Begin4 Title: fraccalc Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 2007-06-07 Description: fraccalc is a language that supports proper and improper fractions with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language. Fraccalc starts by processing code from the standard input. Fraccalc may also read code from the file on the command line after -f or -l options. The option -l allows to add commands from standard input. The option -f causes immediate exit after executing last command from file. All code is executed as it is read. Fraccalc is similar to both well known command line calculators bc(1) and B. Kernighan and R. Pike hoc. Keywords: calculator, language, command line, fractions, bc, hoc, exact precision Author: (Michail Sinitcin) Maintained-by: (Michail Sinitcin) Primary-site: 30kB fraccalc.tar.bz2 1kB fraccalc.lsm Alternate-site: Platforms: C++ Copying-policy: GPL End