======================================== NEWS: glib-2.17.2 ======================================== Overview of Changes from GLib 2.17.0 to GLib 2.17.1 =================================================== * New function: g_utime(), a gstdio wrapper for utime() * New functions: g_dgettext() and g_dngettext(), wrappers for corresponding gettext functions with added functionaliy * Support the latest version of the shared-mime spec, including icons for mime types * New function: g_themed_icon_prepend_name() * Bugs fixed: 535418 Please document which glib version defines goffset 528715 Misprint in the description of the interface g_type_class_add_private 528714 Misprint in the description of the interface g_param_spec_flags 537260 Doc bug in G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS() 530527 Misprint in the description of the interface g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS 530526 Misprint in the description of the fields 'class_init' and 'class_finalize' of the structure GTypeInfo 528719 Improvement to the documentation of the "g_object_connect" interface 528172 gtk_signal_handlers_unblock_* functions return value amount of matched signals, not amount of actually unblocked 528717 Misprint in the description of the parameter 'type_id' for the interface g_type_register_fundamental 528716 Misprint in the description of the parameter 'iface_data' for the callback types GInterfaceInitFunc and GInterfaceFinalizeFunc 537555 GObject instantiation not thread safe 537546 'desktop' shortcut in file chooser looks like a generic folder 537392 Additional colon in xattr name 536641 Filesystem querying in gio does not list AFS and autofs file systems 528600 g_dummy_file_get_parent("scheme://example.com/") 503071 Application direction changes to right to left even if theres no translation 502511 g_assert_cmphex prints invalid message 338162 Use po/LINGUAS 314453 Nautilus crashes in Solaris when browsing the attached file 529321 make check fails in glib/pcre 455215 g_get_user_special_dir: no reference about G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD fallback to $HOME/Desktop if xdg-user-dirs is not in use 498732 g_key_file_to_data cannot fail 511367 add g_file_make_directory_with_parents 531900 Use __builtin_offsetof for G_STRUCT_OFFSET if building with gcc 4.0 or newer 536158 also bump GHashTable version when a node is removed via g_hash_table_iter_remove()/g_hash_table_iter_steal() 531403 g_utf8_collate broken on Mac 535628 test/patterntest.c still includes gpattern.h directly 535625 alias.h:2648: error: 'utime' undeclared here (not in a function) * Translation updates: Arabic (ar) German (de) Italian (it) Norwegian bokmål (nb) Thai (th) ======================================== NEWS: gtk+-2.13.3 ======================================== Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.13.2 to 2.13.3 ============================================== * Support runtime font configuration changes * Use GIO for mime information * Use GIO directly for the file chooser, do not load filesystem implementation modules. This change causes some regressions on Win32, which will be addressed by improved Win32 support in GIO. * GTK+ no longer uses translations when the application is not translated to the current locale * Bugs fixed: 520874 Should use gio directly 536185 monitor font configuration 536757 openoffice.org menus are placed at wrong position 536990 updateiconcache.c: 'close ()' is redundant 535608 do not string-copy accel paths in the menu code 488119 critical warnings from gtk_tree_view_get_visible_range 536730 memory corruption in gtktreeview 131920 gtkNotebook sends incorrect switch_page value 526987 GtkCellRendererCombo should allow model to be NULL 536765 GtkComboBox should set COMBO type hint for its menu 503071 Application direction changes to right to left even if... 517706 Connecting GtkButton with "use-stock" == FALSE to a... 519092 Add accessibility support to GtkVolumeButton 524222 GtkToolbar with mix of buttons with and without icons... 537985 gtk_init_with_args() doesn't open a display after... 531960 crash in eog-image.c:1154: (priv->image != NULL) 408154 Change GtkEntryCompletion max-items to style property... 506853 gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_[source|dest] problem 536430 Libs and Cflags paths in gail-uninstalled.pc.in are out o... 537685 print to file crashes when the target can not be written * Updated translations: Arabic (ar) Czech (cs) Estonian (et) Hebrew (he) Norwegian bokmål (nb) Thai (th) ======================================== NEWS: libbonobo-2.23.0 ======================================== libbonobo 2.23.0 * Use D-BUS to start and exit when the session ends. * Build fixes. ======================================== NEWS: libbonoboui-2.23.4 ======================================== libbonoboui 2.23.4 * Only include / in public libbonoboui headers (#535475) * Add support for Super/Hyper/Meta in keybindings (#525626) * Translation updates. ======================================== UPDATED: libgnome-2.23.4 ======================================== libgnome was updated without a NEWS entry. ======================================== NEWS: libgnomeui-2.23.4 ======================================== libgnomeui 2.23.4 * Remove the filechooser backends (#538025) ======================================== NEWS: pango-1.21.3 ======================================== Overview of changes between 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 ============================================== - Various small fixes and improvements - Bugs fixed in this release: Bug 538661 – Improve pango_cairo_context_update_context() Bug 536190 – Make pango_fc_font_map_clear_cache() public? Bug 537258 – Add a pango_language_to_string() function Bug 537257 – pango_language_from_string(NULL) not happy Bug 537186 – Make PangoFcFont pattern property readable