PACKAGE NAME: sharutils-4.7-i486-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/a PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 160 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 640 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: perl PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: sharutils: sharutils (GNU shell archive packing utilities) sharutils: sharutils: `shar' makes so-called shell archives out of many files, preparing sharutils: them for transmission by electronic mail services. `unshar' helps sharutils: unpacking shell archives after reception. `uuencode' prepares a file sharutils: for transmission over an electronic channel which ignores or otherwise sharutils: mangles the eight bit (high order bit) of bytes. `uudecode' does the sharutils: converse transformation. `remsync' allows for remote synchronization sharutils: of directory trees using electronic mail. sharutils: sharutils: