CKVAAA.TXT Jan 2000 C-KERMIT 7.0 FILES FOR VMS AND OPENVMS DOCUMENTATION Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, "Using C-Kermit", Second Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, ISBN 1-55558-164-1 US single-copy price: $44.95; quantity discounts available. Available in computer bookstores or directly from Columbia University: The Kermit Project Columbia University 612 West 115th Street New York NY 10025-7799 USA Telephone: +1 212 854-3703 Fax: +2 212 663-8202 PLEASE PURCHASE THE MANUAL. It will teach you how to use the C-Kermit software, it will answer your questions, and proceeds from the sales are a major source of funding for the Kermit effort. WEB ACCESS FTP ACCESS Host: []. Directory: Text files Binary files ---------------- --------------- Current release: kermit/f kermit/bin, kermit/vmshex Test version if any: kermit/test/text kermit/test/bin All files for VMS C-Kermit have names beginning with CK. Those particular to VMS begin with CKV. Those that VMS C-Kermit share in common with other C-Kermit implementations begin with CKE, CKC or CKU. When retrieving these files via ftp from, which is a UNIX system, use only lowercase letters in directory and filenames. For example, to get the file CKVKER.COM, use the command "get". Case matters. (Exception: some of the Kermit directories might contain a file called READ.ME or NEWS; again, case matters.) VMS C-KERMIT TEXT FILES: Using ftp, GET the files: cka*.* cke*.* ckv*.* It is recommended that the following text files be placed in a KERMIT: directory on your (Open)VMS system, where all users can have read access to them for reference, except for CKVKER.HLP, which goes in the HELP library as KERMIT.HLP (or CKERMIT.HLP). These are all ordinary plain-text ASCII files that can type typed, edited, printed, etc. COPYING.TXT Copyright and permissions notice. CKAAAA.TXT Overview of all C-Kermit files. CKVAAA.TXT This file, which explains what the other files are for. Can be renamed to READ.ME. CKVINS.TXT IMPORTANT: READ THIS! VMS C-Kermit installation instructions. This file is for the system administrator. CKVKER.HLP A short VMS-style help file for VMS C-Kermit, to be installed in the system HELP library under the desired name ("KERMIT" or "CKERMIT"). See CKVINS.TXT for instructions. This is not a substitute for the manual. CKERMIT.INI Standard C-Kermit initialization file. For users. This file defines the macros used by the services directory and other features. A single copy can be installed for system-wide use (see CKVINS.DOS for instructions). CKERMOD.INI Sample C-Kermit customization file. Each user would copy this file to her/his login directory and edit it to achieve the desired personal customizations. CKERMIT.KDD Sample dialing directory CKERMIT.KSD Sample services directory CKERMIT2.TXT Updates to C-Kermit since "Using C-Kermit" 2nd Ed was published. For users. This is user-level documentation for features that were added to C-Kermit since 6.0.192. CKCBWR.TXT General C-Kermit "Beware file". Troubleshooting hints and tips for users, pertaining to C-Kermit in general (C-Kermit runs on about ten major operating systems, of which VMS is just one). CKVBWR.TXT VMS-specific C-Kermit "Beware File". VMS-specific hints and tips for users. CKEDEMO.KSC, CKEVT.KSC, CKEPAGE.KSC Online copies of demonstration macros from "Using C-Kermit". BINARIES VMS C-Kermit binaries are available for both VAX and Alpha, and for each processor in a variety of forms, depending on which, if any, TCP/IP networking product is available. The binaries are distributed in binary format for those who receive VMS BACKUP-format media, or who can access them directly via FTP, and in a special "HEX" format, as text files. These HEX files may be decoded back into their original binary format using the CKVDEH.MAR program, which you can assemble on your VAX or Alpha system. Complete instructions for how to do this are included in the CKVDEH.TXT file. Summary of binary executable names in the kermit/bin directory: CKVawww-VMSnn-tttvv.EXE where: www = KER for KERMIT, CVT for the Labeled file convert program a = architecture: A for Alpha, V for VAX. nn = VMS version, e.g. 55 for VMS 5.5, 70 for VMS 7.0. ttt = TCP/IP product, if any: CMU = CMU-OpenVMS/IP ("CMU/Tek") UCX = DEC TCP/IP TGV = Cisco (TGV) MultiNet WIN = Attachmate (Wollongong) WIN/TCP (PathWay) PST = Process Software TCPware vv = The version number of the TCP/IP product. xxx = HEX (text-encoded binary) or EXE (true binary) When there is no TCP/IP support built in, tttvv is "NONET". Examples: CKVAKER-VMS61-TGV40A.EXE: C-Kermit, Alpha, VMS 6.1, Multinet 4.0A CKVAKER-VMS62-NONET.EXE: C-Kermit, Alpha, VMS 6.2, no TCP/IP CKVACVT-VMS61.EXE: Convert, Alpha, VMS 6.1 CKVVCVT-VMS44.EXE: Convert, VAX, VMS 4.4 CKVVKER-VMS55-UCX20.EXE: C-Kermit, VAX, VMS 5.5, DEC TCP/IP 2.0 If you need a binary that isn't there, let us know at If you can supply a binary that isn't there, please also let us know. HEX FILES These are in the kermit/vmshex directory, and must be decoded on your VMS system using CKVDEH.MAR (see CKVDEH.TXT for instructions). The names are shortened so they will fit into the dataset name field of the a standard ANSI tape file header: phnn-tttvv.HEX where: p = Program: K for Kermit or C for CKVCVT (the labeled file converter) h = hardware: A for Alpha, V for VAX nn = VMS version, e.g. 62 for VMS 6.2 ttt = TCP/IP product (as above) vv = Version number of TCP/IP product Examples: KV44-TWG32B.HEX = Kermit VAX VMS 4.4 Wollongong 3.2B KA62-TGV40A.HEX = Kermit Alpha VMS 6.2 Multinet 4.0A KA70-NONET.HEX = Kermit Alpha VMS 6.2, no networks CV55.HEX = CKCVT VAX VMS 5.5 FILES FOR BUILDING C-KERMIT FOR VMS FROM SOURCE CODE (also see CKVINS.TXT): CKVKER.COM - A DCL procedure for building C-Kermit from the source files on any VAX or Alpha. Read the comments at the top of CKVKER.COM for instructions. CKVKER.MMS - Used by CKVKER.COM on systems that have MMS. But CKVKER.COM works fine without it, too. CKVLCMU.HEX - Berkeley sockets library for CMU/Tek TCP/IP, as a BACKUP saveset, hexified. Dehexify with CKVDEH. CKVOLD.COM - More or less identical in functionality to CKVKER.COM, but written in VMS 4.0 DCL syntax, so it can run on VMS 4.x systems. CKCPLM.TXT - Program Logic Manual. CKCCFG.TXT - Documentation of compile-time configuration options. Read CKVINS.TXT for detailed installation instructions. C-KERMIT SOURCE FILES: Quick start for ftp users: mget ckvker.mms ck[cuvw]*.[cwh] CKVCON.C - The VMS C-Kermit CONNECT command. CKVFIO.C - VMS system-specific file i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVTIO.C - VMS system-specific communications i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVIOC.H - ioctl() simulation for VMS, needed with DEC TCP/IP product. CKVIOC.C CKVVMS.H - Header file used by VMS C-Kermit source files. CKVCVT.C - A standalone program for decoding VMS labeled files. CKVCVT.COM - DCL procedure for building the CKVCVT program. CKVVCVT.XXX - VAX binary for CKCVT (HEX or EXE) CKVACVT.XXX - Alpha binary for CKCVT (HEX or EXE) Of course, you also need the non-VMS-specific C-Kermit files too: CKC*.C, CKC*.H, CKU*.C, CKU*.H, CKCPRO.W, CKWART.C. (End of CKVAAA.TXT)