VECTELOPER : QUICK START ========================= Vecteloper is the tool-kit for vecteloper that willing to contribute well-prepared tarball (source code with settings). It helps you to do the following jobs: * extract compressed source tarball (src) into tarbal directory (tar) * compile the tarball-dir (tar) into packages (pkg) * install the compiled packages (pkg) and prebuilt packages (tgz) into the host for testing. * compress the tarball directory back into compressed source (src) Then you may upload the source (src) and packages (pkg) to vectelopment site. [tgz]-->+ [src]<-->[tar]----->[pkg]-->+--->[vectelopment] Your biggest challenge here is to prepare the tarball directory (tar) that can be compiled directly by vectelper kit into the packages (pkg). By doing so, you greatly help the CHIEF of providing reliable and flexible materials to build the distro. Unlike binary package (tgz) contribution, tarball contribution allows the chief to adjust the compilation settings (architecture, prefix, etc). These documentation is a quick guide of using vecteloper tool-kit. ----- 1. Install a HOST. Use VL-Dynamite or VL-standard. During the development, always login as root. That's mean, do this on your own private machine. Highly likely, The machine will be very messy after so many failed build attempts. ----- 2. Install vecteloper package. The package is available on the FTP site under directory vectelopment-VER/kits. It also requires checkinstall and vecpkg2 package, but VL-5.0 (all flavour) have already included the two. After installing the vecteloper, you will have a directory called /home/vectelopment. Go to that directory. ---- 3. Get some source tarball (src). The vecteloper contais some REAL examples under src directory, including: - cli/CORE/vldoc : documentation - cli/CORE/vlbootbmp : LILO graphic - x11/CORE/vlart : VL graphics & background - x11/CORE/vlart-soho : VL graphics & background for SOHO - cli/GR/fbshot : to capture console screen - cli/SYS/proftpd : FTP server, for testing - cli/SYS/dnsmasq : example of a daemon tarball - cli/MM/mpfc : example of a good tarball. The easiest. If you want more, download individual compressed tarball-dir from the FTP site under vectelopment-VER/src directory. The compressed tarball must be extracted to tar directory like these: # Extract a compressed tarball ./xp src/cli/CORE/vldoc-*.tar.bz2 # Extract all compressed tarball in a group ./xp src/cli/CORE/* # Extract all tarballs ./xp-all ------- 4. Try to compile Check under tar directory, you should have the uncompressed tarball directories. To start kicking, try for example: # Build package and install it to the host, for example ./bc tar/x11/CORE/vlart # Build package but do not install it # The result will be on pkg (symlinked to RELEASE/packages) ./bp tar/x11/CORE/vlart-soho # Build some packages in a group ./bp tar/cli/CORE/* # Build all packages, do not install # Warning, this will take very long !!! ./bp-all # Build all packages, and install # Warning, this will install all packages to your HOST # If you are using a Slackware, it might be transformed into VL. # If you are using not a Slackware nor a VL, it would be turned into toast. ./bp-all install # To compile many tarballs, the recomended ways is using a script. # To make the script, call this first. ./mkv5 v5-extra # Then edit the script, uncomment the package you don't want to mcedit v5-extra # Then compile it with ./v5-extra You may find the result of compiled packages under pkg directories. Each package will have 3 output files, namelly: * mypackage-*.tgz : the binary package * mypackage-*.tgz.md5 : checksum of the binary package * mypackage-*.txt. : the description and other information ------------- 5. Making your own tarball-dir Hmmm ... hard to explain this. But some tarball-dir examples have the HOWTO. Also read the Vecteloper documentation for detail. I believe you can master it quickly. ------------ 6. Finishing your work After you successfully build, compile and test your own tarball-dir, its time to pack it for submission. Simply: # Compress a tarball directory ./zp tar/cli/NET/mypackage # Compress all tarball directories in a group ./zp tar/cli/NET/* # Compress all tarball directories ./zp-all You may find the compressed tarball mypackage-*.tar.bz2 back under src directory -------- 7. Uploading your work Please use an FTP, or more securelly, an SFTP. The standard gFTP on VL can do SFTP. From Windows client, try WinSCP. It is a secure SCP client (what a pity Linux does not have one yet). Put your contribution as follows: * mypackage-*.tgz : under vectelopment-VER/pkg directory * mypackage-*.tgz.md5 : idem * mypackage-*.txt. : idem * mypackage-*.tar.bz4 : under vectelopment-VER/src directory ------------ I wish this tool will give you more happy hacking hours, and also synergize our collective effort.