Version 5.6 2024-01-31 * Some minor changes Version 5.5 2023-09-14 * Inclusion of Spanish demos (and deprecated in Version 5.4 2023-06-01 * Some minor changes Version 5.3 2023-05-16 * Some minor changes Version 5.2 2023-05-16 * Some minor changes Version 5.1 2023-05-15 * Package update with minor changes Version 4.10 2020-09-26 * Corrected bug in contour plot that avoid null range plots Version 4.9 2020-03-02 * Functions zsum* marked as deprecated * Other minor changes to package Version 4.8 2019-03-29 * New parameter in function rloca.p to randomly gerenate the weights * Bug fixed in rloca.p Version 4.6 2018-10-26 * zsum functions rename to distsum * Other minor changes to package Version 4.5 2018-04-23 * Vignettes added to package Version 4.3 2017-10-20 * Project in R-forge * Changelog file added * New build with current R version Version 4.2 2014-06-02 * New demo added * Functions for computation in cluster are deprecated Version 4.1 2012-12-06 * Help in Spanish added * Summary and print methods for class loca.p Version 4.0 2012-05-08 * A dataset with the main capital cities of Andalusia * The contour plot can be draw over a given image, like a map. Version 3.2 2010-05-22 * The minimization problem can also be solved using global optimization algorithm Version 3.1 2010-04-21 * Minor bugs fixed Version 3.0 2 010-04-05 * Added lp norm support Version 2.0 2008-10-09 * The generation of random instances of loca.p object has new parameters to generate points in groups * The computation of weighted distance and the solution of the minimization problem can be made in a computer cluster * Method to convert object from an to loca.p object to and from matrix and data.frame Version 1.0 2008-06-12 * First release. * Definition of loca.p class for planar location problem * Generation of random loca.p objects * Compute the weighted distance from a point to a loca.p object * Find the minimum of the weighted distance * Plot loca.p object and weighted distance