#!/bin/sh # Backup all files under home directory to a single # floppy # Display message with option to cancel dialog --title "Backup" --msgbox "Time for backup \ of home directory. \ Insert formatted 3-1/2\" floppy and press \ to start backup or \ to cancel." 10 50 # Return status of non-zero indicates cancel if [ "$?" != "0" ] then dialog --title "Backup" --msgbox "Backup was \ canceled at your request." 10 50 else dialog --title "Backup" --infobox "Backup in \ process..." 10 50 cd ~ # Backup using tar; redirect any errors to a # temporary file # For multi-disk support, you can use the # -M option to tar tar -czf /dev/fd1 . >|/tmp/ERRORS$$ 2>&1 # zero status indicates backup was successful if [ "$?" = "0" ] then dialog --title "Backup" --msgbox "Backup \ completed successfully." 10 50 # Mark script with current date and time touch ~/.backup else # Backup failed, display error log dialog --title "Backup" --msgbox "Backup failed \ -- Press to see error log." 10 50 dialog --title "Error Log" --textbox /tmp/ERRORS$$ 22 72 fi fi rm -f /tmp/ERRORS$$ clear