Change Log for public releases: 2015-12-25 Version: 4.9-2 * Minor version number increased because of duplicate posting on CRAN. 2015-12-25 Version: 4.9-1 * NAMESPACES: Improve imports 2015-07-18 Version: 4.9-0 * Matching.R: balance(): the standardized pooled difference now uses the pooled variance as in Rosenbaum and Rubin (1985), instead of the total variance. This is not printed by default by MatchBalance(). One can obtain this statistic from directly calling balanceUV(). 2013-06-28 Version: 4.8-3.4 * configure: Check for compilers before AC_PROG_CC * Check for compilers before AC_PROG_CC * Switch to using internal blas headers on OS X * DESCRIPTION: Updated usage of 'Depends' and 'Suggests' * GenMatching.R: Include require("rgenoud") as the package is now suggested, but not required. 2013-06-28 Version: 4.8-3.1 * tests: suppress message on load in the test .R files 2013-06-28 Version: 4.8-3 * GenMatching.R: now uses the 'parallel' package instead of the deprecated package 'snow' 2013-04-26 Version: 4.8-2 * removes the -ffriend-injection option * removes the -ffriend-injection option * fully resolves calls to seqa, ones, zeros, and * fully resolves calls to seqa, ones, zeros * scythematrix.h: makes seqa, ones, zeros static parentheses around evalution to move ambiguity 2013-02-16 Version: 4.8-1.2 * GenMatching.R: removes assignment to .GlobalEnv in GENclusterExport. 2013-02-15 Version: 4.8-1.1 Only trivial internal code changes. Changed all as.real() to as.double(), as as.real() no longer work in R-devel. 2012-09-27 Version: 4.8-1 Minor update to resolve issues with API changes in R-devel * Matching.R: EISPACK = TRUE now depracated for eigen(). See we only look at the values anyways, we now revert to the R default, which is EISPACK=FALSE. Changed Mks.test() to handle warnings for ties in the ks.test. Removes call to .C in the base 'stat' package. * GenMatching.R: EISPACK = FALSE now for eigen(). Internal function Mks.test no longer takes the MC argument * GenBalance.R: Internal function Mks.test no longer takes the MC argument 2012-01-19 Version: 4.8-0 * no more --ffast-math because it conflicts with -pedantic on some platforms * no more --ffast-math * no more -ffast-math, and update test code to #include and RC(XX)FLAGS * configure: updated as above * switch exit() to error() and fprintf to Rpintf, now using packageStartupMessage .onAttach * switch exit() to error() and fprintf to Rpintf * scythematrix.h: switch exit() to error() and fprintf to Rpintf Version 4.7-14 Minor update. Corrected citation information in .onAttach. Version 4.7-13 Minor update. Updated references in CITATIONS an in *Rd files. Version 4.7-12 Minor update. CITATION file for Journal of Statistical Software Version 4.7-11 Minor update. ks.boot() now conducts alternative tests like ks.test() Version 4.7-10 Minor update. GenMatch() now checks to make sure that the treatment indicator (the 'Tr' object) contains both treated and control observations. If not, GenMatch() stops and returns an error message. Version 4.7-9 Minor update. Made calls to functions in the standard C++ library explicit. The Sun Studio C++ compiler required this change. Version 4.7-8 Minor update. The Sun Studio C++ compiler on Solaris required adding #include . Version 4.7-7 Minor update. Changed print format to conform to ISO C++ in the display() function in Removed the empty \details{} section in GenMatch.Rd. Version 4.7-6 Added suggested package "rbounds: Perform Rosenbaum bounds sensitivity tests for matched data" Corrected overloading ambiguity between "sqrt(double)" and "std::sqrt(float)" that prevented building on Solaris. Version 4.7-5 Minor update. Released in order to be compatible with R-devel (Windows). Version 4.7-3 Released in order to be compatible with R-2.8. Also removed the balanceMV() function. Version 4.6-2 Minor release. Explicitly declares header files as required by gcc 4.3. Improves warning message when Y==NULL and BiasAdjust==TRUE. Version 4.6-1 Minor release. Corrected documentation, functionality and error handling for user provided fitness function ('fit.func') in the GenMatch function. Provided S3 methods for printing summary functions to improving printing. Version 4.5-3 Minor release. Improved debugging for input parameters for Match(), GenMatch() and Matchby(). Improves checking for if length(Tr)!=length(Y) etc. And coerces Tr and Y by as.real instead of as.matrix. Version 4.5-2 MAJOR RELEASE with new features. Matchby() is now much faster and can now calculate Abadie-Imbens SEs (via the AI=TRUE option) and the function returns "index.treated" and "index.control", and it can be used with MatchBalance(). Var.calc estimates are now an order of magnitude faster in Match() because they have been moved to C++. And they can now be estimated via Matchby() which makes them even faster. We now have a to deal with gcc4 (R-develop) and gcc3 (R-release) as of R-2.5x. 4.4-14 Version for the Journal of Statistical Software article. Improved documentation, comments in the C++ code, added test cases to so regression tests are now done in the package itself (via R CMD check), and included makefiles in "extras" for icc and Sun Studio. Code now works with Sun Studio. 4.4.10, 4.4.7 Improvements in warning messsages and documentation 4.4.6 Major speed improvements. We no longer do any calculations for observations in the same treatment group. No longer using BLAS if the weight matrix is diagonal. BLAS, in this case, were slower than carefully written loops which gcc (and icc) can optimize. 4.4-1 MatchBalance now actually returns all of its results as a list so there is no need to call balanceUV() directly. 4.4.0 Major speed improvements on all plaforms for both Match() and GenMatch(). BLAS are now more selectively used: level 1 blas instead of dgemm and no use of BLAS on OS X for many operations (OS X BLAS were slower because of the OS X malloc problem). 4.3-1 GenMatch() now prints warnings when there are no valid matches, just like Match() 4.2-6 Corrects minor warning messages generated by R CMD check with R-rc_2007-04-19_r41248. 4.2-5 Warning that Bias Adjustment cannot be done if replace=FALSE or ties=FALSE 4.2-4 Minor change. In MatchBalance: check if options("na.action") is equal to na.omit, na.exclude or moved to after we know that there are NAs. 4.2-3 MatchBalance prints loud warning messages when missing values are inputed, but it will not, by default, stop. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU TEST IF THE MISSING VALUES ARE BALANCED INSTEAD OF JUST DELETING THEM. ks.boot is now faster (uses a fast version of ks.test). And the cut point for the test is now the length of treated category. Version 4.1-7 Documentation has been updated to be consistent with the paper introducing the package: "Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching Software with Automated Balance Optimization: The Matching package for R". See Version 4.1-3 Added the "CommonSupport" option to Match and GenMatch. Made sure to note in documentation that people should use the caliper option instead. GenMatch now defaults to using floating point weights instead of integers---data.type.integer=FALSE in GenMatch is now the default! Removed #include in sycthmatrix.h. Not needed and causes problem in pre 3.3 gcc Version 4.0-9 The Match() function is *vastly* faster for large datasets with many ties. At the expense of slightly more memory, the Match() function is now several orders of magnitude faster for such problems. For example, one dataset with 30,000 observations results in 6 million matches due to ties. For this problem, Match() now takes 60 seconds instead of an hour (on an Opteron 254). The speedup occurs because rbind usage has been all but eliminated. And memcpy is now effectively used to copy memory objects instead of loops (the former is better optimized by compilers). updated help on nboots in GenMatch Version 4.0-6 Match() and GenMatch now support the "ties" option. The default behavior of the "replace" option has also been changed. If the dataset is large and there are many ties between potential matches, setting ties=FALSE often results in a large speedup with negligible bias. Specifically, the ties option controls whether ties should be handled deterministically. By default ties==TRUE. If, for example, one treated observation matches more than one control observation, the matched dataset will include the multiple matched control observations and the matched data will be weighted to reflect the multiple matches. The sum of the weighted observations will still equal the original number of observations. If ties==FALSE, ties will be randomly broken. This in general is not a good idea because the variance of Y will be underestimated (Abadie and Imbens 2005). But if the dataset is large and there are many ties between potential matches, setting ties=FALSE often results in a large speedup with negligible bias. Whether two potential matches are close enough to be considered tied, is controlled by the distance.tolerance option. NOTE ties=FALSE in Matchby by default while ties=TRUE in Match and GenMatch. added warnings if nrow(BalanceMatrix) != length(Tr), or nrow(X) != length(Tr). Also checks for the dimensionality of V and Z. 3.8-2: Added index.dropped to the return object list for Match(). This is a vector containing the observation numbers from the original data which were dropped (if any) in the matched dataset because of various options such as caliper and exact. If no observations were dropped, this index will be NULL. 3.7-3: Fixed some typos in help pages. add standard packages to DESCRIPTION 3.7-1: The intelligence of the install script generated by has been improved. In now checks if the compiler supports the following group of arguments separately: MYCXXFLAGS0="-O3" MYCXXFLAGS1="-finline-functions -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fexpensive-optimizations" MYCXXFLAGS2="-funswitch-loops -fgcse-after-reload -fstrict-aliasing -freorder-blocks -fsched-interblock" The last set are not supported on pre 4.0 gcc compilers (unless they have been backported).