Title: nodejs.tcz Description: nodejs Version: 0.10.0 Author: Ryan Lienhart Dahl Original-site: http://www.nodejs.org/ Copying-policy: MIT License Size: 4.5M Extension_by: slamet, solorin, sihorton Tags: development interpreted internet server javascript js ecmascript Comments: npm works out of the box for javascript modules. for native modules npm needs a c++ build environment so install make.tcz and compiletc.tcz if npm complains of a missing lib while building a particular native module then search for the missing lib in the app browser, so for example libexpat can be found by searching for expat and then installing expat2.tcz, v0.10 is a new branch so it may take time for all c++ extensions to build correctly. Change-log: 2013/03/12 v0.10.0 Current: 2013/03/12 v0.10.0