PACKAGE NAME: pmake-2.1.35-i386-2.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./dev PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 135 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 410 K PACKAGE MD5: a4785e171b2136b74c6a340fe01130c5 ./dev/pmake-2.1.35-i386-2.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pmake: pmake (BSD parallel make) pmake: pmake: This is PMake -- a parallel Make program originally written for the pmake: Sprite operating system, ported from BSD Unix. This may be useful if pmake: you're going to port software with Makefiles designed for BSD. pmake: pmake: PMake was written by Adam de Boor and Andreas Stolcke. pmake: pmake: pmake: pmake: