Title: dropbear.scm Description: Small SSH client and server Version: 2012.55 Author: Matt Johnston Original-site: http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html Copying-policy: MIT Size: 209KB Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Small SSH client server Comments: The dropbear package as found in TC 2.8rc1 and earlier. To start the server: /apps/dropbear/etc/init.d/dropbear start Contains: dropbear - 2012.55 ---- Uses the same PID file as dropbear.tcz when run as a server - /var/run/dropbear.pid - so if one is running the other won't start and collide with it. Change-log: ---- Current: 2012/07/13 First version 2012.55