us kill-proof all the time */ /* DosBeep(440, 10); */ raise(SIGALRM); } unsigned alarm(unsigned sec) { TID tid; unsigned old; DosEnterCritSec(); old = delay; delay = sec; if ( alrm = (delay > 0) ) signal(SIGTERM, alarm_signal); DosExitCritSec(); if ( !running ) { running = TRUE; DosCreateThread(&tid, (PFNTHREAD)alarm_thread, 0, 0, STACK); DosSetPrty(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_REGULAR, 0, tid); } return old; } #else #define STACK 2048 static PBYTE pstack; static BOOL alrm, running; static USHORT delay; #pragma check_stack(off) static VOID FAR alarm_thread(VOID) { for (;;) { DosSleep(1000L); DosEnterCritSec(); if ( alrm ) if ( --delay == 0 ) { alrm = FALSE; DosFlagProcess(pid, FLGP_PID, PFLG_A, 1); } DosExitCritSec(); } running = FALSE; DosExit(EXIT_THREAD, 0); } #pragma check_stack() static VOID PASCAL FAR alarm_signal(USHORT sigarg, USHORT signum) { PFNSIGHANDLER prev; USHORT action; DosSetSigHandler(alarm_signal, &prev, &action, SIGA_ACKNOWLEDGE, SIG_PFLG_A); raise(SIGALRM); } unsigned alarm(unsigned sec) { PFNSIGHANDLER prev; USHORT action; TID tid; unsigned old; if ( pstack == NULL ) { pstack = malloc(STACK); assert(pstack != NULL); DosSetSigHandler(alarm_signal, &prev, &action, SIGA_ACCEPT, SIG_PFLG_A); } DosEnterCritSec(); old = delay; delay = sec; alrm = (delay > 0); DosExitCritSec(); if ( !running ) { running = TRUE; DosCreateThread(alarm_thread, &tid, pstack + STACK); DosSetPrty(PRTYS_THREAD, PRTYC_REGULAR, 0, tid); } return old; } #endif /* * A public domain implementation of BSD directory routines for * MS-DOS. Written by Michael Rendell ({uunet,utai}michael@garfield), * August 1897 * Ported to OS/2 by Kai Uwe Rommel * December 1989, February 1990 * Change for HPFS support, October 1990 */ int attributes = A_DIR | A_HIDDEN; static char *getdirent(char *); static void free_dircontents(struct _dircontents *); static HDIR hdir; #ifdef __32BIT__ static ULONG count; static FILEFINDBUF3 find; #define DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \ DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, 1) #define DosQCurDisk DosQueryCurrentDisk #define DosQFSAttach DosQueryFSAttach #define DosQFSInfo DosQueryFSInfo #else static USHORT count; static FILEFINDBUF find; #define DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \ DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, 0) #define DosQFSAttach(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \ DosQFSAttach(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, 0) #endif int IsFileSystemFAT(char *dir) { static USHORT nLastDrive = -1, nResult; ULONG lMap; BYTE bData[64], bName[3]; #ifdef __32BIT__ ULONG nDrive, cbData; FSQBUFFER2 *pData = (FSQBUFFER2 *) bData; #else USHORT nDrive, cbData; FSQBUFFER *pData = (FSQBUFFER *) bData; #endif /* We separate FAT and HPFS file systems here. */ if ( isalpha(dir[0]) && (dir[1] == ':') ) nDrive = toupper(dir[0]) - '@'; else DosQCurDisk(&nDrive, &lMap); if ( nDrive == nLastDrive ) return nResult; bName[0] = (char) (nDrive + '@'); bName[1] = ':'; bName[2] = 0; nLastDrive = nDrive; cbData = sizeof(bData); if ( !DosQFSAttach(bName, 0, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, (PVOID) pData, &cbData) ) nResult = !strcmp(pData -> szFSDName + pData -> cbName, "FAT"); else nResult = FALSE; return nResult; } DIR *opendir(char *name) { struct stat statb; DIR *dirp; char c; char *s; struct _dircontents *dp; char nbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; int len; strcpy(nbuf, name); len = strlen (nbuf); s = nbuf + len; if ( ((c = nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1]) == '\\' || c == '/') && (strlen(nbuf) > 1) ) { nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1] = 0; if ( nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1] == ':' ) strcat(nbuf, "\\."); } else if ( nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1] == ':' ) strcat(nbuf, "."); if (stat(nbuf, &statb) < 0 || (statb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) return NULL; if ( (dirp = malloc(sizeof(DIR))) == NULL ) return NULL; if ( nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1] == '.' ) strcpy(nbuf + strlen(nbuf) - 1, "*.*"); else if ( ((c = nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1]) == '\\' || c == '/') && (strlen(nbuf) == 1) ) strcat(nbuf, "*.*"); else strcat(nbuf, "\\*.*"); dirp -> dd_loc = 0; dirp -> dd_contents = dirp -> dd_cp = NULL; if ((s = getdirent(nbuf)) == NULL) return dirp; do { if (((dp = malloc(sizeof(struct _dircontents))) == NULL) || ((dp -> _d_entry = malloc(strlen(s) + 1)) == NULL) ) { if (dp) free(dp); free_dircontents(dirp -> dd_contents); return NULL; } if (dirp -> dd_contents) { dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next = dp; dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next; } else dirp -> dd_contents = dirp -> dd_cp = dp; strcpy(dp -> _d_entry, s); dp -> _d_next = NULL; dp -> _d_size = find.cbFile; dp -> _d_mode = find.attrFile; dp -> _d_time = *(unsigned *) &(find.ftimeLastWrite); dp -> _d_date = *(unsigned *) &(find.fdateLastWrite); } while ((s = getdirent(NULL)) != NULL); dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_contents; return dirp; } void closedir(DIR * dirp) { free_dircontents(dirp -> dd_contents); free(dirp); } struct dirent *readdir(DIR * dirp) { static struct dirent dp; if (dirp -> dd_cp == NULL) return NULL; dp.d_namlen = dp.d_reclen = strlen(strcpy(dp.d_name, dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_entry)); dp.d_ino = 1; dp.d_size = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_size; dp.d_mode = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_mode; dp.d_time = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_time; dp.d_date = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_date; dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next; dirp -> dd_loc++; return &dp; } void seekdir(DIR * dirp, long off) { long i = off; struct _dircontents *dp; if (off >= 0) { for (dp = dirp -> dd_contents; --i >= 0 && dp; dp = dp -> _d_next); dirp -> dd_loc = off - (i + 1); dirp -> dd_cp = dp; } } long telldir(DIR * dirp) { return dirp -> dd_loc; } static void free_dircontents(struct _dircontents * dp) { struct _dircontents *odp; while (dp) { if (dp -> _d_entry) free(dp -> _d_entry); dp = (odp = dp) -> _d_next; free(odp); } } char *getdirent(char *dir) { int done; static int lower = TRUE; if (dir != NULL) { /* get first entry */ lower = IsFileSystemFAT(dir); hdir = HDIR_CREATE; count = 1; done = DosFindFirst(dir, &hdir, attributes, &find, sizeof(find), &count); } else /* get next entry */ done = DosFindNext(hdir, &find, sizeof(find), &count); if (done == 0) { if ( lower ) strlwr(find.achName); return find.achName; } else { DosFindClose(hdir); return NULL; } } #endif /* __EMX__ */ #ifdef __IBMC__ /* quick hack because IBM C lacks popen() and pclose() */ int pids[64]; FILE * popen(char *cmd, char *mode) { HFILE end1, end2, std, old1, old2, temp; FILE *file; char fail[256], cmd_line[256], *cmd_exe, *args; RESULTCODES res; int rc; if (DosCreatePipe(&end1, &end2, 4096)) return NULL; std = (*mode == 'w') ? 0 /* stdin */ : 1 /* stdout */; if (std == 0) { temp = end1; end1 = end2; end2 = temp; } old1 = -1; /* save stdin or stdout */ DosDupHandle(std, &old1); DosSetFHState(old1, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); temp = std; /* redirect stdin or stdout */ DosDupHandle(end2, &temp); if ( std == 1 ) { old2 = -1; /* save stderr */ DosDupHandle(2, &old2); DosSetFHState(old2, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); temp = 2; /* redirect stderr */ DosDupHandle(end2, &temp); } DosClose(end2); DosSetFHState(end1, OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT); if ( (cmd_exe = getenv("COMSPEC")) == NULL ) cmd_exe = "cmd.exe"; strcpy(cmd_line, cmd_exe); args = cmd_line + strlen(cmd_line) + 1; /* skip zero */ strcpy(args, "/c "); strcat(args, cmd); args[strlen(args) + 1] = '\0'; /* two zeroes */ rc = DosExecPgm(fail, sizeof(fail), EXEC_ASYNCRESULT, cmd_line, 0, &res, cmd_exe); temp = std; /* restore stdin or stdout */ DosDupHandle(old1, &temp); DosClose(old1); if ( std == 1 ) { temp = 2; /* restore stderr */ DosDupHandle(old2, &temp); DosClose(old2); } if (rc) { DosClose(end1); return NULL; } file = fdopen(end1, mode); pids[end1] = res.codeTerminate; return file; } int pclose(FILE *pipe) { RESULTCODES rc; PID pid; int handle = fileno(pipe); fclose(pipe); if (pids[handle]) DosWaitChild(DCWA_PROCESSTREE, DCWW_WAIT, &rc, &pid, pids[handle]); pids[handle] = 0; return rc.codeTerminate == 0 ? rc.codeResult : -1; } #endif void ChangeNameForFAT(char *name) { char *src, *dst, *next, *ptr, *dot, *start; static char invalid[] = ":;,=+\"[]<>| \t"; if ( isalpha(name[0]) && (name[1] == ':') ) start = name + 2; else start = name; src = dst = start; if ( (*src == '/') || (*src == '\\') ) src++, dst++; while ( *src ) { for ( next = src; *next && (*next != '/') && (*next != '\\'); next++ ); for ( ptr = src, dot = NULL; ptr < next; ptr++ ) if ( *ptr == '.' ) { dot = ptr; /* remember last dot */ *ptr = '_'; } if ( dot == NULL ) for ( ptr = src; ptr < next; ptr++ ) if ( *ptr == '_' ) dot = ptr; /* remember last _ as if it were a dot */ if ( dot && (dot > src) && ((next - dot <= 4) || ((next - src > 8) && (dot - src > 3))) ) { if ( dot ) *dot = '.'; for ( ptr = src; (ptr < dot) && ((ptr - src) < 8); ptr++ ) *dst++ = *ptr; for ( ptr = dot; (ptr < next) && ((ptr - dot) < 4); ptr++ ) *dst++ = *ptr; } else { if ( dot && (next - src == 1) ) *dot = '.'; /* special case: "." as a path component */ for ( ptr = src; (ptr < next) && ((ptr - src) < 8); ptr++ ) *dst++ = *ptr; } *dst++ = *next; /* either '/' or 0 */ if ( *next ) { src = next + 1; if ( *src == 0 ) /* handle trailing '/' on dirs ! */ *dst = 0; } else break; } for ( src = start; *src != 0; ++src ) if ( strchr(invalid, *src) != NULL ) *src = '_'; } int IsFileNameValid(char *name) { HFILE hf; #ifdef __32BIT__ ULONG uAction; #else USHORT uAction; #endif switch( DosOpen(name, &hf, &uAction, 0, 0, FILE_OPEN, OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE, 0) ) { case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: return FALSE; case NO_ERROR: DosClose(hf); default: return TRUE; } } long zdskspace(int drive) { FSALLOCATE fsa; if ( DosQFSInfo(drive, 1, (PBYTE) &fsa, sizeof(fsa)) ) return 0; return fsa.cUnitAvail * fsa.cSectorUnit * fsa.cbSector; } char * GetLoadPath(void) { #ifdef __32BIT__ PTIB pptib; PPIB pppib; char *szPath; DosGetInfoBlocks(&pptib, &pppib); szPath = pppib -> pib_pchenv; while (*szPath) szPath = strchr(szPath, 0) + 1; return szPath + 1; #else extern char *_pgmptr; return _pgmptr; #endif }