Package: ace-gperf Description-md5: d2820ae34bb525c6060ea2b7be2a7746 Description-en: ACE perfect hash function generator ace_gperf is the ACE version of gperf. . Both ace_gperf and gperf were written by the same author, and have basically the same options and functionality. ace_gperf simply takes advantage of some of the features provided by the ACE library. Package: ace-netsvcs Description-md5: a0f85c6269f694a60515cd03bb0a69c6 Description-en: ACE network service implementations ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . This package contains driver programs and example configuration files to link the various ACE network services together, either statically or dynamically, and form complete server programs. Package: age Description-md5: 85dd9ab1e3fd8da906518326d4c6e3d4 Description-en: simple, modern and secure encryption tool age features small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. Package: alertmanager-irc-relay Description-md5: 3e3b4f210b982523cf61a95b138644b4 Description-en: Send Prometheus Alerts to IRC using Webhooks Alertmanager IRC Relay Alertmanager IRC Relay is a bot relaying Prometheus ( alerts to IRC. Alerts are received from Prometheus using Webhooks ( -text command, but handles chains, multiple files and TCP addresses. TLS/SSL version prints as well when using TCP address argument. Package: ckati Description-md5: 32c599ce0abe6a10989acd9b1db44a76 Description-en: experimental GNU make clone The main goal of this tool is to speed up incremental build of Android. Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. Instead, it converts your Makefile to a ninja file. . ckati is the C++ version of kati. Package: cli-spinner Description-md5: 3cb501522d9879997583b1d70d9b54b7 Description-en: Simple command line that show a slash spinner Simple spinner for the commandline while your CLI application is working. The cli-spinner binary isn't really functional, it's a commandline example. If you to want use a spinner library in your software, please, install golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner-dev package. . This package contains a example binary with spinner slash. Package: clipman Description-md5: 0bd04799d20a5418dd3e193d88d69e0a Description-en: simple clipboard manager for Wayland Clipman is a basic clipboard manager for Wayland, with support for persisting copy buffers after an application exits. Package: cobra-cli Description-md5: b9f09f926365e82d5fd5703b1a68d3df Description-en: Cobra CLI tool to generate Go applications and commands Cobra provides its own program that will create your Go application and add any commands you want. It's the easiest way to incorporate Cobra into your application. Package: codesearch Description-md5: b2cb491f3b15b88c57c51f839ece279e Description-en: regular expression search over large bodies of source code Code Search is a tool for indexing and then performing regular expression searches over large bodies of source code. It is a set of command-line programs written in Go. . For background and an overview of the commands, see Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index: Package: containernetworking-plugins Description-md5: da8efbf7d7835dbafe60f6925ce27282 Description-en: standard networking plugins - binaries This package contains binaries of the Container Networking Initiative's official plugins: . Interfaces - bridge: Creates a bridge, adds the host and the container to it. - ipvlan: Adds an ipvlan interface in the container. - loopback: Set the state of loopback interface to up. - macvlan: Creates a new MAC address, forwards all traffic to that to the container. - ptp: Creates a veth pair. - vlan: Allocates a vlan device. - host-device: Move an already-existing device into a container. . IPAM: IP Address Management - dhcp: Runs a daemon to make DHCP requests on behalf of the container. - host-local: Maintains a local database of allocated IPs - static: Allocates a static IPv4/IPv6 address. . Other - tuning: Tweaks sysctl parameters of an existing interface - portmap: An iptables-based portmapping plugin. Maps ports from the host's address space to the container. - bandwidth: Allows bandwidth-limiting through use of traffic control tbf. - sbr: Configures source based routing for an interface. - firewall: Uses iptables or firewalld to add rules to allow traffic to/from the container. Package: coredhcp-client Description-md5: 29e46b3d151b7ff5533e67e47ee61a41 Description-en: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - client Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . This package contains the client. Package: coredhcp-server Description-md5: ce017b41f35b649ece40e2e4aa9c2de7 Description-en: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - server Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . This package contains the server. Package: crowdsec Description-md5: 7b42942378aab9e4affe682dd9fa1b39 Description-en: lightweight and collaborative security engine CrowdSec is a lightweight security engine, able to detect and remedy aggressive network behavior. It can leverage and also enrich a global community-wide IP reputation database, to help fight online cybersec aggressions in a collaborative manner. . CrowdSec can read many log sources, parse and also enrich them, in order to detect specific scenarios, that usually represent malevolent behavior. Parsers, Enrichers, and Scenarios are YAML files that can be shared and downloaded through a specific Hub, as well as be created or adapted locally. . Detection results are available for CrowdSec, its CLI tools and bouncers via an HTTP API. Triggered scenarios lead to an alert, which often results in a decision (e.g. IP banned for 4 hours) that can be consumed by bouncers (software components enforcing a decision, such as an iptables ban, an nginx lua script, or any custom user script). . The CLI allows users to deploy a Metabase Docker image to provide simple-to-deploy dashboards of ongoing activity. The CrowdSec daemon is also instrumented with Prometheus to provide observability. . CrowdSec can be used against live logs (“à la fail2ban”), but can also work on cold logs to help, in a forensic context, to build an analysis for past events. . On top of that, CrowdSec aims at sharing detection signals amongst all participants, to pre-emptively allow users to block likely attackers. To achieve this, minimal meta-information about the attack is shared with the CrowdSec organization for further retribution. . Users can also decide not to take part into the collective effort via the central API, but to register on a local API instead. Package: crowdsec-custom-bouncer Description-md5: 5d07dad0f6702304f2720c710af489a7 Description-en: CrowdSec bouncer for custom scripts This package uses the CrowdSec API to fetch the latest decisions periodically, and passes them as arguments to a custom user script. Package: crowdsec-firewall-bouncer Description-md5: 3dd9b54fa4f50547088af8b51d83c1f3 Description-en: CrowdSec bouncer for firewalls This package uses the CrowdSec API to implement decisions at the firewall level via blocklists. It supports both nftables and iptables+ipset (IPv4 and IPv6). Package: dataurl Description-md5: af51bc2d83872b62e3455b3b25a67b8c Description-en: Data URL Schemes in Golang (program) This package parses and generates Data URL Schemes for the Go language, according to RFC 2397 ( . Data URLs are small chunks of data commonly used in browsers to display inline data, typically like small images, or when you use the FileReader API of the browser. . Common use-cases: . * generate a data URL out of a string, []byte, io.Reader for inclusion in HTML templates * parse a data URL sent by a browser in a http.Handler, and do something with the data (save to disk, etc.) . This package contains the dataurl CLI utility. Package: debiman Description-md5: 72b2e3c817b4082d188629ce4de6ad20 Description-en: generate a static manpage HTML repository out of a Debian archive debiman makes (Debian) manpages accessible in a web browser. Its goals are, in order: . completeness: all manpages in Debian should be available. . visually appealing and convenient: reading manpages should be fun, convenience features (e.g. permalinks, URL redirects, easy navigation) should be available . speed: manpages should be quick to load, new manpages should be quickly ingested, the program should run quickly for pleasant development Package: deck Description-md5: 5091d1c28df19911ac0fdcae32192895 Description-en: Configuration management for Kong and Kong Enterprise (program) Declarative configuration for Kong decK provides declarative configuration and drift detection for Kong. Package: direnv Description-md5: eb622bfa54c9d46458c730287447bda5 Description-en: Utility to set directory specific environment variables direnv is an environment variable manager for your shell. It knows how to hook into bash, zsh and fish shell to load or unload environment variables depending on your current directory. This allows one to have project-specific environment variables and not clutter the "~/.profile" file. . Before each prompt it checks for the existence of an ".envrc" file in the current and parent directories. If the file exists, it is loaded into a bash sub-shell and all exported variables are then captured by direnv and then made available to your shell. . Because direnv is compiled into a single static executable it is fast enough to be unnoticeable on each prompt. It is also language agnostic and can be used to build solutions similar to rbenv, pyenv, phpenv, ... Package: dnss Description-md5: b819c26d276749254421497ebe076067 Description-en: Proxy for using DNS over HTTPS dnss is a daemon for using DNS over HTTPS. . It can act as a proxy, receiving DNS requests and resolving them using DNS-over-HTTPs (DoH). This can be useful to improve DNS security and privacy on laptops and small/home networks. . It can also act as a DoH server, in case you want end to end control. Package: docker-registry Description-md5: dec26d26103381d10d2cb2fbed09ab63 Description-en: Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content. . The Docker Registry 2.0 implementation contained in this package is for storing and distributing Docker images. It supersedes the docker/docker-registry project with a new API design, focused around security and performance. . This project should provide an implementation to a V2 API for use in the Docker core project. The API should be embeddable and simplify the process of securely pulling and pushing content from docker daemons. . The new registry implementation provides the following benefits: . * faster push and pull * new, more efficient implementation * simplified deployment * pluggable storage backend * webhook notifications Package: dotnet-runtime-dbg-8.0 Description-md5: f219c700dacdc66779efe5c9ec87b38c Description-en: .NET Runtime debug symbols. This package provides the PDB debug symbols for Microsoft.NETCore.App 8.0. Package: dotnet-sdk-8.0-source-built-artifacts Description-md5: 286b22d44e29cd899adabd404a84457b Description-en: Internal package for building the .NET 8.0 Software Development Kit The .NET source-built archive is a collection of packages needed to build the .NET SDK itself. . These are not meant for general use. Package: dotnet-sdk-dbg-8.0 Description-md5: 8d83602da7a51df55cd270a69a7fea13 Description-en: .NET SDK debug symbols. This package provides the PDB debug symbols for the .NET 8.0 SDK. Package: douceur Description-md5: 8b1e8d5a53ba1a6e5b500c53b269c407 Description-en: simple CSS parser and inliner in Go (program) This package provides douceur, a simple CSS parser and HTML inliner. . Parser is vaguely inspired by CSS Syntax Module Level 3 ( and corresponding JS parser ( . Inliner only parses CSS defined in HTML document; it DOES NOT fetch external stylesheets (for now). . Parse a CSS file and display result: $ douceur parse inputfile.css . Inline CSS in an HTML document and display result: $ douceur inline inputfile.html Package: duf Description-md5: 0436d2c79d1e0af0862fc184fb4114a7 Description-en: Disk Usage/Free Utility Simple Disk Usage/Free Utility. . Features: - User-friendly, colorful output. - Adjusts to your terminal's theme & width. - Sort the results according to your needs. - Groups & filters devices. - Can conveniently output JSON. Package: dvgrab Description-md5: 412c523a49f1311a15db4dfe32b2087c Description-en: grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links dvgrab receives audio and video data from a digital camcorder via an IEEE1394 (widely known as FireWire) or USB link and stores them into one of several file formats. It features autosplit of long video sequences, and supports saving the data as raw frames, AVI type 1, AVI type 2, Quicktime DV, a series of JPEG stills or MPEG2-TS. Package: easygen Description-md5: bed5437a64e2d0648b9c82b8e0692209 Description-en: Easy to use universal code/text generator Command easygen is an easy to use universal code/text generator. . It can be used as a text, html or a code generator for arbitrary purposes with arbitrary data and templates. It can be used as a GSL replacement, as it . - is more easy to define driving data, in form of YML instead of XML - has more powerful template engine that based on Go template. You can even write your own function in Go to customize your template. . You can even use easygen as a generic Go template testing tool. Package: emd Description-md5: 6fc4d6b9188049790a1818e998f91a04 Description-en: Enhanced Markdown template processor (program) emd is the Enhanced Markdown template processor. It can save people from tedious jobs updating their files by automating all those that can be automated, especially for cli based programs. Package: enmime Description-md5: 64709de7226812c4903dca09566d7577 Description-en: MIME mail encoding and decoding package for Go (program) enmime is a MIME encoding and decoding library for Go, focused on generating and parsing MIME encoded emails. It is being developed in tandem with the Inbucket email service. . enmime includes a fluent interface builder for generating MIME encoded messages. . This is the binary package for the same containing mime-extractor and mime-dump utilities. Package: etcd-discovery Description-md5: 0d2a442f1d42fb855034fb2fa2008c1d Description-en: etcd discovery service This code powers the public service at This package provides a standalone initial discovery URL if contacting the is not possible in your deployment (for example if your server doesn't have internet connectivity). . Note that in a normal etcd cluster setup, this service isn't mandatory, however, etcd discovery is mandatory to be able to run OpenStack Magnum, which is why this package exist. Package: ethflux Description-md5: bf060f6034f115aa0e6e54849aceb80f Description-en: InfluxDB data gatherer for ethtool-style network interface information ethflux is an InfluxDB data gatherer for ethtool-style network interface information. It uses the Linux SIOCETHTOOL ioctl interface to obtain network interface statistics and other runtime data and outputs them in InfluxDB's line protocol format for further propagation. Package: exip Description-md5: 39ae2868b13fea0d51a288ff75865b56 Description-en: get your external ip from multiple services (program) This package is a Golang library to get your external ip from multiple services. . Design/Implement STUNSource (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)) See RFC 3489 and RFC 5389 for more details. . This is the binary package for the exip utility. Package: fdroidcl Description-md5: 2c17cf3ba98f9f581baf362a32db7398 Description-en: F-Droid desktop client F-Droid ( desktop client. . While the Android client integrates with the system with regular update checks and notifications, this is a command line client that talks to connected devices via ADB ( Quickstart Download the index: fdroidcl update Package: fernet-go Description-md5: b89654045d4970530128f73e2bb367b4 Description-en: tool for generates/verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens This library takes a user-provided *message* (an arbitrary sequence of bytes), a *key* (256 bits), and the current time, and produces a *token*, which contains the message in a form that can't be read or altered without the key. . This package is compatible with the other implementations at They can exchange tokens freely among each other. . This package contains files that is tool using golang-github-fernet-fernet-go-dev. Package: fever Description-md5: b909bca5113c0484e6b8f6dc555941a4 Description-en: fast, extensible, versatile event router for Suricata's EVE-JSON format The Fast, Extensible, Versatile Event Router (FEVER) is a tool for fast processing of events from Suricata's JSON EVE output. What is meant by 'processing' is defined by a number of modular components, for example facilitating fast ingestion into a database. Other processors implement collection, aggregation and forwarding of various metadata (e.g. aggregated and raw flows, passive DNS data, etc.) as well as performance metrics. . It is meant to be used in front of (or as a replacement for) general-purpose log processors like Logstash to increase event throughput as observed on sensors that see a lot of traffic. Package: ffcvt Description-md5: cb2a58ea73690234ddad703c47db8366 Description-en: ffmpeg convert wrapper tool ffcvt - ffmpeg convert wrapper to make it simple to do high efficiency audio/video compression (Opus/H.265) encoding, and for youtube as well. . The next-generation High Efficiency Video codec, HEVC and VP9 can produce videos visually comparable to libx264's, but in about half the size; Meanwhile the Opus audio codec is becoming the best thing ever for compressing audio -- A 64K Opus audio stream is comparable to mp3 files of 128K to 256K bandwidth. The ffcvt makes use of such fantastic high efficiency audio/video codec/encoding capability while shielding people from the complicated ffmpeg command line option settings, while versatile and powerful enough to allow advanced users to touch every corner of audio/video encoding. Package: fossil Description-md5: 21b5c8af5ad471c6f1c111bbfb3ccfe7 Description-en: DSCM with built-in wiki, http interface and server, tickets database Fossil is an easy-to-use Distributed Source Control Management system (DSCM) which supports access and administration over HTTP CGI or via a built-in HTTP server, has a built-in wiki, built-in file browsing, a built-in tickets system, etc. Package: freerdp3-dev Description-md5: 87d789b26f2354d9180f00d23a677478 Description-en: Free Remote Desktop Protocol library (development files) FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . This package contains the FreeRDP development files. Package: freerdp3-shadow-x11 Description-md5: 5e8fef249679625146e6e6f483c3b488 Description-en: FreeRDP x11 shadowing server FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . This package contains a "shadowing" server that can be used to share an already started X11 DISPLAY. Package: freerdp3-wayland Description-md5: a5e739176253fe4f397467dba68645a0 Description-en: RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (wayland client) FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . Currently, the FreeRDP clients supports the following Windows Versions: . * Windows NT Server * Windows 2000 Terminal Server * Windows XP * Windows 2003 Server * Windows Vista * Windows 2008/2008r2/2011SBS Server * Windows 7 * Windows 2012/2012r2 Server * Windows 8 * Windows 10 . This package contains the wayland based client. Package: freerdp3-x11 Description-md5: c4929c6614bb3d2257a1f67d82098bd3 Description-en: RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (X11 client) FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . Currently, the FreeRDP client supports the following Windows Versions: . * Windows NT Server * Windows 2000 Terminal Server * Windows XP * Windows 2003 Server * Windows Vista * Windows 2008/2008r2/2011SBS Server * Windows 7 * Windows 2012/2012r2 Server * Windows 8 * Windows 10 . This package contains the X11 based client. Package: frr-rpki-rtrlib Description-md5: 30bfd5814687806732d4fe41102d1c00 Description-en: FRRouting suite - BGP RPKI support (rtrlib) Adds RPKI support to FRR's bgpd, allowing validation of BGP routes against cryptographic information stored in WHOIS databases. This is used to prevent hijacking of networks on the wider internet. It is only relevant to internet service providers using their own autonomous system number. Package: frr-snmp Description-md5: d919226aa0a132d34a50839afe24cfa6 Description-en: FRRouting suite - SNMP support Adds SNMP support to FRR's daemons by attaching to net-snmp's snmpd through the AgentX protocol. Provides read-only access to current routing state through standard SNMP MIBs. Package: g10k Description-md5: cc4a90e3c3951fc425231ba63802bdcc Description-en: Puppet environment and module deployment g10k provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. It implements the Puppetfile format and provides a native implementation of Puppet dynamic environments. g10k is a rewrite of puppetlabs/r10k in Go with additional optimizations such as: . - caching support - distinct SSH keys for each source - parallel cloning and checkout - enhanced Puppetfile options . It only supports Forge modules and Git repositories. Package: garagemq Description-md5: d4950b53964cb8946902a8db08b77684 Description-en: AMQP message broker implemented with golang GarageMQ is a message broker that implement the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). Compatible with any AMQP or RabbitMQ clients (tested streadway/amqp and php-amqp lib) . The GarageMQ project is also knowns an KubeMQ ( . This package does not contain the admin-frontend/build files since debian packaging npm modules is "complicated". You can, after installing this package, download the files from github and `cp -a $SRCDIR/admin-frontend/build /var/lib/garagemq/admin-frontend/` to be able to use the admin frontend as intended. Package: gdk-pixbuf-tests Description-md5: cf0f6aef61d499ed22f97ebc5d8c2d7b Description-en: installed tests for the GDK Pixbuf library The GDK Pixbuf library provides: - Image loading and saving facilities. - Fast scaling and compositing of pixbufs. - Simple animation loading (ie. animated GIFs) . This package contains the installed tests for the GDK Pixbuf library. Package: genny Description-md5: 3e3d55235d5bcb92952132f6bfc25191 Description-en: Elegant generics for Go - program Until the Go core team include support for generics in Go, genny is a code-generation generics solution. . It allows one to write normal buildable and testable Go code which, when processed by the genny gen tool, will replace the generics with specific types genny - Generics for Go Build Status . This is the program package. Package: genxdr Description-md5: 29b5b38eacd22965261b9a3609a89212 Description-en: Go XDR enc/decoder - code generation utility Package xdr is an XDR marshalling/unmarshalling library. It uses code generation and not reflection. . This package contains the CLI utility to generate go code. Package: ggd-utils Description-md5: c234fa6dad08b4131924c3112fb192b5 Description-en: programs for use in ggd Takes a genome file and (currently) a .vcf.gz or a .bed.gz and checks that: . * a .tbi is present * the VCF has ""##fileformat=VCF" as the first line * the VCF has a #CHROM header * the chromosome are in the order specified by the genome file (and present) * the positions are sorted * the positions are <= the chromosome lengths defined in the genome file. . As a result, any new genome going into GGD will have a .genome file that will dictate the sort order and presence or absence of the 'chr' prefix for chromosomes Package: gifwrap Description-md5: e4c0c62bde282c9f6466cb3ceb455e0a Description-en: display GIF file in terminal Display GIF file in terminal. This is created with Go language. Package: git-all Description-md5: 7eb276543374432338c2d9bf7a76e9b6 Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (all subpackages) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This is a dummy package which brings in all subpackages. Package: git-cvs Description-md5: 5c201c3115375a8b8f735f8e7775526c Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (cvs interoperability) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git cvsimport, cvsexportcommit, and cvsserver tools, which allow Git to read from and write to CVS repositories and offer access over CVS protocol to Git repositories. . The git cvsimport tool can incrementally import from a repository that is being actively developed and only requires remote access over CVS protocol. Unfortunately, in many situations the import leads to incorrect results. For reliable, one-shot imports, cvs2git from the cvs2svn package or parsecvs may be a better fit. Package: git-daemon-run Description-md5: f22f55ff44557b91f4d1ad32ba7df1be Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a runit service for running git-daemon permanently. This configuration is simpler and more reliable than git-daemon-sysvinit, at a cost of being less familiar for administrators accustomed to sysvinit. Package: git-daemon-sysvinit Description-md5: b9035bef841508be61c9ba878690987d Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a sysvinit service for running git-daemon permanently. Unlike git-daemon-run, this package provides the usual sysvinit service management commands ("service git-daemon start/stop") for git-daemon. Package: git-email Description-md5: 5e0c38a8609078b06fbbe0e8e9e432b4 Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (email add-on) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git-send-email program for sending series of patch emails. Package: git-gui Description-md5: 699969d903b4df59976ab85a9e250838 Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git graphical user interface. . If aspell is installed, it can check the spelling of commit messages as the user types. . If meld is installed, it can be used for displaying diffs and for interactive merge conflict resolution. Package: git-mediawiki Description-md5: 68f824126adee99ee64bf2b96e49bb2c Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (MediaWiki remote helper) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the mediawiki remote helper, which allows Git to read from and write to a wiki such as Wikipedia as though it were a remote Git repository, and a 'git mw' command that can show a preview of how wiki markup will be rendered before pushing. Package: git-sizer Description-md5: 1c0c146611840d2203c9babedf76a4b1 Description-en: compute various size metrics for a Git repository git-sizer computes various size metrics for a Git repository, flagging those that might cause problems or inconvenience. For example: . • Is the repository too big overall? • Does the repository have too many references (branches and/or tags)? • Does the repository include too many objects? • Does the repository include gigantic blobs (files)? • Does the repository include many slightly different large text files? • Does the repository include gigantic trees (directories)? • Does the repository have many identical files? • Does the repository include absurdly long path names? • Are there other bizarre and questionable things in the repository? • Annotated tags pointing at one another in long chains? • Octopus merges with dozens of parents? • Commits with gigantic log messages? . git-sizer can help to reveal the problems described above. Package: git-svn Description-md5: fe9279673cf6573640700aabf410ef25 Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides tools for interoperating with Subversion repositories, and importing SVN development history. Package: gitk Description-md5: 09d5ab78b8aa2f432bbf841a62bb9abc Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (revision tree visualizer) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the gitk program, a tcl/tk revision tree visualizer. Package: gitleaks Description-md5: f8c51454aecaf45a3d8f689073c535fc Description-en: protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks 🔑 Gitleaks is a SAST tool for **detecting** and **preventing** hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repos. Gitleaks is an **easy-to-use, all-in-one solution** for detecting secrets, past or present, in your code. Package: gitweb Description-md5: 2140d89702ec1cd621b41c71a95a910a Description-en: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface) Git is popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used for many high profile open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package configures a web interface for browsing git repositories. . If apache2 is installed, the web interface is automatically made available at http://localhost/gitweb. Other servers that support CGI or mod_perl are supported through manual configuration. . If libcgi-fast-perl is installed, gitweb can also be run over FastCGI (and served by nginx, for example). Package: glibc-source Description-md5: 1892ef83f2f36db0d236ccc041158b32 Description-en: GNU C Library: sources This package contains the sources and patches which are needed to build glibc. Package: gnome-shell-extension-prefs Description-md5: b750b0280408e85a2232c9f629868acf Description-en: tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions This package contains a tool which users who use Shell extensions can use to toggle them on and off, and access their preferences. Package: gnss-share Description-md5: 79703361be56d29f1cda5aa6dc3faf0c Description-en: Share GNSS location data This is meant to replace things like gpsd, and gps-share, and work together with geoclue* or other clients that support fetching NMEA location data over sockets. . It supports multiple clients and loading/saving AGPS data. Package: gnutls-bin Description-md5: 4d4cd373c5be12f8c5459215d3ef89f7 Description-en: GNU TLS library - commandline utilities GnuTLS is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS 1.0, 1.2) protocols. . GnuTLS features support for: - certificate path validation, as well as DANE and trust on first use. - the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). - public key methods, including RSA and Elliptic curves, as well as password and key authentication methods such as SRP and PSK protocols. - all the strong encryption algorithms, including AES and Camellia. - CPU-assisted cryptography with VIA padlock and AES-NI instruction sets. - HSMs and cryptographic tokens, via PKCS #11. . This package contains a commandline interface to the GNU TLS library, which can be used to set up secure connections from e.g. shell scripts, debugging connection issues or managing certificates. . Useful utilities include: - TLS termination: gnutls-cli, gnutls-serv - key and certificate management: certtool, ocsptool, p11tool - credential management: srptool, psktool Package: go-bindata Description-md5: 08cee567afc36736faa12b71862e6430 Description-en: embed data in a Go program This tool converts any file into manageable Go source code. It is useful for embedding binary data into a Go program. The file data is optionally gzip compressed before being converted to a raw byte slice. . This package provides the standalone utility `go-bindata`. Package: go-bluetooth Description-md5: 7dfd1fd2e23fca4c8bf3b4c82f14ece6 Description-en: Golang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces (program) This package contains a Go bluetooth API for Linux-based Bluez DBus interface. . High level features supported: - Client code generation from bluez documentation - Shell wrappers for rfkill, btmgmt, hciconfig, hcitool - An hci socket basic API (inspired by go-ble/ble - Expose bluetooth service from go code [unstable] - Pairing and authentication support (via agent) - Beaconing send & receive (iBeacon and Eddystone) - Mesh API support (since v5.53) . This package contains the client software. Package: go-cve-dictionary Description-md5: 381a8bfb30f3255d2d9e4e76939e1470 Description-en: builds a local copy of the NVD/JVN go-cve-dictionary is tool to build a local copy of the NVD (National Vulnerabilities Database) and the Japanese JVN, which contain security vulnerabilities according to their CVE identifiers including exhaustive information and a risk score. The local copy is generated in sqlite format, and the tool has a server mode for easy querying. Package: go-exploitdb Description-md5: 87ebce9bc0808d4211796acba3ac9d79 Description-en: builds a local copy of the Exploit-DB (OffensiveSecurity) go-exploitdb is a tool for searching Exploits from Exploit-DB (OffensiveSecurity) by CVE number or Exploit Database ID. Exploits are inserted at sqlite database(go-exploitdb) from Exploit-DB and can be searched by command line interface. In server mode, a simple Web API can be used. Package: go-mmproxy Description-md5: 3eaf3a7a33b93e866771ea747bf27e42 Description-en: Golang implementation of mmproxy 'go-mmproxy' is a standalone application that unwraps HAProxy's PROXY-protocol so that the TCP connection to the end server comes from client's - instead of proxy server's - IP address and port number. . This is a Golang reimplementation of mmproxy created to improve on mmproxy's runtime stability while providing potentially greater performance in terms of connection and packet throughput. Package: go-msgauth Description-md5: 800a4700048ac6c3f077e6dcba7ff881 Description-en: Go library and tools for DKIM, DMARC and Authentication-Results (program) Tools included in go-msgauth: . * dkim-keygen: generate a DKIM key * dkim-milter: a mail filter to sign and verify DKIM signatures * dkim-verify: verify a DKIM-signed email * dmarc-lookup: lookup the DMARC policy of a domain Package: go-qrcode Description-md5: daf569259639d968fb48bda535768b1e Description-en: QR Code encoder (Go program) Package qrcode implements a QR Code encoder in Go language. . A QR Code is a matrix (two-dimensional) barcode. Arbitrary content may be encoded, with URLs being a popular choice :) . Each QR Code contains error recovery information to aid reading damaged or obscured codes. There are four levels of error recovery: Low, medium, high and highest. QR Codes with a higher recovery level are more robust to damage, at the cost of being physically larger. . The maximum capacity of a QR Code varies according to the content encoded and the error recovery level. The maximum capacity is 2,953 bytes, 4,296 alphanumeric characters, 7,089 numeric digits, or a combination of these. . This package contains the command-line tool qrcode. Package: go-rpmdb Description-md5: 443f553ff5ef2916170767563a5d1af2 Description-en: Package enumeration tool in a RPM DB a tiny appliceation for enumerating packages in a RPM DB Packages file. Package: gogoprotobuf Description-md5: dcb6fd83e79fa4c26071c4c5f5879fec Description-en: alternative protocol buffer support for Golang - utilities An alternative protocol buffer support for the Go programming language, forked from golang-goprotobuf. It is backwards compatible with goprotobuf, but provides faster marshalling and unmarshalling and can generate extra helper code, tests and benchmarks. . This package provides utilities. Package: gojay Description-md5: c732291d9527386302110a3ac3be9325 Description-en: Fast JSON code generator in golang This package provides a command line tool to generate gojay's marshaling and unmarshaling interface implementation for custom struct type(s). Package: gokey Description-md5: bedf85edf3924465070d3847bd99e987 Description-en: simple vaultless password manager in Go gokey is a password manager, which does not require a password vault. Instead of storing your passwords in a vault it derives your password on the fly from your master password and supplied realm string (for example, resource URL). This way you do not have to manage, backup or sync your password vault (or trust its management to a third party) as your passwords are available immediately anywhere. Package: golang-1.21 Description-md5: 25fc56746bc77593fa7d740792281089 Description-en: Go programming language compiler - metapackage The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. . This package is a metapackage that, when installed, guarantees that (most of) a full Go development environment is installed. . To use this version, instead of the default one provided by golang-go package, add /usr/lib/go-1.21/bin/ to PATH, or invoke /usr/lib/go-1.21/bin/go directly. Package: golang-1.21-doc Description-md5: 70faba58bee63cd1d9d375165fa0d6d6 Description-en: Go programming language - documentation The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. . This package provides the documentation for the Go programming language. Package: golang-1.21-go Description-md5: 455c99280165a5ec4ec9d9061b10ba52 Description-en: Go programming language compiler, linker, compiled stdlib The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. . This package provides an assembler, compiler, linker, and compiled libraries for the Go programming language. . To use this version, instead of the default one provided by golang-go package, add /usr/lib/go-1.21/bin/ to PATH, or invoke /usr/lib/go-1.21/bin/go directly. Package: golang-1.21-src Description-md5: 641317c503e9fe0a9039cd8790bb4657 Description-en: Go programming language - source files The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. . This package provides the Go programming language source files needed for compilation. Package: golang-cfssl Description-md5: 290503ccf54716d4f75d150f7c114fc8 Description-en: CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. CFSSL can be used to build custom TLS PKI tools as well as create and manipulate traditional certificate structures using code or on the command line. . This package contains the command line executables. Package: golang-codesearch-dev Description-md5: 29294118bf08f86bfeaee4f165b7bafc Description-en: regexp search over large bodies of source (development files) Code Search is a tool for indexing and then performing regular expression searches over large bodies of source code. It is a set of command-line programs written in Go. . For background and an overview of the commands, see Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index: . This package contains the source. Package: golang-easyjson Description-md5: b2192e0b6056885cea3fc7f505675a95 Description-en: Fast JSON serializer for golang - command-line client easyjson allows (un-)marshaling of JSON golang structs without the use of reflection by generating marshaller code. . One of the aims of the library is to keep generated code simple enough so that it can be easily optimized or fixed. Another goal is to provide users with ability to customize the generated code not available in 'encoding/json', such as generating snake_case names or enabling 'omitempty' behavior by default. . This package contains the command-line client. Package: golang-filippo-age-dev Description-md5: 8b90588a7b37f5c17ff387c184285947 Description-en: simple, modern and secure encryption tool (Go library) age features small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. . This package provides a Go library interface to age. Package: golang-github-anacrolix-dms-dev Description-md5: 0f03e292ed6a909b6bf9a9062290087f Description-en: Go source for UPnP DLNA Digital Media Server dms is a UPnP DLNA Digital Media Server. It runs from the terminal, and serves content directly from the filesystem from the working directory, or the path given. The SSDP component will broadcast and respond to requests on all available network interfaces. . This package provides the Go language source code for dms. . dms advertises and serves the raw files, in addition to alternate transcoded streams when it's able, such as mpeg2 PAL-DVD and WebM for the Chromecast. It will also provide thumbnails where possible. . dms uses ffprobe/avprobe to get media data such as bitrate and duration, ffmpeg/avconv for video transoding, and ffmpegthumbnailer for generating thumbnails when browsing. These commands must be in the PATH given to dms or the features requiring them will be disabled. . Known Compatible Players and Renderers ====================================== . * Probably all Panasonic Viera TVs. * Android's BubbleUPnP and AirWire * Chromecast * VLC * LG Smart TVs, with varying success. Package: golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo-bin-static Description-md5: 3b7b771707e667e6ccb942888a392a60 Description-en: Stuff that's missing in Go stdlib, or hasn't made it into its own repo. Stuff that supplements Go's stdlib, or isn't significant enough to be in its own repo. . This package provides binary files generated by missinggo: filecache gd go-env http-file-server nop query-escape query-unescape Package: golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo-dev Description-md5: 056fe59e50d1bc678ed45d0cf1e395eb Description-en: Stuff that's missing in Go stdlib, or hasn't made it into its own repo. Stuff that supplements Go's stdlib, or isn't significant enough to be in its own repo. . This package provides Go source code for the missinggo. Package: golang-github-avast-apkverifier-dev Description-md5: 698018c553174eb35ef1dfe5eed1c8a8 Description-en: Android APK Signature verification Go library apkverifier verifies the signatures on Android APK binaries. It can verify APK Signature scheme v1, v2 and v3 and passes Google apksig's testing suite. It should support all algorithms and downgrade attack protection. . Because Android can handle even broken x509 cerficates and ZIP files, apkverifier is using the ZipReader from apkparser package and vendors crypto/x509 in internal/x509andr and ( in the fullsailor/pkcs7 folder. The last two have some changes to handle some not-entirely-according-to-spec certificates. . Documentation on GoDoc ( Package: golang-github-aviau-gopass-dev Description-md5: a7d4f0a66fad1d98629d82529b5c1e06 Description-en: pass implementation in Go - dev package gopass is a Pass ( implementation in Go. . Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With gopass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities. . This package is not (similar project with the same name). . This package contains the go source files. Package: golang-github-axgle-mahonia-dev Description-md5: 2c7ddf21be9f63619c5cadf3a2ab475e Description-en: Character-set conversion library implemented in Go. (library) Mahonia is a character-set conversion library implemented in Go. All data is compiled into the executable; it doesn't need any external data files. Package: golang-github-aymerick-douceur-dev Description-md5: c193fbb0728086342a69bc6105c86d37 Description-en: simple CSS parser and inliner in Go (library) Golang library with simple CSS parser and HTML inliner. See associated "douceur" binary for a basic command-line executable of this library. . Parser is vaguely inspired by CSS Syntax Module Level 3 ( and corresponding JS parser ( . Inliner only parses CSS defined in HTML document; it DOES NOT fetch external stylesheets (for now). Inliner inserts additional attributes when possible. . Similar projects * premailer ( * roadie ( Package: golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go-dev Description-md5: f41a76e1b1bf0e4f43708627e519ab38 Description-en: Bindings for the LMDB C library Go bindings to the OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB). Packages Functionality is logically divided into several packages. Applications will usually need to import lmdb but may import other packages on an as needed basis. . Packages in the exp/ directory are not stable and may change without warning. That said, they are generally usable if application dependencies are managed and pinned by tag/commit. . Developers concerned with package stability should consult the documentation. lmdb GoDoc ( stable (#user-content-versioning-and-stability) go import "" . Core bindings allowing low-level access to LMDB. lmdbscan GoDoc ( stable (#user-content-versioning-and-stability) go import "" . A utility package for scanning database ranges. The API is inspired by bufio.Scanner ( and the python cursor implementation ( exp/lmdbpool GoDoc ( experimental (#user-content-versioning-and-stability) go import "" . A utility package which facilitates reuse of lmdb.Txn objects using a sync.Pool. Naively storing lmdb.Txn objects in sync.Pool can be troublesome. And the lmdbpool.TxnPool type has been defined as a complete pooling solution and as reference for applications attempting to write their own pooling implementation. . The lmdbpool package is relatively new. But it has a lot of potential utility. And once the lmdbpool API has been ironed out, and the implementation hardened through use by real applications it can be integrated directly into the lmdb package for more transparent integration. Please test this package and provide feedback to speed this process up. exp/lmdbsync GoDoc ( experimental (#user-content-versioning-and-stability) go import "" . An experimental utility package that provides synchronization necessary to change an environment's map size after initialization. The package provides error handlers to automatically manage database size and retry failed transactions. . The lmdbsync package is usable but the implementation of Handlers are unstable and may change in incompatible ways without notice. The use cases of dynamic map sizes and multiprocessing are niche and the package requires much more development driven by practical feedback before the Handler API and the provided implementations can be considered stable. Key Features: Idiomatic API inspired by BoltDB ( with automatic commit/rollback of transactions. The goal of lmdb-go is to provide idiomatic database interactions without compromising the flexibility of the C API. . NOTE: While the lmdb package tries hard to make LMDB as easy to use as possible there are compromises, gotchas, and caveats that application developers must be aware of when relying on LMDB to store their data. All users are encouraged to fully read the documentation ( so they are aware of these caveats. . Where the lmdb package and its implementation decisions do not meet the needs of application developers in terms of safety or operational use the lmdbsync package has been designed to wrap lmdb and safely fill in additional functionality. Consult the documentation ( for more information about the lmdbsync package. API coverage The lmdb-go project aims for complete coverage of the LMDB C API (within reason). Some notable features and optimizations that are supported: • Idiomatic subtransactions ("sub-updates") that allow the batching of updates.• Batch IO on databases utilizing the MDB_DUPSORT and MDB_DUPFIXED flags.• Reserved writes than can save in memory copies converting/buffering into []byte. For tracking purposes a list of unsupported features is kept in an issue ( Zero-copy reads Applications with high performance requirements can opt-in to fast, zero-copy reads at the cost of runtime safety. Zero-copy behavior is specified at the transaction level to reduce instrumentation overhead. . ``` err := lmdb.View(func(txn *lmdb.Txn) error { // RawRead enables zero-copy behavior with some serious caveats. // Read the documentation carefully before using. txn.RawRead = true val, err := txn.Get(dbi, []byte("largevalue"), 0) // ... . }) ``` Documentation Comprehensive documentation and examples are provided to demonstrate safe usage of lmdb. In addition to godoc ( documentation, implementations of the standand LMDB commands (mdb_stat, etc) can be found in the cmd/ (cmd/) directory and some simple experimental commands can be found in the exp/cmd/ (exp/cmd) directory. Aside from providing minor utility these programs are provided as examples of lmdb in practice. LMDB compared to BoltDB: BoltDB is a quality database with a design similar to LMDB. Both store key-value data in a file and provide ACID transactions. So there are often questions of why to use one database or the other. Advantages of BoltDB• Nested databases allow for hierarchical data organization.• Far more databases can be accessed concurrently.• Operating systems that do not support sparse files do not use up excessive space due to a large pre-allocation of file space. The exp/lmdbsync package is intended to resolve this problem with LMDB but it is not ready.• As a pure Go package bolt can be easily cross-compiled using the go toolchain and GOOS/GOARCH variables.• Its simpler design and implementation in pure Go mean it is free of many caveats and gotchas which are present using the lmdb package. For more information about caveats with the lmdb package, consult its documentation ( of LMDB• Keys can contain multiple values using the DupSort flag.• Updates can have sub-updates for atomic batching of changes.• Databases typically remain open for the application lifetime. This limits the number of concurrently accessible databases. But, this minimizes the overhead of database accesses and typically produces cleaner code than an equivalent BoltDB implementation.• Significantly faster than BoltDB. The raw speed of LMDB easily surpasses BoltDB. Additionally, LMDB provides optimizations ranging from safe, feature-specific optimizations to generally unsafe, extremely situational ones. Applications are free to enable any optimizations that fit their data, access, and reliability models.• LMDB allows multiple applications to access a database simultaneously. Updates from concurrent processes are synchronized using a database lock file.• As a C library, applications in any language can interact with LMDB databases. Mission critical Go applications can use a database while Python scripts perform analysis on the side.Build There is no dependency on shared libraries. So most users can simply install using go get. . go get . On FreeBSD 10, you must explicitly set CC (otherwise it will fail with a cryptic error), for example: CC=clang go test -v ./... . Building commands and running tests can be done with go or with make: make bin ; make test ; make check ; make all . On Linux, you can specify the pwritev build tag to reduce the number of syscalls required when committing a transaction. In your own package you can then do go build -tags pwritev . . to enable the optimisation. DocumentationGo doc The go doc documentation available on ( is the primary source of developer documentation for lmdb-go. It provides an overview of the API with a lot of usage examples. Where necessary the documentation points out differences between the semantics of methods and their C counterparts. LMDB The LMDB homepage ( and mailing list (archives ( are the official source of documentation regarding low-level LMDB operation and internals. . Along with an API reference LMDB provides a high-level summary ( of the library. While lmdb-go abstracts many of the thread and transaction details by default the rest of the guide is still useful to compare with go doc. Versioning and Stability The lmdb-go project makes regular releases with IDs X.Y.Z. All packages outside of the exp/ directory are considered stable and adhere to the guidelines of semantic versioning ( . Experimental packages (those packages in exp/) are not required to adhere to semantic versioning. However packages specifically declared to merely be "unstable" can be relied on more for long term use with less concern. . The API of an unstable package may change in subtle ways between minor release versions. But deprecations will be indicated at least one release in advance and all functionality will remain available through some method. License Except where otherwise noted files in the lmdb-go project are licensed under the BSD 3-clause open source license. . The LMDB C source is licensed under the OpenLDAP Public License. ( (godoc ( An experimental backend for ( forked from ( ( (godoc ( Experimental backend quad-store for ( based off of the BoltDB implementation ( Package: golang-github-brentp-gsort-dev Description-md5: c6f4c72d1c5a09aa0478cb823e35f294 Description-en: library package for gsort Package gsort is a library for sorting a stream of tab-delimited lines ([]bytes) (from a reader) using the amount of memory requested. . Instead of using a compare function as most sorts do, this accepts a user-defined function with signature: func(line []byte) []int where the []ints are used to determine ordering. For example if sorting on 2 columns, one of months and another of day of months, the function would replace "Jan" with 1 and "Feb" with 2 for the first column and just return the Atoi of the 2nd column. Package: golang-github-calmh-xdr-dev Description-md5: 63757f2c6bec37425998dc3b2df934d0 Description-en: Go XDR enc/decoder - dev package Package xdr is an XDR marshalling/unmarshalling library. It uses code generation and not reflection. . This is the dev package. Package: golang-github-cheekybits-genny-dev Description-md5: e8dee3ee500a1d5c4015c7949b5504a0 Description-en: Elegant generics for Go Until the Go core team include support for generics in Go, genny is a code-generation generics solution. . It allows one to write normal buildable and testable Go code which, when processed by the genny gen tool, will replace the generics with specific types Package: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl-dev Description-md5: d93653103a370e9baa617cabec0be98d Description-en: CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. CFSSL can be used to build custom TLS PKI tools as well as create and manipulate traditional certificate structures using code or on the command line. . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-gokey-dev Description-md5: 6edac5e6076b7e14eb4d318a9a80f589 Description-en: simple vaultless password manager in Go - dev package gokey is a password manager, which does not require a password vault. Instead of storing your passwords in a vault it derives your password on the fly from your master password and supplied realm string (for example, resource URL). This way you do not have to manage, backup or sync your password vault (or trust its management to a third party) as your passwords are available immediately anywhere. . This is the development package. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober-dev Description-md5: 3eb672f4ef0f8bb3cb78bbf05f747aa3 Description-en: Software-based two-man rule style (development files) Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server. The two-man rule is a control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security by requiring the presence of two authorized people at all times. In the case of Red October the two-man rule is implemented by encrypting data in such as way as to require two authorised key-holds to decrypt it. . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs-dev Description-md5: d5fc88679ba81bdf00d09bca36532079 Description-en: Native go client library for HDFS This is a native golang client for hdfs. It connects directly to the namenode using the protocol buffers API. . It tries to be idiomatic by aping the stdlib os package, where possible, and implements the interfaces from it, including os.FileInfo and os.PathError. Package: golang-github-containernetworking-plugin-dnsname Description-md5: 905bd1e84c1455dc431d030bd2c1ea9f Description-en: name resolution for containers This CNI plugin sets up the use of dnsmasq on a given CNI network so that Pods can resolve each other by name. When configured, the pod and its IP address are added to a network specific hosts file that dnsmasq reads in. Similarly, when a pod is removed from the network, it will remove the entry from the hosts file. Each CNI network will have its own dnsmasq instance. . The dnsname plugin was specifically designed for the Podman container engine. Package: golang-github-containernetworking-plugins-dev Description-md5: 7c60a7fa53bf70644603ac9b9cb1ac40 Description-en: standard networking plugins - sources This package contains sources of the Container Networking Initiative's official plugins: . Interfaces - bridge: Creates a bridge, adds the host and the container to it. - ipvlan: Adds an [ipvlan] interface in the container. - loopback: Set the state of loopback interface to up. - macvlan: Creates a new MAC address, forwards all traffic to that to the container. - ptp: Creates a veth pair. - vlan: Allocates a vlan device. - host-device: Move an already-existing device into a container. . IPAM: IP Address Management - dhcp: Runs a daemon to make DHCP requests on behalf of the container. - host-local: Maintains a local database of allocated IPs - static: Allocates a static IPv4/IPv6 address. . Other - flannel: Generates an interface corresponding to a flannel config file - tuning: Tweaks sysctl parameters of an existing interface - portmap: An iptables-based portmapping plugin. Maps ports from the host's address space to the container. - bandwidth: Allows bandwidth-limiting through use of traffic control tbf. - sbr: Configures source based routing for an interface. - firewall: Uses iptables or firewalld to add rules to allow traffic to/from the container. Package: golang-github-coredhcp-coredhcp-dev Description-md5: 59991369efa81bd921b24fc1db626423 Description-en: multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server - library Coredhcp is a fast, multithreaded, modular and extensible DHCP server written in Go. In CoreDHCP almost everything is implemented as a plugin. Every request is evaluated calling each plugin in order, until one breaks the evaluation and responds to, or drops, the request. . This package contains the library. Package: golang-github-crowdsecurity-crowdsec-dev Description-md5: f39599b1fe6022842887edc50e752f6b Description-en: lightweight and collaborative security engine - library CrowdSec is a lightweight security engine, able to detect and remedy aggressive network behavior. It can leverage and also enrich a global community-wide IP reputation database, to help fight online cybersec aggressions in a collaborative manner. . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-dcso-bloom-cli Description-md5: b930592b6ea819ce1a4f3ee33c6587c9 Description-en: highly efficient bloom filter implementation for Go, CLI tool Bloom is a simple library that provides a very efficient implementation of Bloom filters for the Go language. This package provides a command line tool that can be used to easily create Bloom filters with desired capacity and false positive probability. Values can be added to filters through standard input, which makes it easy to use the tool in a pipeline workflow. Package: golang-github-dcso-bloom-dev Description-md5: 4bf0e4dcf12cda195c41e9daa0091445 Description-en: highly efficient bloom filter implementation for Go Bloom is a simple library that provides a very efficient implementation of Bloom filters for the Go language. This package provides the Go library in the form of source code. Package: golang-github-dgraph-io-badger-dev Description-md5: c033ea7d7214115d20e75a7f4ebb8d5e Description-en: Fast key-value DB in Go - development files for embedding. BadgerDB is an embeddable, persistent and fast key-value (KV) database written in pure Go. It is the underlying database for Dgraph (, a fast, distributed graph database. It's meant to be a performant alternative to non-Go-based key-value stores like RocksDB. Project Status [Jun 26, 2019] Badger is stable and is being used to serve data sets worth hundreds of terabytes. Badger supports concurrent ACID transactions with serializable snapshot isolation (SSI) guarantees. A Jepsen-style bank test runs nightly for 8h, with --race flag and ensures the maintenance of transactional guarantees. Badger has also been tested to work with filesystem level anomalies, to ensure persistence and consistency. . Badger v1.0 was released in Nov 2017, and the latest version that is data-compatible with v1.0 is v1.6.0. . Badger v2.0, use a new storage format which won't be compatible with all of the v1.x. . This package contains the Go library. Package: golang-github-docker-distribution-dev Description-md5: 67866d98c933b00cec3bb20a22e40b40 Description-en: Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content (source) The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content. . The Docker Registry 2.0 implementation contained in this package is for storing and distributing Docker images. It supersedes the docker/docker-registry project with a new API design, focused around security and performance. . This project should provide an implementation to a V2 API for use in the Docker core project. The API should be embeddable and simplify the process of securely pulling and pushing content from docker daemons. . The new registry implementation provides the following benefits: . * faster push and pull * new, more efficient implementation * simplified deployment * pluggable storage backend * webhook notifications . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-docker-notary-dev Description-md5: 5927c499495f3d406181597bdd541bb4 Description-en: library for running and interacting with trusted collections Notary is a project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data. . The Notary project comprises a server (cmd/notary-server) and a client (cmd/notary) for running and interacting with trusted collections. . Notary aims to make the internet more secure by making it easy for people to publish and verify content. We often rely on TLS to secure our communications with a web server which is inherently flawed, as any compromise of the server enables malicious content to be substituted for the legitimate content. . With Notary, publishers can sign their content offline using keys kept highly secure. Once the publisher is ready to make the content available, they can push their signed trusted collection to a Notary Server. . Consumers, having acquired the publisher's public key through a secure channel, can then communicate with any notary server or (insecure) mirror, relying only on the publisher's key to determine the validity and integrity of the received content. . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-eknkc-amber-dev Description-md5: 6644e5b22fe5f5c87646bf2a64233dda Description-en: Elegant HTML templating engine for Go, inspired from HAML and Jade (Go library) Amber is an elegant HTML templating engine for the Go Programming Language. It is inspired from HAML and Jade. . This package provides the "" Go library. Package: golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth-dev Description-md5: db77824191768e453b96340c5fff75c9 Description-en: Go library and tools for DKIM, DMARC and Authentication-Results (library) go-msgauth . Go library and tools to authenticate e-mails: . * Create and verify DKIM signatures ( * Create and parse Authentication-Results header fields ( * Fetch DMARC ( records Package: golang-github-fernet-fernet-go-dev Description-md5: 6599084fcb59ec4820b7adbfc7557aa4 Description-en: Go library for generates/verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens This library takes a user-provided *message* (an arbitrary sequence of bytes), a *key* (256 bits), and the current time, and produces a *token*, which contains the message in a form that can't be read or altered without the key. . This package is compatible with the other implementations at They can exchange tokens freely among each other. Package: golang-github-francoispqt-gojay-dev Description-md5: 18bdbbb18bc039c49aa1e6c8ffdec827 Description-en: JSON encoder/decoder golang library with powerful stream API GoJay is a performant JSON encoder/decoder for Golang. It has a simple API and doesn't use reflection. It relies on small interfaces to decode/encode structures and slices. . Why another JSON parser? Other fast decoder/encoder were mostly hardly readable static code generation or a lot of reflection, poor streaming features, and not so fast in the end. Also, it has a decoder that could consume an io.Reader of line or comma delimited JSON, in a JIT way. To consume a flow of JSON objects from a TCP connection for example or from a standard output. Same way to build an encoder that could encode a flow of data to a io.Writer. Package: golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice-dev Description-md5: 556931a23b4e283391e746d74e0e1a5e Description-en: Go package for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip-dev Description-md5: b5b9f5b4f41776b37e7653d1d9110a0d Description-en: get your external ip from multiple services (library) This package is a Golang library to get your external ip from multiple services. . Design/Implement STUNSource (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)) See RFC 3489 and RFC 5389 for more details. . This contains the library package for the same. Package: golang-github-go-easygen-easygen-dev Description-md5: e03e8a187f36688a353708c07953e6ba Description-en: Easy to use universal code/text generator -- source Command easygen is an easy to use universal code/text generator. . It can be used as a text, html or a code generator for arbitrary purposes with arbitrary data and templates. It can be used as a GSL replacement, as it . - is more easy to define driving data, in form of YML instead of XML - has more powerful template engine that based on Go template. You can even write your own function in Go to customize your template. . This package provides the source code to be used as a library. Package: golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector-dev Description-md5: e3768a14a261164294314df9bb71bf99 Description-en: Reliable project licenses detector (library) It scans the given directory for license files, normalizes and hashes them and outputs all the fuzzy matches with the list of reference texts. The returned names follow SPDX standard. . Why? There are no similar projects which can be compiled into a native binary without dependencies and also support the whole SPDX license database (≈400 items). This implementation is also fast, requires little memory, and the API is easy to use. . The detection algorithm is not template matching; this directly implies that go-license-detector does not provide any legal guarantees. The intended area of it's usage is data mining. . This package provides the golang module. Package: golang-github-gogetdata-ggd-utils-dev Description-md5: 8c23d3b55e06804c0b8bb8b7b98b57cf Description-en: library for use in ggd Takes a genome file and (currently) a .vcf.gz or a .bed.gz and checks that: . * a .tbi is present * the VCF has ""##fileformat=VCF" as the first line * the VCF has a #CHROM header * the chromosome are in the order specified by the genome file (and present) * the positions are sorted * the positions are <= the chromosome lengths defined in the genome file. . As a result, any new genome going into GGD will have a .genome file that will dictate the sort order and presence or absence of the 'chr' prefix for chromosomes . This is the library package for ggd-utils Package: golang-github-gogo-protobuf-dev Description-md5: 618e6ce0f49f666161048ffb30a872e5 Description-en: alternative protocol buffer support for Golang - sources An alternative protocol buffer support for the Go programming language, forked from golang-goprotobuf. It is backwards compatible with goprotobuf, but provides faster marshalling and unmarshalling and can generate extra helper code, tests and benchmarks. . This package provides sources. Package: golang-github-golang-mock-dev Description-md5: 48a3c0360968693773ad762adb019c88 Description-en: mocking framework for the Go programming language GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. It integrates well with Go's built-in testing package, but can be used in other contexts too. Package: golang-github-google-blueprint-dev Description-md5: f029736b810386632d9b7249aea19de0 Description-en: Blueprint meta build system (library) Blueprint is a meta-build system that reads in Blueprints files that describe modules that need to be built, and produces a Ninja manifest describing the commands that need to be run and their dependencies. Where most build systems use built-in rules or a domain-specific language to describe the logic for converting module descriptions to build rules, Blueprint delegates this to per-project build logic written in Go. For large, heterogenous projects this allows the inherent complexity of the build logic to be maintained in a high-level language, while still allowing simple changes to individual modules by modifying easy to understand Blueprints files. . This package contains the Go library for Blueprint. Package: golang-github-google-wire-dev Description-md5: 1a8282da72fb25e67520c4cf6a62d0f0 Description-en: Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go (library) Wire: Automated Initialization in Go . Wire is a code generation tool that automates connecting components using dependency injection. Dependencies between components are represented in Wire as function parameters, encouraging explicit initialization instead of global variables. Because Wire operates without runtime state or reflection, code written to be used with Wire is useful even for hand-written initialization. . For an overview, see the introductory blog post . This package contains the Go library. Package: golang-github-gucumber-gucumber-dev Description-md5: 6fb6237198f35bb47c2afb4e30cb50b3 Description-en: Cucumber BDD-style testing for Go -- source An implementation of Cucumber ( BDD-style testing for Go. . This package provides the source files. Package: golang-github-hhatto-gorst-dev Description-md5: 178de3fbb3efe3bfd80fbf86a527e9d4 Description-en: Go implementation of reStructuredText This is a Go implementation of reStructuredText. developed on the basis of Go markdown module implemented by Michael Teichgräber. . Only Support for HTML output is implemented. Package: golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-dev Description-md5: 2b8dad855d6efaa79da9c90da171b9f5 Description-en: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. Dev package InfluxDB is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. It’s written in Go and has no external dependencies. That means once you install it there’s nothing else to manage (such as Redis, ZooKeeper, Cassandra, HBase, or anything else). InfluxDB is targeted at use cases for DevOps, metrics, sensor data, and real-time analytics. . This is the dev package. Package: golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime-dev Description-md5: 40394ded609d7823a00ac7cc2b544870 Description-en: MIME mail encoding and decoding package for Go (library) enmime is a MIME encoding and decoding library for Go, focused on generating and parsing MIME encoded emails. It is being developed in tandem with the Inbucket email service. . enmime includes a fluent interface builder for generating MIME encoded messages. . This contains the library package for the same. Package: golang-github-jlaffaye-ftp-dev Description-md5: 92c3eb556f89f5f1a15ff88aeaaf925c Description-en: FTP client package for Go This package implements an FTP client as described in RFC 959. Package: golang-github-johnkerl-lumin-dev Description-md5: 4cde52ce2e3efe2362a357b771c6a885 Description-en: pattern match highlighter (library) lumin highlights matches to a specified pattern (string or regular expression) in files, using color. This is similar to grep with colorized output, but it outputs all lines in the given files, not only matching lines. . This package provides lumin as a Go library. Package: golang-github-jteeuwen-go-bindata-dev Description-md5: d5e1c1456bf504335e7223aff010a70b Description-en: embed data in a Go program - library package This tool converts any file into manageable Go source code. It is useful for embedding binary data into a Go program. The file data is optionally gzip compressed before being converted to a raw byte slice. . This package contains the library to be used by other Go programs. Package: golang-github-knqyf263-go-rpmdb-dev Description-md5: b3b5887178ad5ba1d7bb48b1ed713d70 Description-en: RPM DB library for go go library for enumerating packages in a RPM DB file. Package: golang-github-knqyf263-gost-dev Description-md5: 1e07d5303765efad95535ec154cb304a Description-en: local copy tool of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian) written in go gost builds a local copy of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian). After you register CVEs to watch list, gost notify via E-mail/Slack if there is an update. The pronunciation of gost is the same as the English word "ghost". . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-kotakanbe-go-cve-dictionary-dev Description-md5: 068b3ca44988e76eb36e6ba265107b91 Description-en: builds a local copy of the NVD/JVN (source) go-cve-dictionary is tool to build a local copy of the NVD (National Vulnerabilities Database) and the Japanese JVN, which contain security vulnerabilities according to their CVE identifiers including exhaustive information and a risk score. The local copy is generated in sqlite format, and the tool has a server mode for easy querying. . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-kotakanbe-goval-dictionary-dev Description-md5: 9ddf6d511d33c80df17b2935f443770a Description-en: Go library for create DB of data written in OVAL (source) This is tool to build a local copy of the OVAL(Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language). . The local copy is generated in sqlite format, and the tool has a server mode for easy querying. . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-liamg-gifwrap-dev Description-md5: f6680e9fca5081820dceb0c369dba19a Description-en: go library for displays GIF files in terminal gifwrap library is a Go language package for displays GIF files in terminal. Package: golang-github-lsegal-gucumber-dev Description-md5: 98fa84a22e9226f195b6f0bc7f8a821c Description-en: Transitional package for golang-github-gucumber-gucumber-dev This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the golang-github-gucumber-gucumber-dev package. It can safely be removed. Package: golang-github-mailru-easyjson-dev Description-md5: 68db427114ecf2279779fe0234b669c6 Description-en: Fast JSON serializer for golang - development files easyjson allows (un-)marshaling of JSON golang structs without the use of reflection by generating marshaller code. . One of the aims of the library is to keep generated code simple enough so that it can be easily optimized or fixed. Another goal is to provide users with ability to customize the generated code not available in 'encoding/json', such as generating snake_case names or enabling 'omitempty' behavior by default. . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-mmarkdown-mmark-dev Description-md5: a9605f600fb98fef352de39eddca8e2f Description-en: powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF (library) Mmark is a powerful markdown processor written in Go, geared towards writing IETF documents. It is, however, *also* suited for writing complete books and other technical documentation, like the Learning Go book (, Internet-Draft text output ( and RFCs. . It provides an advanced markdown dialect that processes file(s) to produce internet-drafts in XML RFC 7991 format. Mmark can produce xml2rfc (aforementioned RFC 7991), HTML5 output, and manual pages. . Mmark uses gomarkdown ( which is a fork of blackfriday ( . This package provides the Go library. Package: golang-github-mozqnet-go-exploitdb-dev Description-md5: 82e8e5c9b9d597aaaf1bc3420f84c0cd Description-en: builds a local copy of the Exploit-DB (OffensiveSecurity) (source) go-exploitdb is a tool for searching Exploits from Exploit-DB (OffensiveSecurity) by CVE number or Exploit Database ID. Exploits are inserted at sqlite database(go-exploitdb) from Exploit-DB and can be searched by command line interface. In server mode, a simple Web API can be used. . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth-dev Description-md5: bb38c1b42791cd43f1ceef15fb43d940 Description-en: Golang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces (library) This package contains a Go bluetooth API for Linux-based Bluez DBus interface. . High level features supported: - Client code generation from bluez documentation - Shell wrappers for rfkill, btmgmt, hciconfig, hcitool - An hci socket basic API (inspired by go-ble/ble - Expose bluetooth service from go code [unstable] - Pairing and authentication support (via agent) - Beaconing send & receive (iBeacon and Eddystone) - Mesh API support (since v5.53) . This package contains the development files. Package: golang-github-mvdan-fdroidcl-dev Description-md5: ee90cdd9367b51cb3e39e3837bb37eec Description-en: fdroidcl develpoment files F-Droid ( desktop client. . While the Android client integrates with the system with regular update checks and notifications, this is a command line client that talks to connected devices via ADB ( Quickstart Download the index: fdroidcl update . This package provides development files. Package: golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner-dev Description-md5: 9484d401cf28c4416997bdd9dd0c684b Description-en: Simple spinner library for commandline Simple spinner for the commandline while your CLI application is working. A simple example commandline software using this library is the cli-spinner package. . This package contains the spinner library which use in software developed using golang. Package: golang-github-pelletier-go-toml Description-md5: 0aeb285acbabfab6ff822baecc8a1e71 Description-en: Go library for the TOML format — command-line programs This library supports TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) version v1.0.0-rc.3 . Go-toml provides the following features for using data parsed from TOML documents: . * Load TOML documents from files and string data * Easily navigate TOML structure using Tree * Marshaling and unmarshaling to and from data structures * Line & column position data for all parsed elements * Query support similar to JSON-Path * Syntax errors contain line and column numbers . This package contains the three command-line programs tomll, tomljson and jsontoml. Package: golang-github-pelletier-go-toml-dev Description-md5: 3e62f1929044b45e7b23a59c7a71177f Description-en: Go library for the TOML format This library supports TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) version v1.0.0-rc.3 . Go-toml provides the following features for using data parsed from TOML documents: . * Load TOML documents from files and string data * Easily navigate TOML structure using Tree * Marshaling and unmarshaling to and from data structures * Line & column position data for all parsed elements * Query support similar to JSON-Path * Syntax errors contain line and column numbers Package: golang-github-rakyll-statik-dev Description-md5: 791092d7f17ee4bc3dfaea31d78b8d83 Description-en: embed static files into a Go executable. Dev package statik allows you to embed a directory of static files into your Go binary to be later served from an http.FileSystem. . This is the dev package. Package: golang-github-rsc-devweb Description-md5: c1e059e846a39557a9dce926a90bb05c Description-en: Development web server This repo holds a program that lets you work on a Go web server and have it automatically recompile on each request, like in the App Engine local development SDK. . See Package: golang-github-sebest-xff Description-md5: 66c93e19b65b8d9ebbfe62ff42c4a5be Description-en: Golang Middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For Header Package xff is a net/http middleware/handler to parse Forwarded HTTP Extension in Golang. . Parse function parses the value of the X-Forwarded-For Header and returns the IP address. . Options is a configuration container, provided by this package, to setup the XFF middleware. Package: golang-github-sebest-xff-dev Description-md5: 5de34585fda171f11b33b15006ec2f37 Description-en: Golang Middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For Header (development files) Package xff is a net/http middleware/handler to parse Forwarded HTTP Extension in Golang. . Parse function parses the value of the X-Forwarded-For Header and returns the IP address. . Options is a configuration container, provided by this package, to setup the XFF middleware. . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-segmentio-ksuid-dev Description-md5: 7d013eafd7ef0e904ed7fce463597709 Description-en: K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs (Go library) ksuid is an efficient, comprehensive, battle-tested Go library for generating and parsing a specific kind of globally unique identifier called a *KSUID*. This library serves as its reference implementation. . What is a KSUID? . KSUID is for K-Sortable Unique IDentifier. It is a kind of globally unique identifier similar to a RFC 4122 UUID, built from the ground-up to be "naturally" sorted by generation timestamp without any special type-aware logic. . In short, running a set of KSUIDs through the UNIX sort command will result in a list ordered by generation time. . Why use KSUIDs? . There are numerous methods for generating unique identifiers, so why KSUID? . 1. Naturally ordered by generation time 2. Collision-free, coordination-free, dependency-free 3. Highly portable representations . See Package: golang-github-skip2-go-qrcode-dev Description-md5: 3f26ec06263e5a36c04bceeb9be6c4fe Description-en: QR Code encoder (Go library) Package qrcode implements a QR Code encoder in Go language. . A QR Code is a matrix (two-dimensional) barcode. Arbitrary content may be encoded, with URLs being a popular choice :) . This package contains the qrcode development library. Package: golang-github-slackhq-nebula-dev Description-md5: aa5748faa4f52728a191f5bbf55226b9 Description-en: performant, scalable network overlay (Go library) Nebula is a scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security. . This package provides the source files as Go library. Package: golang-github-smallstep-truststore-dev Description-md5: a4f6188d9cfd276654f0741599fb875a Description-en: Go library for local installation of development certificates Documentation: . Go Report Card: . Based on Package: golang-github-ugorji-go-codec Description-md5: 6a7cdf2b409da1cf930357827adc0e10 Description-en: idiomatic codec and rpc lib for msgpack, cbor, json (codecgen) Package codec provides a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binc, msgpack, cbor, json . This package contains the tools (codecgen). Package: golang-github-ugorji-go-codec-dev Description-md5: 0895e8161dd2d6596e6ff0ffef93c48b Description-en: idiomatic codec and rpc lib for msgpack, cbor, json (library) Package codec provides a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binc, msgpack, cbor, json . This package contains the source. Package: golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl-dev Description-md5: ee63dd49f4eccfccfc062b5c473af0a4 Description-en: Data URL Schemes in Golang (library) This package parses and generates Data URL Schemes for the Go language, according to RFC 2397 ( . Data URLs are small chunks of data commonly used in browsers to display inline data, typically like small images, or when you use the FileReader API of the browser. . Common use-cases: . * generate a data URL out of a string, []byte, io.Reader for inclusion in HTML templates * parse a data URL sent by a browser in a http.Handler, and do something with the data (save to disk, etc.) Package: golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt Description-md5: 562343d343b0b787f380ecfef64218eb Description-en: Store/retrieve encrypted configs from etcd or Consul (CLI tool) Fess up. You have passwords and usernames hard coded in your apps. You have IP addresses checked in to your source code repository. You have entire configuration files that were created by the developer who wrote the app and haven’t been changed since she typed "git init". . "crypt" is here to lead you back to the Path of Enlightened Configuration. Store encrypted configuration values in etcd or Consul using a command-line application. . Decrypt them before starting your application using a wrapper script and the handy CLI tool, or inside the app using the "crypt/config" library. . "crypt" is built on time-tested standards like OpenPGP, base64, and gzip. Your data is encrypted using public key encryption, and can only be decrypted by when the private key is available. After compression, it is encrypted, and base64-encoded so it can be stored in your key/value store of choice. etcd and Consul are supported out of the box, but adding other storage tools is a trivial task, thanks to Go’s interfaces. . This package provides the command-line tool "bin/crypt", but renamed to /usr/bin/crypt-xordataexchange, to avoid filename collision with /usr/bin/crypt from the mcrypt package. Package: golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt-dev Description-md5: f42563295553cebf00fa3715a1af875e Description-en: Store/retrieve encrypted configs from etcd or Consul (Go library) Fess up. You have passwords and usernames hard coded in your apps. You have IP addresses checked in to your source code repository. You have entire configuration files that were created by the developer who wrote the app and haven’t been changed since she typed "git init". . "crypt" is here to lead you back to the Path of Enlightened Configuration. Store encrypted configuration values in etcd or Consul using a command-line application. . Decrypt them before starting your application using a wrapper script and the handy CLI tool, or inside the app using the "crypt/config" library. . "crypt" is built on time-tested standards like OpenPGP, base64, and gzip. Your data is encrypted using public key encryption, and can only be decrypted by when the private key is available. After compression, it is encrypted, and base64-encoded so it can be stored in your key/value store of choice. etcd and Consul are supported out of the box, but adding other storage tools is a trivial task, thanks to Go’s interfaces. . This package provides the "" Go library. Package: golang-go.cypherpunks-balloon-dev Description-md5: 6ed8d4380d97d7d0c88b4f5a5b29906c Description-en: Password hashing with Balloon in pure Go(library) This is a pure Go implementation of Balloon password hashing. See for a description of balloon hashing. . This package provides the Go library. Package: golang-gogoprotobuf-dev Description-md5: 8d76e6c8397fafa5e534b08eb5058845 Description-en: transitional package -- safe to remove This transitional package facilitates migration to "golang-github-gogo-protobuf-dev" and can be safely removed. Package: golang-redoctober Description-md5: a6ea28e14d93b9fa12983fef2b063dea Description-en: Software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server. The two-man rule is a control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security by requiring the presence of two authorized people at all times. In the case of Red October the two-man rule is implemented by encrypting data in such as way as to require two authorised key-holds to decrypt it. . This package contains the server and command-line client. Package: golang-rice Description-md5: b2bc7b3e5fcab10acae31fbc3dba1aac Description-en: tool for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . This package contains the command-line tool. Package: golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient-dev Description-md5: f7d20ae9909e02a7b11b98a5b5207cf6 Description-en: GraphQL client and code generator for Go (library) gqlclient can be used as a thin GraphQL client, and can be augmented with code generation. . This package contains the Go library. Package: golang-statik Description-md5: 41bb7f2b71481494f6337314ed9f0f55 Description-en: embed static files into a Go executable statik allows you to embed a directory of static files into your Go binary to be later served from an http.FileSystem. Package: golang-truststore Description-md5: 098b53cb5345c79e9d43a7c3970e37d5 Description-en: Transitional package This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: gomuks Description-md5: 7b239024daba5f451cb6f4b83279de8a Description-en: Terminal based Matrix client written in Go Gomuks is a terminal based Matrix client written in Golang which uses mautrix and mauview. Package: google-wire Description-md5: 85c3d9806505b84fde65b3a2d9ce1e5c Description-en: Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go (program) Wire: Automated Initialization in Go . Wire is a code generation tool that automates connecting components using dependency injection. Dependencies between components are represented in Wire as function parameters, encouraging explicit initialization instead of global variables. Because Wire operates without runtime state or reflection, code written to be used with Wire is useful even for hand-written initialization. . For an overview, see the introductory blog post . This package contains the wire command-line program. Package: gopass Description-md5: a5b71579a865850b5beaea543b0e6a57 Description-en: pass implementation in Go gopass is a Pass ( implementation in Go. . Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With gopass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities. . This package is not (similar project with the same name). . This package contains the gopass executable. Package: gorst Description-md5: 6e22e570fc6b95480d4ddaad9e91d86d Description-en: Go implementation of reStructuredText (command line) This is a Go implementation of reStructuredText. developed on the basis of Go markdown module implemented by Michael Teichgräber. . Only Support for HTML output is implemented. . This package provides command line interface for this implementation. Package: gost Description-md5: 5252f334bf533288f8af31ca5cbb5f71 Description-en: local copy tool of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian) written in go gost builds a local copy of Security Tracker (Red Hat/Debian). After you register CVEs to watch list, gost notify via E-mail/Slack if there is an update. The pronunciation of gost is the same as the English word "ghost". Package: gotestsum Description-md5: 6945e22cd82dc45f9e0c5994bbfd0f8d Description-en: Feature-rich runner for go test `go test` runner with output optimized for humans, JUnit XML for CI integration, and a summary of the test run results. . gotestsum runs tests, prints friendly test output and a summary of the test run. Requires Go 1.10+. . gotestsum works by running go test --json ./... and reading the JSON output. Package: goval-dictionary Description-md5: 775f59165329a232ae0669f0d101e66a Description-en: Tools to create DB of data written in OVAL This is tool to build a local copy of the OVAL(Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language). . The local copy is generated in sqlite format, and the tool has a server mode for easy querying. Package: gox Description-md5: 9958af05880375d27628964540734329 Description-en: simple cross compilation tool for Go Gox is a cross compiling build tool for Go which makes it possible to produce binaries for foreign platforms without having to install Go on the targeted system. Several operating systems and architectures are supported, while parallel building on multiple cores is possible. Package: goxkcdpwgen Description-md5: d6ff1e001ecf8426f58ab18de0a8756e Description-en: xkcd style password generator library and cli tool goxkcdpwgen xkcd style is a password generator library. It also supports word lists in non English languages. . Sample execution $ goxkcdpwgen -c -d "" -n 5 VocalistDurableGauntletBluishReputable Package: gqlclient Description-md5: 872990a26ad273d2946e182f9fc323ab Description-en: GraphQL client and code generator for Go (program) gqlclient can be used as a thin GraphQL client, and can be augmented with code generation. . This package contains the CLI tools gqlclient, gqlclientgen and gqlclientintrospect. Package: gsort Description-md5: 196776f6a1c66130f7f92d0e256ca1b3 Description-en: sort genomic data gsort is a tool to sort genomic files according to a genomefile. For example, to sort VCF to have order: X, Y, 2, 1, 3, ... and the header needs to be kept at the top. . As a more likely example, if a file nneds to be sorted to match GATK order (1 ... X, Y, MT) which is not possible with any other sorting tool. With gsort one can simply place MT as the last chrom in the ".genome" file. . It will also be useful for getting files ready for use in bedtools. Package: gucumber Description-md5: a2751a0528f2d04c2f6e6e4403c77734 Description-en: Cucumber BDD-style testing for Go -- utility An implementation of Cucumber ( BDD-style testing for Go. . This package provides command line utility "gucumber". Package: hdfs-cli Description-md5: a54ace3fcc7df31a873bb17fcc40fc60 Description-en: CLI client for HDFS, written in go This is a commandline client for HDFS, written in go. Its primary aim is to be idiomatic, by enabling your favorite unix verbs (mv, ls, etc.). Package: heartbleeder Description-md5: 23a3b300a2cc44388ddae46a1df2e1a7 Description-en: test servers for OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 aka Heartbleed The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs). . The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users. . heartbleeder is a tool that tests remotely (over a network) if a system is compromised by an insecure OpenSSL service. . More about Heartbleed Bug can be viewed at Package: hellfire Description-md5: fa8047046fc861bf9f81a152e89ec232 Description-en: PATHspider Effects List Resolver Hellfire is a parallelised DNS resolver. It is written in Go and for the purpose of generating input lists to PATHspider, though may be useful for other applications. It supports fetching commonly used domain lists in Internet Measurement Research. . Additional metadata may be looked up from RIPEstat using canid integration. Package: hey Description-md5: 6c7cde0adaa5c6af8fdeebf480cdcd19 Description-en: Sends some load to a web application HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom . Originally called boom and was influenced from Tarek Ziade's tool at Using the same name was a mistake as it resulted in cases where binary name conflicts created confusion. . To preserve the name for its original owner, this project was renamed to hey. Package: hub Description-md5: 349f0d7a5ed5261395a260b59e37b30c Description-en: make git easier with GitHub hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra functionality that make working with GitHub easier. . $ hub clone rtomayko/tilt . # expands to: $ git clone git:// . hub is best aliased as git, so you can type "git " in the shell and get all the usual hub features. . You should place this command in your .bash_profile or other startup script: . eval "$(hub alias -s)" . This package contains the binaries. Package: hugo-mx-gateway Description-md5: 60fab9f893b02c7f81c9a4faad890308 Description-en: Contact/demo forms handler for static websites (program) hugo-mx-gateway provides a RESTful POST endpoint for static contact/demo request pages. It's a simple, yet a powerful tool built for this only-designated purpose, e.g. for use with static sites built using Hugo. . hugo-mx-gateway is built upon a simple request handling workflow: . * Create an HTML form with a POST action pointing towards the hugo-mx- gateway service. * For each user request, hugo-mx-gateway automatically retrieves information submitted by the user (email, subject, message details...), then generates and sends a templated email (based on Go Template to the user-provided email address, while bcc'ing a copy of that email to an address that you can define for internal tracking and follow up. * Once a request is processed (upon success or failure), hugo-mx-gateway handles the reply back towards the calling static page by redirecting the browser to the origin page with additional URL parameters describing the completion status of the processing (e.g. /contact.html?status=success&message=request%20submitted). The parameters can then be easily retrieved and shown to the user, e.g. with a few lines of Javascript within the static page. Package: ignition Description-md5: 9115915c8069ed6f655eb75d2e1fbbcb Description-en: First boot installer and configuration tool Ignition is the utility invented for Fedora CoreOS and RHEL CoreOS to manipulate disks during the initramfs stage. This includes partitioning disks, formatting partitions, writing files (regular files, systemd units, etc.), and configuring users. On first boot, Ignition reads its configuration from a source of truth (remote URL, network metadata service, hypervisor bridge, etc.) and applies the configuration. . Ignition is primarily intended to be used in an initramfs built using dracut. Package: influxdb Description-md5: d2c23046924ed5fc4da44930df902688 Description-en: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics InfluxDB is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. It’s written in Go and has no external dependencies. That means once you install it there’s nothing else to manage (such as Redis, ZooKeeper, Cassandra, HBase, or anything else). InfluxDB is targeted at use cases for DevOps, metrics, sensor data, and real-time analytics. Package: influxdb-client Description-md5: 6a069ec63536b234ccfd6c6cb9c622be Description-en: command line interface for InfluxDB InfluxDB is a time series, metrics, and analytics database. It’s written in Go and has no external dependencies. That means once you install it there’s nothing else to manage (such as Redis, ZooKeeper, Cassandra, HBase, or anything else). InfluxDB is targeted at use cases for DevOps, metrics, sensor data, and real-time analytics. . This package contains the command line interface. Package: irtt Description-md5: 0da45fc12a43e44f00aa8f77d3a9e46a Description-en: Isochronous Round-Trip Tester IRTT (Isochronous Round-Trip Tester) IRTT measures round-trip time, one-way delay and other metrics using UDP packets sent on a fixed period, and produces both user and machine parseable output. Package: jid Description-md5: 14218a9e6d00923a1263676204262a55 Description-en: json incremental digger jid a very simple tool. You can drill down JSON interactively by using filtering queries like jq. Suggestion and Auto completion of this tool will provide you a very comfortable JSON drill down. Package: jp Description-md5: 5b576a2f55e124fa43415ce5cb65d7df Description-en: command-line interface to JMESPath The jp command is a command-line interface to JMESPath, an expression language for manipulating JSON (as XPath is to XML). Package: json2file-go Description-md5: d4f3cd0b51f7ef19fb62104f3472025f Description-en: simple web server that stores JSON files sent by WebHooks Application to store information in JSON format in files sent by WebHooks (it has been used with GitLab and Gitea, but should work with others). The server can be run inside a container or managed with systemd. . Once the JSON files are written to disk they can be processed using external scripts launched by a daemon that captures inotify events like incron. Package: kappanhang Description-md5: 0aef1741bba5af431920914dc8fb32bf Description-en: Remotely open audio channels and a serial port to an Icom transceiver kappanhang remotely opens audio channels and a serial port to an Icom RS-BA1 server. The app is mainly developed for connecting to the Icom IC-705 transceiver, which has built-in Wi-Fi and RS-BA1 server. All features of the protocol are implemented including packet retransmission on packet loss. . Compatible hardware/software: * Icom RS-BA1 server software * Icom IC-705 * Icom IC-9700 * Icom IC-7610 * Icom IC-785x Package: kati Description-md5: 9ab55c6ddefa2d74e94461fca2a0abb1 Description-en: experimental GNU make clone The main goal of this tool is to speed up incremental build of Android. Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. Instead, it converts your Makefile to a ninja file. . This is the Go version of kati. Package: kcptun Description-md5: 8f2252f4687508313fd11f75a5079874 Description-en: Simple UDP Tunnel Based On KCP kcptun is a remote port forwarding tool by converting TCP stream into UDP stream in KCP protocol, in order to achieve higher throughput or lower latency with rich tuneable options. Package: kel-agent Description-md5: 3faeb1a7b59f632b3b6f9b15e6fae88a Description-en: Web interface for amateur radio installed programs (program) An agent program for translating between various amateur radio installed programs and WebSockets. This was built to support but can be used by any web application that needs to communicate with amateur radio installed programs. Package: ksuid Description-md5: efb053d9087345d1a529fe6ec7af613f Description-en: K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs (program) ksuid is an efficient, comprehensive, battle-tested Go library for generating and parsing a specific kind of globally unique identifier called a *KSUID*. This library serves as its reference implementation. . This package comes with a command-line tool ksuid, useful for generating KSUIDs as well as inspecting the internal components of existing KSUIDs. Machine-friendly output is provided for scripting use cases. . What is a KSUID? . KSUID is for K-Sortable Unique IDentifier. It is a kind of globally unique identifier similar to a RFC 4122 UUID, built from the ground-up to be "naturally" sorted by generation timestamp without any special type-aware logic. . In short, running a set of KSUIDs through the UNIX sort command will result in a list ordered by generation time. . Why use KSUIDs? . There are numerous methods for generating unique identifiers, so why KSUID? . 1. Naturally ordered by generation time 2. Collision-free, coordination-free, dependency-free 3. Highly portable representations . See Package: kubecolor Description-md5: 4f23ed7c9b00fda9d0dbaeffc2602219 Description-en: colorizes kubectl output kubecolor colorizes your kubectl command output and does nothing else. kubecolor internally calls kubectl command and try to colorizes the output so you can use kubecolor as a complete alternative of kubectl Package: kubernetes-split-yaml Description-md5: 1601458270b1d71df176ad4e5d940abc Description-en: Split a giant yaml file into one file per Kubernetes resource This program can be useful in case it's necessary to split a big Kubernetes yaml manifest files into small ones. . It supports filters using namespaced hierarchy, Kubernetes objects starting with a word or Deployments and StatefulSets types. Package: libace-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 054b0ca823849fe2ed15c43b24bd4152 Description-en: C++ network programming framework This package contains the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) framework. . It provides platform independent C++ wrappers for all forms of IPC, thread- and process-management routines, and much more. . Moreover, it defines patterns for common communication tasks. * Reactor: handles event demultiplexing and dispatching * Proactor: for asynchronous I/O driven programs Package: libace-dev Description-md5: d592a5b17753e41096668d2c545fb840 Description-en: C++ network programming framework - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE framework. Package: libace-doc Description-md5: 2947be94b6f82b7b2bd595c2dfdac647 Description-en: C++ network programming framework - documentation This package contains the ACE overview documentation, tutorials, examples, and information regarding upstream development. Package: libace-flreactor-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 04288c3463dc3d59add368ad9d0638df Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FLTK Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events. . The ACE_FlReactor integrates with the FastLight toolkit's Fl::wait() method. Package: libace-flreactor-dev Description-md5: 2fec3f0c92fc1ce17c3ed5d3588ed5c4 Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FLTK - development files This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-FLTK reactor integration. Package: libace-foxreactor-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 1a26899df4c4e21b9a6a620de30642a3 Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FOX Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events. . The ACE_FoxReactor integrates with the FOX toolkit. Package: libace-foxreactor-dev Description-md5: c0383be0a2f124c7c64c372d63a04d6d Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FOX - development files This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-FOX reactor integration. Package: libace-htbp-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 6ffe0854383a10939e437ab4d49bc5da Description-en: ACE protocol over HTTP tunneling library The HTTP Tunneling, Bidirectional, Protocol (HTBP) library enables the writing of stream-based protocols over HTTP. . This allows clients behind a firewall to establish a connection with outbound servers using the HTTP protocol. Package: libace-htbp-dev Description-md5: 387dc37f2beee96b74b4f36901f19953 Description-en: ACE protocol over HTTP tunneling library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE HTBP library. Package: libace-inet-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 365b6b64bdc25b9b1343b033ecdf659d Description-en: ACE Inet protocol library This package provides an ACE addon library for clients (and possibly servers at some point) using Inet protocols, such as HTTP or FTP. Package: libace-inet-dev Description-md5: 0b222d8d5a7015a75d051b17d2b8290f Description-en: ACE Inet protocol library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE Inet protocol library. Package: libace-inet-ssl-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 3854e836ad1e8e54b0d95ec88886221a Description-en: ACE SSL-enabled Inet protocol library This package provides an ACE addon library for clients (and possibly servers at some point) using Inet protocols which support SSL, such as HTTPS or FTPS. Package: libace-inet-ssl-dev Description-md5: 2d37a24a6f9d2c42bf7624de1ecdb35d Description-en: ACE SSL-enabled Inet protocol library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE SSL-enabled Inet protocol library. Package: libace-rmcast-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: be59d87b878a01a0217ab63227d8742c Description-en: ACE reliable multicast library The RMCast library is a reliable source-ordered multicast protocol implementation. . It uses sequence numbers on messages to ensure ordering, loss detection, and suppression of duplicates. Package: libace-rmcast-dev Description-md5: 0b5c41f8741e9a9e2f3845d9a19fa85c Description-en: ACE reliable multicast library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE reliable multicast library. Package: libace-ssl-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: a86e090a0df55b8953e31ba1266c1277 Description-en: ACE secure socket layer library This package contains wrappers that integrate the OpenSSL library in the ACE framework. Package: libace-ssl-dev Description-md5: 2334d32d5806f7b01527bc39af609b2c Description-en: ACE secure socket layer library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE SSL library. Package: libace-tkreactor-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 2debe099d18d5116c1403779c64b5f1d Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Tk Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events. . The ACE_TkReactor provides reactor functionality around the popular Tcl/Tk library. The underlying Tcl/Tk method used is Tcl_DoOneEvent(). Package: libace-tkreactor-dev Description-md5: af2659f3b9d034ec60274aea96b652cc Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Tk - development files This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Tk reactor integration. Package: libace-tmcast-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: c58254173abc27f9171d611da3fb25e6 Description-en: ACE transactional multicast library The TMCast library is a transactional multicast protocol implementation. . Each message is delivered to multicast group members as a transaction: an atomic, consistent, and isolated action. Package: libace-tmcast-dev Description-md5: 09951e36957eced5434412ffee604d4c Description-en: ACE transactional multicast library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE transactional multicast library. Package: libace-xml-utils-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 2510e4e88cf2a3569d192704d1cd3763 Description-en: ACE XML utility classes and methods This package provides useful classes and methods for XML parsing with Xerces, including simplified strings, schema resolution, validation and more. . ACE XML Utils is used by DAnCE and OpenDDS. Package: libace-xml-utils-dev Description-md5: 9d53dbeb3a644c9cd2a4e6e6bccad769 Description-en: ACE XML utility classes and methods - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE XML Utils library Package: libace-xtreactor-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: d423458ed5f4e5e66672f0fdb7a9b56d Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Xt Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events. . The ACE_XtReactor extends both the ACE_Select_Reactor and the X Toolkit library function XtWaitForMultipleEvents(). Package: libace-xtreactor-dev Description-md5: 9545d7ed16b7b5d50b036d950aa80a15 Description-en: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Xt - development files This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Xt reactor integration. Package: libacexml-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 83f87134d46b22b718ef4b587bfa75b7 Description-en: ACE SAX based XML parsing library This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an event-driven parsing approach. . ACEXML is a small footprint and portable library. It does not validate XML documents and supports only Unicode encoding. Package: libacexml-dev Description-md5: abe2e084b79a43a02ab0fb6273138ed6 Description-en: ACE SAX based XML parsing library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE XML parsing library. Package: libapache2-mod-md Description-md5: c2abd3d451fbe9f8b62453ebd20f7096 Description-en: transitional package This is a transitional package to apache2 for users of libapache2-mod-md. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi Description-md5: d2fa4db85203c7bfc8bfdc64d863cf45 Description-en: transitional package This is a transitional package to apache2 for users of libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: libarchive-tools Description-md5: 04bbebb441868f4c976e664833572c46 Description-en: FreeBSD implementations of 'tar' and 'cpio' and other archive tools This package contains several command-line tools based on the libarchive library. . The bsdtar program is the default system 'tar' program used on FreeBSD. bsdtar uses the libarchive library as a backend which does all of the work for reading and writing archives in various formats. . The bsdcpio program is the default system 'cpio' program used on FreeBSD. bsdcpio uses the libarchive library as a backend which does all of the work for reading and writing archives in various formats. . The bsdcat program reads archived data from files or from its standard input and uses the libarchive library to decompresses it to its standard output. It may be used for viewing the contents of archives or for passing it to other tools for further processing. Package: libcdio-utils Description-md5: 44fe4f4e99a5abf0f6b817a1a7f6ea78 Description-en: sample applications based on the CDIO libraries This package contains a collection of small libcdio-based tools: * cd-drive show CD-ROM drive characteristics * cd-info show information about a CD or CD-image * cd-paranoia an audio CD ripper * cd-read read information from a CD or CD-image * cdda-player a simple curses-based audio CD player * iso-info show information about an ISO 9660 image * iso-read read portions of an ISO 9660 image * mmc-tool issue low-level commands to a CD drive Package: libcolorcorrect5 Description-md5: e9e5299834d00e49b98f0cc27ce7a598 Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. ColorCorrect library. . This package contains library files. Package: libfreerdp-shadow-subsystem3-3 Description-md5: 6ef6436c34df72c1cfaf1cf4dabe3235 Description-en: FreeRDP Remote Desktop Protocol shadow subsystem libraries FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . This package contains the shadow subsystem libraries. Package: libfreerdp-shadow3-3 Description-md5: 49dfefe1574ce260a63ff9685cd6b5a0 Description-en: FreeRDP Remote Desktop Protocol shadow libraries FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). . This package contains the shadow libraries. Package: libgirepository-2.0-dev Description-md5: 3609952808304a6208636a56d661b8e8 Description-en: Development files for the GObject introspection library GLib is a library containing many useful C routines for things such as trees, hashes, lists, and strings. It is a useful general-purpose C library used by projects such as GTK+, GIMP, and GNOME. . This package is needed to compile programs against libgirepository-2.0-0. Package: libglib2.0-tests Description-md5: 08c6a283a0e7547a1f8014a0ba341a09 Description-en: GLib library of C routines - installed tests GLib is a library containing many useful C routines for things such as trees, hashes, lists, and strings. It is a useful general-purpose C library used by projects such as GTK+, GIMP, and GNOME. . This package contains test programs, designed to be run as part of a regression testsuite. Package: libiso9660-dev Description-md5: 97b431f7646b5800ba9980c27edef610 Description-en: library to work with ISO9660 filesystems (development files) This package contains development files (headers and static library) for the libiso9660 library. . This library is made to read and write ISO9660 filesystems; those filesystems are mainly used on CDROMs. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-bin Description-md5: 063e995389abd53361e2fa870999c7ca Description-en: WebKitGTK JavaScript command-line interpreter (transitional dummy package) This is a transitional dummy package, it can be safely removed. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-4.1-dev Description-md5: 43ba6fffaaecf506204f5048bde381f8 Description-en: JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK - development files JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK port of WebKit (API version 4.1). . This package contains the development files. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-6.0-dev Description-md5: 21fff7684df76d97f1f19c5619776f78 Description-en: JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK - development files JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK port of WebKit (API version 6.0). . This package contains the development files. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-bin Description-md5: ac7afc0b1a4392958885f97c8f08146c Description-en: JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK - command-line interpreter JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This package provides jsc, a command-line JavaScript interpreter. Package: libjuh-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-en: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libjurt-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-en: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libkfontinst5 Description-md5: 66b4ec4c7e71a8a971b4c2d1d8842f83 Description-en: Tools and widgets for the desktop library Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. Package: libkfontinstui5 Description-md5: 66b4ec4c7e71a8a971b4c2d1d8842f83 Description-en: Tools and widgets for the desktop library Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. Package: libkokyu-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 06b7a697a8ae432b321f9464732943cc Description-en: ACE scheduling and dispatching library Kokyu is a library designed to provide flexible scheduling and dispatching services. . Currently it provides real-time scheduling and dispatching services for TAO real-time CORBA Event Service. Package: libkokyu-dev Description-md5: a6b56a07bff2a96ae4d8f9d0ac80b0bd Description-en: ACE scheduling and dispatching library - development files This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE scheduling and dispatching library. Package: libkworkspace5-5 Description-md5: 2b66bc842f9506411a5abae88d53e05e Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Kworkspace library. . This package contains library files. Package: libmariadb-dev Description-md5: 5147f292c112a0def76ef58780903826 Description-en: MariaDB database development files MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes development libraries and header files. To allow sources expecting the MariaDB Connector/C to build. Sources that expect the MySQL Client libraries should use files from the libmariadb-dev-compat package. Package: libmariadb-dev-compat Description-md5: 4e4bcacf382bb1ad738f392fb886a606 Description-en: MariaDB Connector/C, compatibility symlinks MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes compatibility symlinks to allow sources expecting the MySQL client libraries to be built against MariaDB Connector/C. Package: libmariadb3 Description-md5: c48685b906f3842ee48fd71db5681868 Description-en: MariaDB database client library MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the client library. Package: libmariadbd-dev Description-md5: aaea39424ea2d8d5f702ac4e1a1ee550 Description-en: MariaDB embedded database, development files MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the MariaDB embedded server library development and header files. Package: libmariadbd19t64 Description-md5: a85241d1aa0dccaa3ede8bda094b9117 Description-en: MariaDB embedded database, shared library MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes a shared library for embedded MariaDB applications. Package: libndp-tools Description-md5: 1746febcf3808f082d79e52c552895b8 Description-en: Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol (tools) libndp is a library for the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP). It contains functions for building and parsing NDP messages, and provides a high-level interface for sending and receiving NDP messages on a network interface. . This package contains a tool named ndptool for sending and receiving NDP messages. Package: libnetsvcs-7.1.2t64 Description-md5: 6519ca8cff1774a8d53c9df5b9154391 Description-en: ACE network service implementations - libraries ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . This package contains runtime libraries for ACE network services. Package: libnetsvcs-dev Description-md5: bad0d70b1dc3ef49ed21fae07acddc4a Description-en: ACE network service implementations - development files ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . This package contains header files and static library for the ACE network services library. Package: libnotificationmanager1 Description-md5: f1bb4603fcff3e44ccc7366f0dcda36a Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Taskmanager library. . This package contains library files. Package: libnss-libvirt Description-md5: 600b29d53c1dad3be832c6eca2a12669 Description-en: nss plugins providing IP address resolution for virtual machines Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains two nss plugins for IP address resolution of libvirt managed virtual machines: the 'libvirt_guest' plugin uses libvirt's domain names while the 'libvirt' plugin looks at the guest's hostname. Package: libphp8.3-embed Description-md5: bb653dd86e2dab4cff0e1464cdab0028 Description-en: HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library) This package provides the library /usr/lib/ which can be used by application developers to embed PHP scripting functionality. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash json libxml openssl pcntl pcre random Reflection session sodium SPL standard zlib. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. . WARNING: The embed SAPI is experimental and there's no guarantee that the API/ABI will be kept compatible even between minor releases. You have been warned. Package: libplasma-geolocation-interface5 Description-md5: 4f3b0402a92ec99812086cab6e493f91 Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Interface library for geolocation. . This package contains library files. Package: libreoffice Description-md5: 9614e13c8592ae9a0c81c629137ef53e Description-en: office productivity suite (metapackage) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor It also recommends additional packages (e.g. fonts) in order to match an upstream LibreOffice install as closely as possible. . You can extend the functionality of LibreOffice by installing these packages: * hunspell-*/myspell-*: Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries for use with LibreOffice * libreoffice-l10n-*: UI interface translation * libreoffice-help-*: User help * mythes-*: Thesauri for the use with LibreOffice * hyphen-*: Hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice * libreoffice-gtk(2|3): Gtk UI Plugin, GNOME File Picker support * libreoffice-gnome: GIO backend * unixodbc: ODBC database support * cups-bsd: Allows LibreOffice to detect your CUPS printer queues automatically * libsane: Use your sane-supported scanner with LibreOffice * libxrender1: Speed up display by using Xrender library * libgl1: OpenGL support * openclipart-libreoffice: Open Clip Art Gallery with LibreOffice index files * firefox-esr | thunderbird | firefox: Mozilla profile with Certificates needed for XML Security... * openjdk-11-jre | openjdk-8-jre | java8-runtime: Java Runtime Environment for use with LibreOffice * pstoedit / imagemagick / ghostscript: helper tools for EPS * gstreamer0.10-plugins-*: GStreamer plugins for use with LibreOffices media backend * libpaper-utils: papersize detection support via paperconf * bluez: Bluetooth support for Impress (slideshow remote control) Package: libreoffice-base Description-md5: 5529fff5c628ca6b70284749063daea4 Description-en: office productivity suite -- database LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the database component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-base-drivers Description-md5: 95a600bf1d7e583b757fe5b8ea210d10 Description-en: Database connectivity drivers for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the database connectivity drivers used by LibreOffices database functionality: - ODBC - JDBC - dBase - Calc - Flat files . You can extend this by installing: . * unixodbc: ODBC database support * libmyodbc | odbc-postgresql | libsqliteodbc | tdsodbc | odbc-mdbtools: ODBC drivers for: - MySQL - PostgreSQL - SQLite - MS SQL / Sybase SQL - *.mdb (JET / MS Access) * libmariadb-java | libpg-java | libjtds-java: JDBC Drivers for: - MySQL/MariaDB - PostgreSQL - MS SQL Server and Sybase * libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb: embedded HSQLDB SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-firebird: Firebird SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql: PostgreSQL SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-mysql: MySQL/MariaDB SDBC Driver Package: libreoffice-base-nogui Description-md5: e83dd6cdb7c67ccb13c0407fd6a32ebc Description-en: office productivity suite -- database (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the database component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-calc-nogui Description-md5: ed9483b973f6b2dd25d568b6ef77d8c4 Description-en: office productivity suite -- spreadsheet (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the spreadsheet component for LibreOffice for use with libreoffice-core-nogui. Package: libreoffice-core-nogui Description-md5: d16e9871c20b5b5c8f38d6d74c8dfe8e Description-en: office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the architecture-dependent core files of LibreOffice without GUI support for server-based or commandline usage of LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-dev-gui Description-md5: c7381cdfc5446c44dd4085615626c61e Description-en: office productivity suite -- "GUI" development stuff LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the gengal utility which was moved from libreoffice-dev. Package: libreoffice-draw-nogui Description-md5: c4d7d9707b31ef9344d70e006f7a27af Description-en: office productivity suite -- drawing (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the drawing component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-evolution Description-md5: 7d9a6b62e74d5a806f263ecd0d4bed18 Description-en: office productivity suite -- Evolution addressbook support LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package allows LibreOffice to access Evolution address books. You need to install evolution separately. Package: libreoffice-gtk4 Description-md5: 7cbb2e1ddd519ed979f5c41206377dd3 Description-en: office productivity suite -- GTK+ 4 integration LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the Gtk plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Gtk+ 4 and Gtk/GNOMEish print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk4. Package: libreoffice-impress-nogui Description-md5: 10ce2c27d434135cd9308937c1bdb31c Description-en: office productivity suite -- presentation (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the presentation component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-kf5 Description-md5: 60a27e47a640a57cbd044cc3528831f5 Description-en: office productivity suite -- KDE Frameworks 5 integration LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the KF5 plugin for LibreOffice and a KF5-based File Picker when running under Plasma. Package: libreoffice-librelogo Description-md5: cdaef056eb365a457e28772fa2fd9de6 Description-en: Logo-like programming language for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains Librelogo, which is a pyuno-based Logo-like programming language with interactive vectorgraphics for education and DTP - basic Logo syntax for back compatibility with educational Logo systems - interactive vectorgraphics in LibreOffice Writer - native commands (easily translatable) - Python data structures (list, tuple, set, dictionary) and other Python features Package: libreoffice-math-nogui Description-md5: e104f51d572d2ee302d3c3550e97e6ff Description-en: office productivity suite -- equation editor (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-nogui Description-md5: b2664061ba9641158b0a41d2c958aa3e Description-en: office productivity suite (metapackage, no GUI) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor . WITHOUT GUI SUPPORT. . This package is intended mostly for scripting needs. Package: libreoffice-plasma Description-md5: 962e5fa862a2425941adbcdb81054cc7 Description-en: office productivity suite -- some Plasma integration LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains some minor Plasma integration (like AppData and "Create New..." integration) and a KDE/KF5 configuration backend. Package: libreoffice-qt5 Description-md5: 459572943562e2a51d6e9c1c30d84c71 Description-en: office productivity suite -- Qt 5 integration LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the Qt 5 plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Qt 5 and a Qt File Picker and print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 if you are not using Plasma. Package: libreoffice-qt6 Description-md5: a45aee748dd8cc60d61451e1f7253f31 Description-en: office productivity suite -- Qt 6 integration LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the Qt 6 plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Qt 6 and a Qt File Picker and print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt6. Package: libreoffice-report-builder Description-md5: 8239ceaa4ebaf25c2b15325d48eb907c Description-en: LibreOffice component for building database reports LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the report builder: "Create with the Sun Report Builder stylish, smart-looking database reports. The flexible report editor can define group and page headers as well as group and page footers and even calculation fields are available to accomplish complex database reports." Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin Description-md5: 4de9416ad29a7951be39b95f83055e84 Description-en: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries (librpt*.so) for the report builder component. Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin-nogui Description-md5: 6d5263ac65fb4d1c4c7caf8eb713944d Description-en: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries (librpt*.so) for the report builder component. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-bsh Description-md5: 720bef09745ce9eb4902772fb5c437d8 Description-en: BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support BeanShell. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-js Description-md5: 41b18315e9be2aaa24a28415b907118e Description-en: JavaScript script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support JavaScript. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-python Description-md5: 019117f2dc708fc6c1179714b81e2076 Description-en: Python script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support Python. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-firebird Description-md5: 4ad372e2554b0f42b39c7e1325d5e6d0 Description-en: Firebird SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The Firebird SDBC Driver allows one to use the Firebird database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb Description-md5: 54ed9715a25b1dae2ad2d3a9b6838a65 Description-en: HSQLDB SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The HSQLDB SDBC Driver allows one to use the HSQLDB embedded database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-mysql Description-md5: 1022a8fb85f50d65847256d96ae25e4f Description-en: MariaDB/MySQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The MariaDB/MySQL driver allows one to use the MariaDB or MySQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql Description-md5: 06f71158aa78dbe7201679601bd1279b Description-en: PostgreSQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . The PostgreSQL SDBC Driver allows one to use the PostgreSQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-smoketest-data Description-md5: 7540f40cccbf63cb8381dca8979a0828 Description-en: data files for LibreOffices "smoketest" Data files for the LibreOffice "smoketest". Package: libreoffice-style-breeze Description-md5: b3a725e09462ccaec72c3b8bb964827b Description-en: office productivity suite -- Breeze symbol style LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the "breeze" symbol style, default style for KDE 5. Package: libreoffice-style-karasa-jaga Description-md5: 62dc98488a5247cbad91f4e0ec562bcf Description-en: office productivity suite -- Karasa Jaga symbol style LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the "karasa_jaga" symbol style. Package: libreoffice-style-sifr Description-md5: 0fd5516a8dab8f6841c284edea8786d7 Description-en: office productivity suite -- Sifr symbol style LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the "sifr" symbol style (an adaption of the Gnome symbolic theme), needs to be manually enabled in the LibreOffice option menu. Package: libreoffice-style-sukapura Description-md5: b9dbd94d0660dbc8a05ba918cb3fb897 Description-en: office productivity suite -- Sukapura symbol style LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the "sukapura" symbol style. Package: libreoffice-style-tango Description-md5: aaf8968f6a7dfef93cd3c0082bbe8dbd Description-en: transitional package for Tango symbol style You can safely remove this package. Package: libreoffice-subsequentcheckbase Description-md5: cda482c5487d616e1ae7a228fce1d955 Description-en: LibreOffice java test libraries Java libraries LibreOffice subsequentchecks integration test suite Package: libreoffice-uiconfig-base Description-md5: e6ac75c394251a0c3842ae13e3f9c033 Description-en: UI data ("config") for LibreOffice Base LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains internal "configuration" of various UI components. It is not meant to be editable. It is just split out for dependencies of other packages. . You will usually not need to install this package manually but it should just be pulled in by other packages. Package: libreoffice-uiconfig-report-builder Description-md5: c254f403f0fe84819d9f6437b3755876 Description-en: UI data ("config") for the LibreOffice Report Builder LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains internal "configuration" of various UI components. It is not meant to be editable. It is just split out for dependencies of other packages. . You will usually not need to install this package manually but it should just be pulled in by other packages. Package: libreoffice-wiki-publisher Description-md5: a66aaa282ae4941588a4d314d1ebbf79 Description-en: LibreOffice extension for working with MediaWiki articles LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains an extension to create/edit/publish MediaWiki articles with LibreOffice Package: libreoffice-writer-nogui Description-md5: 963dc225bb14f9e5974345a7995f16a7 Description-en: office productivity suite -- word processor (no GUI variant) LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This package contains the wordprocessor component for LibreOffice. Package: libridl-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-en: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libsss-sudo Description-md5: 43cb83a7573af74214858e973f744090 Description-en: Communicator library for sudo Utility library to allow communication between sudo and SSSD for caching sudo rules by SSSD. Package: libstd-rust-1.76 Description-md5: 389c19dd2d0c1e29221148ed6870c4a9 Description-en: Rust standard libraries Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains the standard Rust libraries, built as dylibs, needed to run dynamically-linked Rust programs (-C prefer-dynamic). Package: libstd-rust-1.76-dev Description-md5: d179f786c5d3afccd5d86929b4043021 Description-en: Rust standard libraries - development files Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains development files for the standard Rust libraries, needed to compile Rust programs. It may also be installed on a system of another host architecture, for cross-compiling to this architecture. Package: libtaskmanager6 Description-md5: f1bb4603fcff3e44ccc7366f0dcda36a Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Taskmanager library. . This package contains library files. Package: libtiff-opengl Description-md5: 8b1debea0e0eac5de9dc7eb9a32524a2 Description-en: TIFF manipulation and conversion tools libtiff is a library providing support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a widely used format for storing image data. This package contains libtiff tools that depend upon opengl. It complements the libtiff-tools package, which contains the libtiff tools that don't depend upon opengl. Package: libtiff-tools Description-md5: f333fccce3ca049190b80f117d3faa92 Description-en: TIFF manipulation and conversion tools libtiff is a library providing support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a widely used format for storing image data. This package includes tools for converting TIFF images to and from other formats and tools for doing simple manipulations of TIFF images. See also libtiff-opengl. Package: libunoil-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-en: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libvirt-clients-qemu Description-md5: 082e084529c4e3e0c61639b0984ad3bc Description-en: Programs for the libvirt library (QEMU specific) Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the QEMU-specific client binaries. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc Description-md5: 2cc07557cd5de83a9972e42c6de8aaa2 Description-en: Virtualization daemon LXC connection driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd connection driver for LXC. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-gluster Description-md5: 7c5efa2eb9f5a55e51f953e2496dc89d Description-en: Virtualization daemon glusterfs storage driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd storage driver for GlusterFS. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct Description-md5: 10acda7b12929a3c0a850b914a00cfb0 Description-en: Virtualization daemon iSCSI (libiscsi) storage driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains a libvirtd storage driver for iSCSI volumes implemented using libiscsi. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd Description-md5: 4e2039368200982b12534d16d0792845 Description-en: Virtualization daemon RBD storage driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd storage driver for RBD/Rados/Ceph. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-zfs Description-md5: 82733d9170fa45c9e6ed76bcec5869e9 Description-en: Virtualization daemon ZFS storage driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd storage driver for ZFS. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-vbox Description-md5: 12b3becd7a3f100f8639457b28573a6a Description-en: Virtualization daemon VirtualBox connection driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd connection driver for VirtualBox. Package: libvirt-daemon-driver-xen Description-md5: 4443d0d7dc3e14e6af4fa769a49871a0 Description-en: Virtualization daemon Xen connection driver Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the libvirtd connection driver for Xen. Package: libvirt-daemon-system-sysv Description-md5: e4ade653752f064f0e8f735bf248d504 Description-en: Libvirt daemon configuration files (sysv) Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains dependencies and init scripts to make libvirt work with sysv based init systems. Using libvirt-daemon-systemd is preferred since the init scripts are incomplete. . This package is useless without the libvirt-daemon-system package installed. Package: libvirt-dev Description-md5: 7e0bab852c890b732dbbdd941dc00165 Description-en: development files for the libvirt library Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the header files and static libraries which are needed for developing the applications with libvirt. Package: libvirt-login-shell Description-md5: b5e830e5771db93ed6a4c1c4f7927c4f Description-en: Isolate user sessions using LXC containers Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the virt-login-shell tool, which can be set as a user's login shell to isolate their sessions using LXC containers. Package: libvirt-sanlock Description-md5: b7c793f838fe9e323ae4910fd5c1fa9e Description-en: Sanlock plugin for virtlockd Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the sanlock plugin for libvirt's locking daemon. Package: libvirt-wireshark Description-md5: 0fe09d3e4f6e75cb9e76d08eab9490e4 Description-en: Wireshark dissector for the libvirt protocol Libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, XEN, OpenVZ, LXC, and VirtualBox. . This package contains the wireshark dissector. Package: libvte-2.91-dev Description-md5: c01f512a615de9ecef77cc50f3e492b1 Description-en: Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 3.0 - development files The VTE library provides a terminal emulator widget VteTerminal for applications using the GTK+ toolkit. It also provides the VtePTY object containing functions for starting a new process on a new pseudo-terminal and for manipulating pseudo-terminals. . This package contains development files for the VTE library and its Python bindings. It is needed to develop and build programs using the VTE widget with GTK+ 3.0. Package: libvte-2.91-gtk4-dev Description-md5: af63b8eca2461c28425ccbc0b64d285c Description-en: Terminal emulator widget for GTK 4 - development files The VTE library provides a terminal emulator widget VteTerminal for applications using the GTK toolkit. It also provides the VtePTY object containing functions for starting a new process on a new pseudo-terminal and for manipulating pseudo-terminals. . This package contains development files for the VTE library and its Python bindings. It is needed to develop and build programs using the VTE widget with GTK 4. Package: libweather-ion7 Description-md5: b1bc4c131733a1a5f4c157c588f97211 Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 library Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Weather_ion library. . This package contains library files. Package: libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev Description-md5: 6f7ca6c0925469585667e0c1b28a2099 Description-en: Web content engine library for GTK - development files WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . WebKitGTK is a WebKit port designed to be used in GTK applications. This build provides version 4.1 of the API and uses libsoup v3 for the networking stack and the GTK 3 widget toolkit. . This package contains the development files. Package: libwebkitgtk-6.0-dev Description-md5: 18007af192c3d327e12b221008c58783 Description-en: Web content engine library for GTK - development files WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . WebKitGTK is a WebKit port designed to be used in GTK applications. This build provides version 6.0 of the API and uses libsoup v3 for the networking stack and the GTK 4 widget toolkit. . This package contains the development files. Package: license-detector Description-md5: 6dbbf3e5d1e2fe29a2325bceadb26b87 Description-en: Reliable project licenses detector (command line) It scans the given directory for license files, normalizes and hashes them and outputs all the fuzzy matches with the list of reference texts. The returned names follow SPDX standard. . Why? There are no similar projects which can be compiled into a native binary without dependencies and also support the whole SPDX license database (≈400 items). This implementation is also fast, requires little memory, and the API is easy to use. . The detection algorithm is not template matching; this directly implies that go-license-detector does not provide any legal guarantees. The intended area of it's usage is data mining. . This package provides the command line interface. Package: linux-buildinfo-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: b9a14cd4520c87c8b2cdb070f9d4570b Description-en: Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . You likely do not want to install this package. Package: linux-buildinfo-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: b9a14cd4520c87c8b2cdb070f9d4570b Description-en: Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . You likely do not want to install this package. Package: linux-buildinfo-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: b9a14cd4520c87c8b2cdb070f9d4570b Description-en: Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel buildinfo for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . You likely do not want to install this package. Package: linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: eb05ad3a6f6e6a6556536154ee81d7a6 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1005 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud for version 6.8.0-1005 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: f9f69d1158be1ca6023f97d0b9bbd56b Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1006 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud for version 6.8.0-1006 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: c40fc6fa29b24df7370193a0a872d5fe Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1007 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud for version 6.8.0-1007 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-headers-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 5c93eea123d53c74cd998628da6d62b0 Description-en: Linux kernel headers for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-headers-6.8.0-1005/debian.README.gz for details. Package: linux-headers-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: 14286c1a0d32380249612ccae95987b5 Description-en: Linux kernel headers for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-headers-6.8.0-1006/debian.README.gz for details. Package: linux-headers-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 644ec6ef9edaae76994707be39677a9c Description-en: Linux kernel headers for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . This is for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-headers-6.8.0-1007/debian.README.gz for details. Package: linux-headers-intel Description-md5: f0d02cb7378b2f6509bcb16781fbbebc Description-en: Intel Linux kernel headers This package will always depend on the latest Intel kernel headers available. Package: linux-image-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 6b221f87dbeb95d3e2e28e4f2d200c00 Description-en: Signed kernel image intel A kernel image for intel. This version of it is signed with Canonical's signing key. Package: linux-image-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: 6b221f87dbeb95d3e2e28e4f2d200c00 Description-en: Signed kernel image intel A kernel image for intel. This version of it is signed with Canonical's signing key. Package: linux-image-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 6b221f87dbeb95d3e2e28e4f2d200c00 Description-en: Signed kernel image intel A kernel image for intel. This version of it is signed with Canonical's signing key. Package: linux-image-intel Description-md5: 92f75cde15d7d8ef043346b58252d240 Description-en: Intel Linux kernel image This package will always depend on the latest Intel kernel image available. Package: linux-image-unsigned-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 1adc14ebd835f2c49b2231bd714cb17b Description-en: Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the unsigned Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-image-unsigned-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: 1adc14ebd835f2c49b2231bd714cb17b Description-en: Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the unsigned Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-image-unsigned-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 1adc14ebd835f2c49b2231bd714cb17b Description-en: Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the unsigned Linux kernel image for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-intel Description-md5: e0941dcdcc13347b4e5ded6507fd31a8 Description-en: Intel Linux kernel and headers This package will always depend on the latest complete Intel Linux kernel and headers. Package: linux-intel-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1005 Description-md5: 1ac3fcbfb1b69dcbf6b62689bbe1f2e7 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1005 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1005 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1005-. Package: linux-intel-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1006 Description-md5: cdcc18ad67bc75f177d4aa464ef23fef Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1006 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1006 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1006-. Package: linux-intel-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1007 Description-md5: 8ed794c405d57bd54bb6934e42f58354 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1007 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools for cloud tools for version 6.8.0-1007 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-cloud-tools-6.8.0-1007-. Package: linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1005 Description-md5: 6a59f40dbfa42a450cebfbaaf88bf469 Description-en: Header files related to Linux kernel version 6.8.0 This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0, for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1005/debian.README.gz for details Package: linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1006 Description-md5: bbb56eb87bf4820c4a6daac54d54437f Description-en: Header files related to Linux kernel version 6.8.0 This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0, for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1006/debian.README.gz for details Package: linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1007 Description-md5: 02ab070e4963de9723d715e854a74fe8 Description-en: Header files related to Linux kernel version 6.8.0 This package provides kernel header files for version 6.8.0, for sites that want the latest kernel headers. Please read /usr/share/doc/linux-intel-headers-6.8.0-1007/debian.README.gz for details Package: linux-intel-tools-6.8.0-1005 Description-md5: 448346ba32eefd6680c60c85fe3d4df4 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1005 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1005 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-tools-6.8.0-1005-. Package: linux-intel-tools-6.8.0-1006 Description-md5: a1183b7dd7357e4b4f0d05d7b1edc4c9 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1006 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1006 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-tools-6.8.0-1006-. Package: linux-intel-tools-6.8.0-1007 Description-md5: ee0e3b7ea2f03c29758258243fea9f9a Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1007 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1007 on 64 bit x86. You probably want to install linux-tools-6.8.0-1007-. Package: linux-modules-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 9d4062e985f8c44f8be533f0974d896b Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP Contains the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: 9d4062e985f8c44f8be533f0974d896b Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP Contains the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 9d4062e985f8c44f8be533f0974d896b Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP Contains the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 6a8ac8b7439ddde3ef90cdec6273fb32 Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Also includes the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: 6a8ac8b7439ddde3ef90cdec6273fb32 Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Also includes the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 6a8ac8b7439ddde3ef90cdec6273fb32 Description-en: Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel extra modules for version 6.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP. . Also includes the corresponding file, the modules built by the packager, and scripts that try to ensure that the system is not left in an unbootable state after an update. . Supports Generic processors. . Geared toward desktop and server systems. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-intel meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-extra-intel Description-md5: e07e7d85c6baa24660deef3b927f87c3 Description-en: Intel Linux kernel extra modules This package will always depend on the latest Intel extra modules package available. Package: linux-modules-iwlwifi-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: abc2c86a1a41f2e3734330d0de366288 Description-en: Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1005 This package provides the Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1005. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the one of the linux-modules-iwlwifi-intel* meta-packages, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-iwlwifi-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: f78830ae3a5ea505d188952f7809e3e9 Description-en: Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1006 This package provides the Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1006. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the one of the linux-modules-iwlwifi-intel* meta-packages, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-iwlwifi-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: a0b1e991d3b240a28981bf781e3dcefe Description-en: Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1007 This package provides the Linux kernel iwlwifi modules for version 6.8.0-1007. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the one of the linux-modules-iwlwifi-intel* meta-packages, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-modules-iwlwifi-intel Description-md5: 0efa25a7f76c04f14c17a1dc1efbaf82 Description-en: Extra drivers for iwlwifi for the intel flavour Install extra signed iwlwifi modules compatible with the intel flavour. Package: linux-tools-6.8.0-1005-intel Description-md5: 7b2d86e51a78dc6d80d84f2d237ec15f Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1005 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1005 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-tools-6.8.0-1006-intel Description-md5: a184dfa4b6031691c962e7ee2f877b14 Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1006 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1006 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-tools-6.8.0-1007-intel Description-md5: 5210af02a5d9b6c16a463a223bff58ac Description-en: Linux kernel version specific tools for version 6.8.0-1007 This package provides the architecture dependant parts for kernel version locked tools (such as perf and x86_energy_perf_policy) for version 6.8.0-1007 on 64 bit x86. Package: linux-tools-intel Description-md5: a9fb1e65542c5d37f19efe905a52655c Description-en: Intel Linux kernel tools This package will always depend on the latest Intel kernel tools available. Package: lmdb-go-tools Description-md5: 24fbea39311e6ce7a915a0ef4b0d658b Description-en: utilities for command-line lmdb usage This package contains tools like lmdb_cat, lmdb_copy, lmdb_stat and testresize. Package: locales-all Description-md5: c360552536cba624a24a347b513939dd Description-en: GNU C Library: Precompiled locale data This package contains the precompiled locale data for all supported locales. A better alternative is to install the locales package and only select desired locales, but it can be useful on a low-memory machine because some locale files take a lot of memory to be compiled. Package: lumin Description-md5: e22e7acf0563efd01a17894e821bb5e9 Description-en: pattern match highlighter lumin highlights matches to a specified pattern (string or regular expression) in files, using color. This is similar to grep with colorized output, but it outputs all lines in the given files, not only matching lines. Package: madonctl Description-md5: 87d9088d47f13789aec17a79138bd818 Description-en: CLI client for the Mastodon social network API This package contains a Golang command line interface for the Mastodon Rest API. . In order to use madonctl, you need to specify the instance name or URL, and usually provide an account login/password (or a token). These settings can be passed as command line arguments or environment variables, but the easiest way is to use a configuration file. . Note that one can generate a configuration file for your settings with . madonctl config dump -i -L username@domain -P password . (One can redirect the output to a configuration file.) Package: mahonia Description-md5: 97776bb1cb63c890ea97b36103e61d1d Description-en: Character-set conversion library implemented in Go. (program) Mahonia is a character-set conversion library implemented in Go. All data is compiled into the executable; it doesn't need any external data files. Package: mariadb-backup Description-md5: 0656895027a552cdb0eddc26840f9597 Description-en: Backup tool for MariaDB server Based on Xtrabackup, but improved to work with MariaDB server. This backup tool is guaranteed to be compatible with MariaDB server. . Please refer to the MariaDB Knowledge Base on more information on how to use this tool. Package: mariadb-client Description-md5: 82697f9416e5e5d0a4e7331c2c735591 Description-en: MariaDB database client binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the client binaries and the additional tools innotop and mariadb-report (mysqlreport). Package: mariadb-client-core Description-md5: 2862a38a5ead2e1df7366bf661e03278 Description-en: MariaDB database core client binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the core client files, as used by Akonadi. Package: mariadb-common Description-md5: c9e69aa662965fe71e3bc9b0287ee934 Description-en: MariaDB database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/) MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes configuration files common to all MariaDB programs. Package: mariadb-plugin-connect Description-md5: 506802608814c7a120919c156cb40a99 Description-en: Connect storage engine for MariaDB server Connect engine supports a number of file formats (dbf, xml, txt, bin, etc), connections to ODBC tables and remote MySQL tables, as well as a number of other interesting features. This package contains the Connect plugin for MariaDB server. Package: mariadb-plugin-cracklib-password-check Description-md5: f9c8bfa119168785d8062c883f59fc34 Description-en: CrackLib Password Validation Plugin for MariaDB server This password validation plugin uses cracklib to allow only sufficiently secure (as defined by cracklib) user passwords in MariaDB server. . Install and configure this to enforce stronger passwords for MariaDB server users. Package: mariadb-plugin-gssapi-client Description-md5: ece7660a1e2293e316a2fa35c35f8b25 Description-en: GSSAPI authentication plugin for MariaDB client This plugin includes support for Kerberos on Unix, but can also be used for Windows authentication with or without domain environment. . This package contains the client parts. Package: mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server Description-md5: 15f0c8ec89caa84121f658521f1d6501 Description-en: GSSAPI authentication plugin for MariaDB server This plugin includes support for Kerberos on Unix, but can also be used for Windows authentication with or without domain environment. . This package contains the server parts. Package: mariadb-plugin-hashicorp-key-management Description-md5: 30625025c83a19b480b33aeb407678d5 Description-en: Hashicorp Key Management plugin for MariaDB This encryption plugin uses Hashicorp Vault for storing encryption keys for MariaDB Data-at-Rest encryption. Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga Description-md5: d9e70a91be9b718328103357cee5e31e Description-en: Mroonga storage engine for MariaDB server Mroonga (formerly named Groonga Storage Engine) is a storage engine that provides fast CJK-ready full text searching using column store. This package contains the Mroonga plugin for MariaDB server. Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph Description-md5: 8c8b3a58b75d0964480d8871a9fc797a Description-en: OQGraph storage engine for MariaDB server The OQGraph engine is a computation engine plugin for handling hierarchies (trees) and graphs (friend-of-a-friend, etc) cleanly through standard SQL. This package contains the OQGraph plugin for MariaDB server. Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-bzip2 Description-md5: c3950d83efdab13503f11af3ad4e2c60 Description-en: BZip2 compression support in the server and storage engines The various MariaDB storage engines, such as InnoDB, RocksDB, Mroonga, can use different compression libraries. . Plugin provides BZip2 ( compression . Note that these affect InnoDB and Mroonga only; RocksDB still uses the compression algorithms from its own library Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-lz4 Description-md5: cf2abaea40b7fa6e7045bc3dbbc6b437 Description-en: LZ4 compression support in the server and storage engines The various MariaDB storage engines, such as InnoDB, RocksDB, Mroonga, can use different compression libraries. . Plugin provides LZ4 ( compression . Note that these affect InnoDB and Mroonga only; RocksDB still uses the compression algorithms from its own library Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-lzma Description-md5: 0e4da2d382b71c76d84e85260d3ba2d1 Description-en: LZMA compression support in the server and storage engines The various MariaDB storage engines, such as InnoDB, RocksDB, Mroonga, can use different compression libraries. . Plugin provides LZMA ( compression . Note that these affect InnoDB and Mroonga only; RocksDB still uses the compression algorithms from its own library Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-lzo Description-md5: 3a16b9262ea33fc1cd2eae2afa074936 Description-en: LZO compression support in the server and storage engines The various MariaDB storage engines, such as InnoDB, RocksDB, Mroonga, can use different compression libraries. . Plugin provides LZO ( compression . Note that these affect InnoDB and Mroonga only; RocksDB still uses the compression algorithms from its own library Package: mariadb-plugin-provider-snappy Description-md5: 482f1c3726111908a9a3375a4fe7489c Description-en: Snappy compression support in the server and storage engines The various MariaDB storage engines, such as InnoDB, RocksDB, Mroonga, can use different compression libraries. . Plugin provides Snappy ( compression . Note that these affect InnoDB and Mroonga only; RocksDB still uses the compression algorithms from its own library Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb Description-md5: 14a224275a38d61680abd3b23173e9bd Description-en: RocksDB storage engine for MariaDB server The RocksDB storage engine is a high performance storage engine, aimed at maximising storage efficiency while maintaining InnoDB-like performance. This package contains the RocksDB plugin for MariaDB server. Package: mariadb-plugin-s3 Description-md5: d88f880c6bea545db8b310745f58eaae Description-en: Amazon S3 archival storage engine for MariaDB The S3 storage engine allows one to archive MariaDB tables in Amazon S3 (or any third-party public or private cloud that implements S3 API), but still have them accessible in MariaDB in read-only mode. Package: mariadb-plugin-spider Description-md5: c1991e166bda227df521586cf7a451f1 Description-en: Spider storage engine for MariaDB server The Spider storage engine with built-in sharding features. It supports partitioning and xa transactions, and allows tables of different MariaDB server instances to be handled as if they were on the same instance. It refers to one possible implementation of ISO/IEC 9075-9:2008 SQL/MED. Package: mariadb-server Description-md5: ae76dbcde4bf3e79b8228e6dad967834 Description-en: MariaDB database server binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the server binaries. Package: mariadb-server-10.5 Description-md5: d9bfd0237ea90b4ff4c14c8028ed10b0 Description-en: MariaDB database server binaries (transitional dummy package) MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package is a transitional dummy package designed to make upgrades from previous MariaDB versions seamless. Package: mariadb-server-core Description-md5: a01f76260dfbedfdfbfcd8ff440b8a4c Description-en: MariaDB database core server files MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the core server files, as used by Akonadi. Package: mariadb-test Description-md5: 88232ad1a9463948e9a1f1d33923b547 Description-en: MariaDB database regression test suite MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the regression test suite. Package: mariadb-test-data Description-md5: 4e2584329df41bfe2241de957d88c44a Description-en: MariaDB database regression test suite - data files MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package has the architecture independent data files for the test suite. Package: mender-cli Description-md5: 03e9d8b5b19c8d9cb68133a8b8af350a Description-en: general-purpose CLI for the Mender backend Mender is an open source over-the-air (OTA) software updater for embedded Linux devices. Mender comprises a client running at the embedded device, as well as a server that manages deployments across many devices. . This package contains a standalone tool that makes it much easier to work with the Mender server management APIs ( . The goal with mender-cli is to simplify integration between the Mender server and cloud services like continuous integration (CI)/build automation. Package: minica Description-md5: 43403a3d993625d80387f70e58081103 Description-en: super micro binary to issue new CAs This is a super micro binary to issue new CAs. This contains nearly nothing else, and does not support revocation, or anything really important. This is just for when you need keys and don't intend to use them for anything big and important. Otherwise, issue things for real. Package: mkcert Description-md5: add76e57ecb5ee9e183265fde18545c5 Description-en: Simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted certificates mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. It requires no configuration. . mkcert automatically creates and installs a local CA in the system root store, and generates locally-trusted certificates. mkcert does not automatically configure servers to use the certificates, though, that's up to you. Package: mmark Description-md5: 338adc3e3046070f45fb6cbf509ad514 Description-en: powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF (program) Mmark is a powerful markdown processor written in Go, geared towards writing IETF documents. It is, however, *also* suited for writing complete books and other technical documentation, like the Learning Go book (, Internet-Draft text output ( and RFCs. . It provides an advanced markdown dialect that processes file(s) to produce internet-drafts in XML RFC 7991 format. Mmark can produce xml2rfc (aforementioned RFC 7991), HTML5 output, and manual pages. . Mmark uses gomarkdown ( which is a fork of blackfriday ( . This package provides the /usr/bin/mmark executable binary and documentation. Package: mockery Description-md5: d7e904d1a7150ca29bbc0cfedd4b43fc Description-en: mock code autogenerator for Golang Mockery provides the ability to easily generate mocks for golang interfaces. It removes the boilerplate coding required to use mocks. Package: mockgen Description-md5: 08aab40ea6e9ecbc214767942f93f3ad Description-en: mocking framework for the Go programming language - mockgen GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. It integrates well with Go's built-in testing package, but can be used in other contexts too. . This package provides the "mockgen" utility. Package: morty Description-md5: b73ad6ce55466f9d958bad385fda3dfa Description-en: Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service Morty Web content sanitizer proxy as a service . Morty rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It also replaces external resource references to prevent third party information leaks. . The main goal of morty is to provide a result proxy for searx, but it can be used as a standalone sanitizer service too. . Features: . - HTML sanitization - Rewrites HTML/CSS external references to locals - JavaScript blocking - No Cookies forwarded - No Referrers - No Caching/Etag - Supports GET/POST forms and IFrames - Optional HMAC URL verifier key to prevent service abuse Package: mpc-ace Description-md5: 2546db1431c5863dac20fce3ca730bdf Description-en: makefile, project, and workspace creator This package contains the Makefile, Project, and Workspace Creator (MPC) as distributed with the ACE toolkit. . MPC generates platform- and compiler-specific files to automate the compilation process. . The following programs are included: * mpc-ace: generates project files for a single target * mwc-ace: generates workspace files for a set of projects Package: mysql-router Description-md5: 68df088e13493c106d4f76a2eb4efc60 Description-en: route connections from MySQL clients to MySQL servers MySQL Router is part of InnoDB cluster, and is lightweight middleware that provides transparent routing between your application and back-end MySQL servers. It can be used for a wide variety of use cases, such as providing high availability and scalability by effectively routing database traffic to appropriate back-end MySQL servers. The pluggable architecture also enables developers to extend MySQL Router for custom use cases. . Since MySQL Router is clustering software and needs to be configured and managed across an entire cluster, packaging cannot manage it for you. This package supplies the binary build only, ready for manual configuration. Package: mysql-source-8.0 Description-md5: 88f58941059fab032315a68e3122ac60 Description-en: MySQL source MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the MySQL source code as configured before building - but after the arch specific configuration. This is currently required for building plugins. Package: mysql-testsuite Description-md5: a37f36627bd4d1ec3a167a2eae840534 Description-en: MySQL regression tests This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of mysql-testsuite (currently mysql-testsuite-8.0), as determined by the MySQL maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL version you want, as this is the one we consider to be in the best shape. Package: mysql-testsuite-8.0 Description-md5: ccc32250aefb33a80993be5dab467ee4 Description-en: MySQL 8.0 testsuite MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and ease of use. . This package includes the MySQL testsuite. Package: nebula Description-md5: b9d0f872d324e8b0018965f8c17c15ed Description-en: performant, scalable network overlay Nebula is a scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security. It is intended to be more robust than current virtual networking solutions by providing peer-to-peer connectivity and NAT traversal mechanisms. Nebula uses state-of-the-art cryptography based on the "Noise" protocol. . This package provide the binaries and default configuration for Nebula. Package: nghttp2 Description-md5: ca84fd3762013e2b3766232f5365fa1f Description-en: server, proxy and client implementing HTTP/2 This package will install a set of programs implementing the HTTP/2 protocol: a standalone server (nghttp2-server), a reverse proxy (nghttp2-proxy) and a client (nghttp2-client). It provides no files on its own and is not necessary for these programs to work. Package: nghttp2-client Description-md5: c9f9eea931674bd2c6a88fff60dc43ef Description-en: client implementing HTTP/2 protocol This is a command line client implementing the HTTP/2 protocol. It gives access to many low-level and advanced aspects of the protocol and therefore is useful for debugging. Package: nghttp2-proxy Description-md5: 8e735de4aa891e6f34f1f0121d726cb0 Description-en: reverse proxy implementing HTTP/2 protocol This is a standalone server implementing the HTTP/2 protocol with HTTP/1.1 fallback for clients that do not support it. It can be used as a frontend in front of web servers that do not support HTTP/2. Package: nghttp2-server Description-md5: 1d388440c4e8648708dbc32d3eda635d Description-en: server implementing HTTP/2 protocol This is a standalone server implementing the HTTP/2 protocol with HTTP/1.1 fallback for clients that do not support it. It can be used to serve files from a local directory. Package: notary Description-md5: e711f233992770c0982664a996c25313 Description-en: tool for running and interacting with trusted collections Notary is a project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data. . The Notary project comprises a server (cmd/notary-server) and a client (cmd/notary) for running and interacting with trusted collections. . Notary aims to make the internet more secure by making it easy for people to publish and verify content. We often rely on TLS to secure our communications with a web server which is inherently flawed, as any compromise of the server enables malicious content to be substituted for the legitimate content. . With Notary, publishers can sign their content offline using keys kept highly secure. Once the publisher is ready to make the content available, they can push their signed trusted collection to a Notary Server. . Consumers, having acquired the publisher's public key through a secure channel, can then communicate with any notary server or (insecure) mirror, relying only on the publisher's key to determine the validity and integrity of the received content. . This package contains the binaries/tools. Package: nova-ajax-console-proxy Description-md5: 571664bc0008e44d5df6784807a6ecf0 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - AJAX console proxy - transitional package OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . This package used to provide the AJAX proxy, which is now gone. Package: nova-api-metadata Description-md5: ae9cd778d7894b1a89d138fe3587a7da Description-en: OpenStack Compute - metadata API frontend OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . This package provides the metadata API backend for guest VMs. Package: nova-api-os-compute Description-md5: 32fe3c17415adfec970c371f4bdff9b6 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - OpenStack Compute API frontend OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . This package provides the OpenStack Compute API frontend. Package: nova-api-os-volume Description-md5: f8cc143de25afd88a62e482808826104 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - OpenStack Volume API frontend OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . This is a dummy transitional package that can be removed after upgrade. Package: nova-cells Description-md5: a630a337cf802c4d29d91c1a6283fac5 Description-en: Openstack Compute - cells OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . This is the Nova cells component. Package: nova-compute-ironic Description-md5: aa367d7b097bfd444b2d66cc349df0b7 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - compute node (Ironic) OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Install this package on your compute nodes if you're using Ironic. Package: nova-compute-qemu Description-md5: 46acbb1c9b077142e1930821f7a05aed Description-en: OpenStack Compute - compute node (QEmu) OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . Install this package on your compute nodes if you're using QEmu. Package: nova-compute-vmware Description-md5: 3246e65f6c94fc6b7eccb5b2f332c4f1 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - compute node (VMware) OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . Install this package on your compute nodes if you're using VMware vCenter. Package: nova-compute-xen Description-md5: 8268c70ad765a6427d184e1c58a4472c Description-en: OpenStack Compute - compute node (Xen) OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . Install this package on your compute nodes if you're using Xen. Package: nova-novncproxy Description-md5: f71a025ccadd58aa7f26e66e99818fa8 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - NoVNC proxy OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . This package provides the VNC proxy. It is a publically reachable component which proxies access to VNCs running on compute nodes. Package: nova-serialproxy Description-md5: a8fd3f5d6ac9bda37bd109530d1cfc96 Description-en: OpenStack Compute - serial proxy OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Nova is intended to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. It supports many different hypervisors (KVM and Xen to name a few), different database backends (SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, for instance), different types of user databases (LDAP or SQL), etc. . This package provides the serial proxy. It is a publically reachable component which proxies access to qemu-space running on compute nodes Package: nscd Description-md5: e8172254ec0df735a3e44c0f557100bc Description-en: GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon A daemon which handles passwd, group and host lookups for running programs and caches the results for the next query. You should install this package only if you use slow services like LDAP, NIS or NIS+. Package: obfs4proxy Description-md5: fa2d91d7e21407c55f950a3b9437add6 Description-en: pluggable transport proxy for Tor, implementing obfs4 obfs4proxy is a tool that attempts to circumvent censorship by transforming the Tor traffic between the client and the bridge. This way censors, who usually monitor traffic between the client and the bridge, will see innocent-looking transformed traffic instead of the actual Tor traffic. . obfs4proxy implements the obfuscation protocols obfs2, obfs3, and obfs4. . It is written in Go and is compliant with the Tor pluggable transports specification, and its modular architecture allows it to support multiple pluggable transports. . This package contains both the client and the bridge in a single program. Package: obs-cli Description-md5: 576c9fa759c490ba81f9b15b2b74a289 Description-en: command-line remote control for OBS Studio OBS-cli is a command-line remote control for Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio. It requires the obs-websocket plugin to be installed on your system. . obs-cli supports following commands: * label countdown/text * recording start/status/stop/toggle * scene switch * sceneitem center/hide/list/show/toggle * source list/toggle-mute * stream start/status/stop/toggle Package: openjdk-8-dbg Description-md5: 62cbbd2d3e6bc94279f18db4f735142b Description-en: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the debugging symbols. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-demo Description-md5: c2a5624aa60e4de3025a249886fa82d7 Description-en: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) OpenJDK Java runtime . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-doc Description-md5: c1aebd5e8058a6cce0d5690571eddb7b Description-en: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) documentation OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the API documentation. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jdk Description-md5: 675290db0de49757986666504c33f9b2 Description-en: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This binary package extends the headless JDK with GUI-specific utilities, libraries and, as necessary, package dependencies. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jdk-headless Description-md5: 8728353da59d7b1608e908f191d9b820 Description-en: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This binary package contains almost the full JDK, except for some tools (appletviewer, jconsole) and headers (jawt) that make sense only in GUI environments. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jre Description-md5: adca808a02a80aed4051cc95b7fe5f37 Description-en: OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot JIT. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jre-headless Description-md5: 20eb08d56f9496cba7ae5bc1fc762f93 Description-en: OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless) Minimal Java runtime - needed for executing non GUI Java programs, using Hotspot JIT. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jre-zero Description-md5: c714861c802c9808def07d5329c6ed78 Description-en: Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero The package provides an alternative runtime using the Zero VM. Built on architectures in addition to the Hotspot VM as a debugging aid for those architectures which don't have a Hotspot VM. . The VM is started with the option `-zero'. See the README.Debian for details. Package: openjdk-8-source Description-md5: 328263bb6fbf81f04f5d459d67244ea0 Description-en: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . This package contains the Java programming language source files ( for all classes that make up the Java core API. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openssh-tests Description-md5: bb7db5bf0b75d064182f67ac05d849c9 Description-en: OpenSSH regression tests This package provides OpenSSH's regression test suite. It is mainly intended for use with the autopkgtest system, though can also be run directly using /usr/lib/openssh/regress/run-tests. Package: php8.3-bcmath Description-md5: 8f9f425714b203a9b7d1f3678f64c107 Description-en: Bcmath module for PHP This package provides the Bcmath module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-bz2 Description-md5: 6221ff838ed81a370f3420140a1ccf42 Description-en: bzip2 module for PHP This package provides the bzip2 module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-dba Description-md5: a1c9cd8c67d752f4aaf0ba88ecb360df Description-en: DBA module for PHP This package provides the DBA module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-enchant Description-md5: 687582edca33aa141d3f62c1294fcb07 Description-en: Enchant module for PHP This package provides the Enchant module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-fpm Description-md5: 90ab369d6f70e2962e63454ab0a372f6 Description-en: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) This package provides the Fast Process Manager interpreter that runs as a daemon and receives Fast/CGI requests. Note that MOST Apache users probably want the libapache2-mod-php8.3 package. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash json libxml openssl pcre random Reflection session sodium SPL standard zlib. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-imap Description-md5: 73ce2e5dbb1377bc41524b600892883b Description-en: IMAP module for PHP This package provides the IMAP module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-interbase Description-md5: 40c18d15eeba50ef5700d72e1e45d586 Description-en: Interbase module for PHP This package provides the Interbase module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-intl Description-md5: 576352b0c1559ceb07b3161367c69f39 Description-en: Internationalisation module for PHP This package provides the Internationalisation module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-phpdbg Description-md5: 67c6305a8de98639c145ce896becb6da Description-en: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) This package provides the /usr/bin/phpdbg command interpreter, useful for stepthrough debugging of PHP code. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash json libxml openssl pcntl pcre random Reflection session sodium SPL standard zlib. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-soap Description-md5: 8ca6ca2ae4fbc6127f6522e73f05005a Description-en: SOAP module for PHP This package provides the SOAP module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-sybase Description-md5: c5f3c0b4521b40ee671df4ab3452df1d Description-en: Sybase module for PHP This package provides the Sybase module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: php8.3-xsl Description-md5: 93c8fc5e2935346a001f328e898c3cff Description-en: XSL module for PHP (dummy) This package is a transitional dummy package and can be safely removed. Package: php8.3-zip Description-md5: e148c478613188b645a0ec42c87f0518 Description-en: Zip module for PHP This package provides the Zip module(s) for PHP. . PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Package: plasma-workspace Description-md5: c9eeac7a3197ce102b9f182a0d0ac537 Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Package: plasma-workspace-data Description-md5: c4cf4a5759b6bdfffe70dba0f85bb1cd Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 - data files Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . This contains the data files for the Plasma workspace. Package: plasma-workspace-dev Description-md5: 734199d7564073487b8e8744bc62b71a Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 devel files Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . This package contains the development files. Package: plasma-workspace-wayland Description-md5: e6185a098bd97f536a993b1b264f0249 Description-en: Plasma Workspace for KF5 - Wayland integration Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . This package contains the Wayland session. Package: postgresql-server-dev-16 Description-md5: b9e02b587bceefc788c1c12d54570ddd Description-en: development files for PostgreSQL 16 server-side programming Header files for compiling SSI code to link into PostgreSQL's backend; for example, for C functions to be called from SQL. . This package also contains the Makefiles necessary for building add-on modules of PostgreSQL, which would otherwise have to be built in the PostgreSQL source-code tree. . PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system. Package: python-jinja2-doc Description-md5: e5fe357cd6b91f10c8ecccac668a8672 Description-en: documentation for the Jinja2 Python library Jinja2 is a small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine . This package contains the documentation for Jinja2 in HTML and reStructuredText formats. Package: python3-access2base Description-md5: 62049593c5d96b74959809148594af38 Description-en: interface between Python and the LibreOffice Access2Base library Access2Base is a LibreOffice/OpenOffice Basic library of macros for (business or personal) application developers and advanced users. . Their syntax and their meaning are directly inspired by MSAccess. The macros are callable from - a LibreOffice / OpenOffice Base application, - any LibreOffice / OpenOffice document wanting to access data stored in databases. . This package contains an interface between Python (user) scripts and Access2Base. Package: python3-libipa-hbac Description-md5: 212cdd41ce04657029030f82f6a07c23 Description-en: Python3 bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library The libipa_hbac-python contains the bindings so that libipa_hbac can be used by Python applications. . This package installs the library for Python 3. Package: python3-libsss-nss-idmap Description-md5: 9dc7d17bee37f7358268401ea7fe5b96 Description-en: Python3 bindings for the SID lookups library This package contains the bindings for libnss_sss_idmap to be used by Python applications. . This package installs the library for Python 3. Package: python3-pil.imagetk Description-md5: ea3aa1a359c8f5a637ed1b909420a7d4 Description-en: Python Imaging Library - ImageTk Module (Python3) Tk dependent python-pil module. Package: python3-scriptforge Description-md5: 97e0d75f97d05ddf0ead3ba75f99a8fb Description-en: interface between Python and the LibreOffice ScriptForge library ScriptForge libraries build up an extensible collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from Basic macros or Python scripts. . This package contains the public scriptforge python library. Package: python3-unbound Description-md5: af30f925fc4c43d06de34592670b36e8 Description-en: library implementing DNS resolution and validation (Python3 bindings) Python3 extension module for libunbound. . libunbound performs and validates DNS lookups; it can be used to convert hostnames to IP addresses and back and obtain other information from the DNS. Cryptographic validation of results is performed with DNSSEC. Package: rust-1.76-all Description-md5: 90140e39ec4bd9741a36b3f6d4c6d053 Description-en: Rust systems programming language - all developer tools Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package is an empty metapackage that depends on all developer tools in the standard rustc distribution that have been packaged for Debian. Package: rust-1.76-clippy Description-md5: bb70ecb7b097f53232194f2241ad606e Description-en: Rust linter Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains 'clippy', a linter to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code as well a collection of over 400 compatible lints. . Lints are divided into categories, each with a default lint level. You can choose how much Clippy is supposed to annoy help you by changing the lint level by category. . Clippy is integrated into the 'cargo' build tool, available via 'cargo clippy'. Package: rust-1.76-doc Description-md5: c9fc696f11bdef73526bdf4340964294 Description-en: Rust systems programming language - Documentation Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains the Rust tutorial, language reference and standard library documentation. Package: rust-1.76-gdb Description-md5: 1afbf06d9ee3b7b85a98c81c15ed3109 Description-en: Rust debugger (gdb) Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains pretty printers and a wrapper script for invoking gdb on rust binaries. Package: rust-1.76-lldb Description-md5: 4da7dd4330a7b317624f536076fd1b69 Description-en: Rust debugger (lldb) Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains pretty printers and a wrapper script for invoking lldb on rust binaries. Package: rust-1.76-src Description-md5: 7c8d03ba583d96a9cc7a0dc63f208a52 Description-en: Rust systems programming language - source code Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains sources of the Rust compiler and standard libraries, useful for IDEs and code analysis tools such as Racer. Package: rustc-1.76 Description-md5: 67ca6080eea53dc7f3cdf73bc6b8521e Description-en: Rust systems programming language Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. Package: rustfmt-1.76 Description-md5: 3ad3031d946444f1737bc02666f33a91 Description-en: Rust formatting helper Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency. . It supports a mixture of imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object-oriented and pure functional styles. Rust also supports generic programming and meta-programming, in both static and dynamic styles. . This package contains 'rustfmt', a tool for formatting Rust code according to style guidelines, as well as 'cargo-fmt', a helper enabling running rustfmt directly with 'cargo fmt'. Package: sddm-theme-breeze Description-md5: fa4d30497603bc22192f0fb33827bf09 Description-en: Breeze SDDM theme Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. Taskmanager library. . This package contains the files for the breeze SDDM theme. Package: sqlformat Description-md5: f2cb2e72112fd06ed30d9dad2fc0081d Description-en: SQL formatting utility The sqlformat command-line tool can be used to reformat SQL file according to specified options or prepare a snippet in some programming language (only Python and PHP currently supported). Package: ssh-askpass-gnome Description-md5: e888e7e8e5a6ee7b30f000dc22ed083f Description-en: interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add This has been split out of the main openssh-client package so that openssh-client does not need to depend on GTK+. . You probably want the ssh-askpass package instead, but this is provided to add to your choice and/or confusion. Package: sssd-idp Description-md5: 85e1e169064e36070dddc5507d091974 Description-en: System Security Services Daemon -- Kerberos plugins for external id providers Provides Kerberos plugins that are required to enable authentication against external identity providers. Package: sssd-kcm Description-md5: 33bacd6e1ef4d2c4e5af5b7e63fc778f Description-en: System Security Services Daemon -- Kerberos KCM server implementation Provides an implementation of a Kerberos KCM server. Use this package if you want to use the KCM: Kerberos credentials cache. Package: sssd-passkey Description-md5: e74d74f3e771b76f41f636748a8f6eaf Description-en: System Security Services Daemon -- passkey helpers and plugins Provides the helper processes and Kerberos plugins that are required to enable authentication with a passkey token. Package: truststore Description-md5: 530370b66efb927bf7ddbcf4708cab0f Description-en: Go application for local installation of development certificates Go Report Card: . Based on Package: unbound Description-md5: fbeecad8349f6b3042087b256bc69b68 Description-en: validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver Unbound is a recursive-only caching DNS server which can perform DNSSEC validation of results. It implements only a minimal amount of authoritative service to prevent leakage to the root nameservers: forward lookups for localhost, reverse for and ::1, and NXDOMAIN for zones served by AS112. Stub and forward zones are supported. . This package contains the unbound daemon. Package: unbound-anchor Description-md5: f49fb3435120bde9cd4af959aeac719c Description-en: utility to securely fetch the root DNS trust anchor unbound-anchor is a utility which securely fetches or updates the root DNS zone trust anchor. A copy of the current root anchor and root update certificate is embedded in unbound-anchor. RFC 5011 trust anchor tracking is performed, with fallback to an SSL fetch if this fails. Package: unbound-host Description-md5: 287e113772f55d3575bb8577560cb3eb Description-en: reimplementation of the 'host' command This package provides the 'unbound-host' program that is bundled with the Unbound domain name server. This version differs from the one provided in the package called host, which is from NIKHEF, and bind9-host, which is from ISC, and has a similar but different set of features and options. Package: unixodbc Description-md5: c4c9c0f96d11d7fc6b79cd43715167b8 Description-en: Basic ODBC tools UnixODBC is an implementation of the Open Database Connectivity standard, a database abstraction layer that allows applications to be used with many different relational databases by way of a single library. . This package contains isql and iusql, command-line tools that allow SQL commands to be entered interactively or in batches. Package: vpx-tools Description-md5: 41cd6c10fc838ed5f4e38bb18b5f43df Description-en: VP8 and VP9 video codec encoding/decoding tools VP8 and VP9 are open video codecs, originally developed by On2 and released as open source by Google Inc. They are the successor of the VP3 codec, on which the Theora codec was based. . This package contains the commandline tools vpxdec and vpxenc. Package: webkit2gtk-driver Description-md5: 088bf78d76ece6d47a2cd75d9dee0fbe Description-en: WebKitGTK WebDriver support WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . WebKitGTK is a WebKit port designed to be used in GTK applications. . This package provides the WebDriver service implementation for WebKitGTK. Package: winpr3-utils Description-md5: 5ad5407ece20a3e087a48f65ab4e7aec Description-en: Windows Portable Runtime library command line utilities WinPR is a spin-off project of FreeRDP which aims at providing a portable implementation of important portions of the Windows API. Just like FreeRDP, WinPR is released under the Apache license. Unlike Wine, WinPR does not provide binary compatibility, and does not require applications to be built for Windows. Instead, WinPR provides API compatibility for applications targeting non-Windows environments. When on Windows, the original native API is being used instead of the equivalent WinPR implementation, without having to modify the code using it. . This package contains WinPR command line utils (winpr-hash, winpr-makecert). Package: openjdk-8-jre Description-md5: d8844993602e4875dfbd87983091c18c Description-en: OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot Zero Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project. Package: openjdk-8-jre-headless Description-md5: 501cffbd670429c46b6c73ca3974ed93 Description-en: OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot Zero (headless) Minimal Java runtime - needed for executing non GUI Java programs, using Hotspot Zero. . The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.