PACKAGE NAME: qt-3.3.8b-i586-3vl59.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./libs PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 12567 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 51530 K PACKAGE MD5: 872a7cc382eff1321ff9fedd5814ccaf ./libs/qt-3.3.8b-i586-3vl59.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: coreutils >= 6.9-i486-1,cups >= 1.3.3-i586-2vl59 | espgs >= 8.15.4-i486-2,cups >= 1.3.3-i586-2vl59 | espgs >= 8.15.4-i486-2 | expect >= 5.43.0-i486-2,cxxlibs >= 6.0.8-i486-4 | gcc-g++ >= 4.1.2-i486-1,expat >= 2.0.1-i486-1,fontconfig >= 2.4.2-i486-2,freetype >= 2.3.5-i486-1,gcc >= 4.1.2-i486-1,glibc-solibs >= 2.5-i486-5,lcms >= 1.16-i486-1,libICE >= 1.0.4-i486-1,libSM >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libX11 >= 1.1.3-i486-1,libXau >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libXcursor >= 1.1.9-i486-1,libXdamage >= 1.1.1-i486-1,libXdmcp >= 1.0.2-i486-1,libXext >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libXfixes >= 4.0.3-i486-1,libXft >= 2.1.12-i486-2,libXi >= 1.1.3-i486-1,libXinerama >= 1.0.2-i486-1,libXmu >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libXrandr >= 1.2.2-i486-1,libXrender >= 0.9.4-i486-1,libXt >= 1.0.5-i486-1,libXxf86vm >= 1.0.1-i486-1,libdrm >= 2.3.0-i486-1,libjpeg >= 6b-i486-5,libmng >= 1.0.9-i486-1,libpng >= 1.2.21-i486-1,libxcb >= 1.0-i486-2,mesa >= 7.0.2-i486-1,mysql >= 5.0.51-i586-3vl59,openssl >= 0.9.8f-i486-1 | openssl-solibs >= 0.9.8f-i486-1,zlib >= 1.2.3-i486-2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qt: Qt (a multi-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit) qt: qt: Qt is a complete and well-developed object-oriented framework for qt: developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications using C++. qt: qt: This release is free only for development of free software for the X qt: Window System. If you use Qt for developing commercial or other qt: non-free software, you must have a professional license. Please see qt: for information on how to qt: obtain a professional license. qt: