## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----label="data", fig.show='hold', fig.height=6, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- library(cauphy) data(lizards) attach(lizards) plot(phy, show.tip.label = FALSE, x.lim = 65) phydataplot(svl, phy, scaling = 2) nodelabels(node = c(142, 151, 157)) ## ----label="fit_cauphy_reml"-------------------------------------------------- cauchy_reml <- fitCauchy(phy, svl, model = "cauchy", method = "reml") cauchy_reml ## ----label="fit_cauphy_reml_helpers"------------------------------------------ confint(cauchy_reml) ## ----label="reml_prl_plot", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- prl <- profile(cauchy_reml) plot(prl) ## ----label="fit_cauphy_ml"---------------------------------------------------- cauchy_ml <- fitCauchy(phy, svl, model = "cauchy", method = "fixed.root") cauchy_ml ## ----label="fit_cauphy_ml_helpers"-------------------------------------------- confint(cauchy_ml) ## ----label="ml_prl_plot", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- prl <- profile(cauchy_ml) plot(prl) ## ----label="fit_phylolm"------------------------------------------------------ library(phylolm) bm_ml <- phylolm(svl ~ 1, phy = phy, model = "BM") ou_ml <- phylolm(svl ~ 1, phy = phy, model = "OUfixedRoot") eb_ml <- phylolm(svl ~ 1, phy = phy, model = "EB") data.frame(model = c("BM", "OU", "EB", "CP"), AIC = c(AIC(bm_ml), AIC(ou_ml), AIC(eb_ml), AIC(cauchy_ml))) ## ----label="reml_anc"--------------------------------------------------------- anc_reml <- ancestral(cauchy_reml, n_values = 200) ## ----label="reml_anc_plot", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- plot(anc_reml, node = c(142, 151), type = "l") ## ----label="reml_anc_plot_hdi", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- library(HDInterval) anc_int <- hdi(anc_reml) # defaults to 95% HDI plot(anc_reml, node = c(142, 151), intervals = anc_int, type = "l") ## ----label="reml_anc_hdi_bi", warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------- anc_int[["151"]] ## ----label="reml_anc_plot_hdi_bad", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- anc_bad <- ancestral(cauchy_reml, n_values = 10) # grid is too coarse anc_int_bad <- hdi(anc_bad) plot(anc_bad, node = c(142, 151), intervals = anc_int_bad, type = "l") ## ----label="reml_inc"--------------------------------------------------------- inc_reml <- increment(cauchy_reml, node = c(142, 151, 157), n_cores = 1) ## ----label="reml_inc_plot", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- plot(inc_reml, node = c(142, 151), type = "l") ## ----label="reml_inc_plot_hdi", fig.show='hold', fig.height=4, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- inc_int <- hdi(inc_reml) # defaults to 95% HDI plot(inc_reml, node = c(142, 151), intervals = inc_int, type = "l") ## ----label="reml_asr_plot", fig.show='hold', fig.height=8, fig.width=7, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---- plot_asr(cauchy_reml, anc = anc_reml, inc = inc_reml, show.tip.label = FALSE, width.node = 0.8, height.node = 1.8, width.edge = 1.5, height.edge = 0.8)