== Noteworthy SL Changes Since Last Release of SL 7 == NOTE: This section documents changes made to SL specific packages since the last SL release. + This section does not list changes inherited from Upstream unless absolutely necessary. With SL 7.2, yum-conf files pointing to non-base SL (such as EPEL, ELRepo, SL-Extras, SL-SoftwareCollections, ZFS) have moved to a central location. Since these repos are not specific to individual releases of SL, the separate location will allow for easier adding and removing of these resources for any SL7 system. To load a resource, such as EPEL: `yum install yum-conf-repos` followed by `yum install yum-conf-epel`. With SL 7.2 OpenAFS has been updated to version 1.6.16 the latest upstream stable. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: