PACKAGE NAME: lucidlife-0.9.2-i486-46.1.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/games PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 686 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2740 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: atk,avahi,dbus,dbus-glib,expat,fontconfig,freetype,gconf,glib2,gnome-vfs,gtk+2,libpng,libxml2,openssl,orbit2,pango,xcb,xorg-libs,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lucidlife: LucidLife is a program for investigating Conway's Game of Life lucidlife: lucidlife: LucidLife is a program for investigating and playing with Conway's lucidlife: Life, a famous cellular automaton. LucidLife is based on GtkLife. lucidlife: lucidlife: lucidlife: lucidlife: lucidlife: lucidlife: lucidlife: