What is GNOME-COMPAT? gnome-compat is an effort to provide low-to-midlevel GNOME compatibility for programs which use libraries from GNOME, without having a full installation of GNOME. Compatibility is scaled according to your needs. Some programs may need only libgnome, though this is not likely. Usually, libgnomeui and libgnomeprint will also be needed. So, we divide minimal compatibility into 3 basic levels, reaching libgnome at Milestone 1. Milestone 2 includes libraries up to libgnoeprintui. Milestone 3 provides compatibility for gtkhtml. Some of the required libraries are still included in Slackware versions after 10.1. Note that as with version 10.2 of Slackware, you can only build GNOME-2.10 or less. GNOME-2.12 requires a later version of GLIB2 than what's available in Slackware-10.2. Runtime Requirements: Assuming that you may not have a full installation of Slackware, I'll mention most of what you need to run GNOME-COMPAT. glib-1.2 gtk-1.2 GTK2 GLIB2 gdk-pixbuf libxml2 libxslt libglade libart_lgpl glib-2 libidl atk pango audiofile esound All the above is available in standard Slackware packages and works for running or compiling GNOME-COMPAT. Some common extras that you might need for some programs include: oaf (this is not often needed- mostly for older programs) libole2 fribidi libgtop libgpg-error libcrypt libgsf librsvg libwnck libsoup fam. avahi, dbus and HAL for gnome-vfs GNOME-COMPAT: ------------ Milestone 1: ORBit2-2.12.2 GConf-2.10.1 libbonobo-2.10.0 gnome-mime-data-2.4.2 gnome-vfs-2.10.1 libgnome-2.10.1 ------------ Milestone 2: libgnomecanvas-2.10.2 libgnomecups-0.2.2 libgnomeprint-2.10.3 libbonoboui-2.10.1 hicolor-icon-theme-0.5 gnome-icon-theme-2.10.1 gnome-keyring-0.4.0 libgnomeui-2.10.1 libgnomeprintui-2.10.2 ------------ Milestone 3: gtk-engines-2.6.3 gnome-themes-2.10.2 gail-1.8.4 libgtkhtml-2.6.3 gtkhtml-3.5.7 Slackware-type packages are available for all the above programs from http://amigolinux.org They should work on any Slackware version 10.1 and later, perhaps even on 10.0. If you have trouble, let me know or rebuild them from source for your system. Depending on which programs you are trying to run, it's possible that you could do without the gconf, gnome-mime-data and gnome-keyring packages, though they must be installed for compiling some packages that follow them in the list. Roll Your Own: Sources are very easily compiled with the provided PkgBuild scripts, if you have Amigo PkgBuild installed. If not, they still will tell you all you need to know to configure and compile the packages. The main thing to watch for is that the pkgconfig .pc files get installed and that some packages need sysconfdir or localstatedir to be specified -most use /var/lib for the latter, but others just use /var, so watch out! The other thing is to be sure and follow the build order and install each package as you go. Perhaps more likely, you'll find some program that needs something that's not in the list. Please inform me, if so. I plan to work on getting HAL and dbus included and I may try to reach another level as outlined above. Of course, there are many other programs that could be included without any more requirements. But there are around 120 packages for each version in the GNOME tree to sort through. Adding any one of them could require several others. The next step past here would provide compatibility for real GNOME programs such as gnome-utils, gnome-desktop or gnome panel. I haven't worked on this alot as there are other projects which provide fuller implementations of GNOME. However, trying shows this: trying gnome-utils asks for gnome-desktop trying gnome-desktop asks for scrollkeeper trying scrollkeeper asks for docbook DTD an so on... All comments, suggestions and criticisms should be hurled this way: amigo@ibiblio.org But, please put GNOME-COMPAT in the subject line of your e-mail, so I can see it. I'm also on the Amigo Linux and Slackware forums at linuxquestions.org as 'gnashley'